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Example of python exporting data to excel

2018-05-03 11:54:079523browse

This article mainly introduces the example of exporting data to excel in python. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.

This article is under the django framework. To write and obtain data from the database, django-orm

is used to export data to excel using python. It is so simple! (Ordinary excel format)

Install xlwt


pip install xlwt

Write py file

from xlwt import *
import StringIO
from apps.song.models import Song
def excel_ktvsong(request):


  _id = request.GET.get('id', 0)

  list_obj = Song.objects.filter(is_delete__exact=False)
 # django orm  
  if list_obj:
 # 创建工作薄

    ws = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

    w = ws.add_sheet(u"歌曲列表")

    w.write(0, 0, u"歌曲名称")

    w.write(0, 1, u"歌手")

    # 写入数据

    excel_row = 1

    for obj in list_obj:

      data_song = obj.song

      data_singer_name = obj.singer_name

      w.write(excel_row, 0, data_song)

      w.write(excel_row, 1, data_singer_name)

      excel_row += 1

    sio = StringIO.StringIO()



    response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(),     

    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=%s.xls' % time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')


    return response


    return HttpResponse("无数据")

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