Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >How to implement WeChat sending friends to share to Moments and Weibo based on js_javascript skills
WeChat browser has built-in JavaScript private object WeixinJSBridge, which can realize functions such as sending to friends, sharing to Moments, and sharing to Weibo.
<script> var imgUrl = "图片地址"; var lineLink = "当前网址"; var descContent = "描述"; var shareTitle = '标题'; var appid = ''; function shareFriend() { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('sendAppMessage',{ "appid": appid, "img_url": imgUrl, "img_width": "200", "img_height": "200", "link": lineLink, "desc": descContent, "title": shareTitle }, function(res) { //_report('send_msg', res.err_msg); }) } function shareTimeline() { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareTimeline',{ "img_url": imgUrl, "img_width": "200", "img_height": "200", "link": lineLink, "desc": descContent, "title": shareTitle }, function(res) { //_report('timeline', res.err_msg); }); } function shareWeibo() { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareWeibo',{ "content": descContent, "url": lineLink, }, function(res) { //_report('weibo', res.err_msg); }); } // 当微信内置浏览器完成内部初始化后会触发WeixinJSBridgeReady事件。 document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', function onBridgeReady() { // 发送给好友 WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:appmessage', function(argv){ shareFriend(); }); // 分享到朋友圈 WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:timeline', function(argv){ shareTimeline(); }); // 分享到微博 WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:weibo', function(argv){ shareWeibo(); }); }, false); </script>
Add Share to Moments, Follow WeChat and other buttons on the front-end web page of the WeChat public platform
The WeChat public platform has begun to support front-end web pages. You may see that many web pages have buttons such as Share to Moments and Follow WeChat. Clicking on them will pop up a window for you to share and follow. How is this achieved? Today I will explain to you how to add share to Moments, follow WeChat ID and other buttons on the front-end web page of the WeChat public platform.
WeChat embedded browser
By remotely debugging WeChat’s own webpage on iPhone through Mac, we can find that WeChat’s embedded browser defines a private JavaScript object: WeixinJSBridge. By operating the relevant methods of this object, we can share it with WeChat Moments and judge a WeChat friend. The attention status of the signal and the realization of functions such as following the designated WeChat account.
Share to Moments
function weixinShareTimeline(title,desc,link,imgUrl){ WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareTimeline',{ "img_url":imgUrl, //"img_width":"640", //"img_height":"640", "link":link, "desc": desc, "title":title }); }
Send to friends
function weixinSendAppMessage(title,desc,link,imgUrl){ WeixinJSBridge.invoke('sendAppMessage',{ //"appid":appId, "img_url":imgUrl, //"img_width":"640", //"img_height":"640", "link":link, "desc":desc, "title":title }); }
Share to Tencent Weibo
function weixinShareWeibo(title,link){ WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareWeibo',{ "content":title + link, "url":link }); }
Follow the designated WeChat ID
function weixinAddContact(name){ WeixinJSBridge.invoke("addContact", {webtype: "1",username: name}, function(e) { WeixinJSBridge.log(e.err_msg); //e.err_msg:add_contact:added 已经添加 //e.err_msg:add_contact:cancel 取消添加 //e.err_msg:add_contact:ok 添加成功 if(e.err_msg == 'add_contact:added' || e.err_msg == 'add_contact:ok'){ //关注成功,或者已经关注过 } }) }