Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >$PHP_THREE
This article introduces $PHP_THREE. The content is quite good. Friends in need can refer to it. Let’s take a look together
1. Set the default encoding character set
Path: Settings- >Editor->File Encodings
2. Display line number
Path: Editor->General->Appearance
3.Copyright information
/** * COPYRIGHT (C) ${YEAR} BY ${user} SOFTWARE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * @author:${user} * @date:${YEAR}/${MONTH}/${DAY} * @since:1.0 * @description: */
4.Add PHP interpreter
Try to run the current PHP file. If the php interpreter is not added, it will prompt "interpreter is not specified or invalid" ", at this point, click Fix to add the php interpreter (php.exe).
Ctrl j: Automatic code completion
Ctrl d: Copy the current Line
Shift 2: Quickly locate errors
Alt 1: Pop up file list
Ctrl g: Jump to the specified line
F4: Find the source of the variable
Ctrl y: Delete the current line
step into [F7]: single-step execution, enter when encountering a sub-function and continue single-step execution (in short, enter the sub-function );
step over [F8]: During single-step execution, when a sub-function is encountered within a function, it will not enter the sub-function for single-step execution. Instead, the entire sub-function will be executed. Stop after execution, that is, treat the entire sub-function as one step. One thing, after our simple debugging, the effect is the same as step into when there is no sub-function (in short, the sub-function is skipped, but the sub-function will be executed).
step out: When single-stepping into a sub-function, use step out to execute the remaining part of the sub-function and return to the previous function.
run to cursor Jump to the cursor position
The cookie information will be saved in the form of a string
The user opens a browser, clicks on multiple hyperlinks, accesses multiple web resources on the server, and then closes the browser. The entire process is called a session.
During a session, users will generate some data, such as shopping carts. When each user views the shopping cart, he will see that he has selected products, how is this achieved?
Why can some video websites save the record of the last time you watched?
How to save users How to save the last browsed information for a certain period of time without having to log in repeatedly?
<?php //演示如何创建cookie信息 //把用户名和密码保存到客户端的cookie //1:key;2:value;3:interval(秒) setcookie("name", "hoki", time() + 10);//当前时间+10秒 echo "保存成功";?>
If you don’t add the third parameters, the cookie will not be saved to the client. When the browser session ends, our cookie will be invalid
Cookie can only save strings
echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; print_r($_COOKIE); echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; //获取指定的key对应的值 if(!empty($_COOKIE['name'])){ echo $_COOKIE['name']; return; } echo "cookie失效了";?>
If the cookie validity time expires, it cannot be taken out;
The cookie is transmitted to the server through the http protocol;
The client can save multiple key-value pairs;
The cookie can also save Chinese, and the Chinese will be urlencoded by default;
Cookies can specify different validity times for different key-value pairs
means resetting cookies. Just like creating a cookie
To delete a cookie, you need to ensure that its expiration date is in the past before triggering the browser's deletion mechanism
Delete a specified key-value pair
<?php //如果要删除某个键,只需要把time()-秒数即可 setcookie("name","",time()-200); echo "删除name键成功";?>
Delete all key-value pairs
<?php //遍历删除 foreach($_COOKIE as $key=>$val){ setcookie("$key","",time()-200); } echo "删除所有的键值对成功";?>
If the cookie you want to delete has not been deleted, the cookie will still be retained on the client; if you delete all cookies on this website If all are deleted, the browser will delete the entire file.
Cookies can be md5 encrypted
setcookie("name", md5("hoki"), time() + 10);
How to implement after logging in to a website Can the user name be viewed on any web page?
graph LR浏览器-->|将数据保存到session文件中|session01.phpsession01.php-->|写入|session文件浏览器-->|取出该浏览器保存的session数据|session02.phpsession02.php-->|读取|session文件
The database is more complicated to implement
Cookies need to transmit data over the network, which has problems with insecurity and excessive data volume
Saved data format : name|s:8:”hoki”;
- name: key
- s: Data Type
- 8: Data Size(Byte)
<?php echo "<br>--演示如何保存session数据?--<br>"; //1. 初始化session session_start();//可通过手册获取(函数扩展->Session扩展->Session函数) //2. 保存数据 $_SESSION['name']="hoki"; //3. session文件可以保存double,integer,bool,array,object等类型 $_SESSION['age']=100;//integer $_SESSION['isBoy']=true;//bool //save array $arr=array("hoki","lin","handsome"); $_SESSION['arr']=$arr; //save object class Cat{ private $name; private $age; private $intro; function __construct($name,$age,$intro){ $this->name = $name; $this->age = $age; $this->intro = $intro; } public function getName(){ return $this->name; } public function getAge(){ return $this->age; } public function getIntro(){ return $this->intro; } } $cat = new Cat("猫","2","well"); $_SESSION['cat'] = $cat; echo "保存成功";?>
<?php echo "<br/>获取session数据<br/>"; session_start(); //1. 获取所有session echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; print_r($_SESSION); echo ""; //2. 通过key来指定获取某个值 echo "名字是:".$_SESSION[name]; $arr = $_SESSION['arr']; echo "
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['name'] = "小明"; echo "更新成功";?>
<?php session_start(); //1. 删除某一个键值对 unset($_SESSION['name']); //2. 删除所有键值对,相当于把当前这个浏览器对应的session文件删除 session_destroy(); echo "删除session数据成功";?>
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 秒
<?php //购物界面 echo "<h1>欢迎购买</h1>"; echo "<a href='ShopProcess.php?bookid=sn001&bookname=三国演义'>三国演义</a><br/>"; echo "<a href='ShopProcess.php?bookid=sn002&bookname=红楼梦'>红楼梦</a><br/>"; echo "<a href='ShopProcess.php?bookid=sn003&bookname=水浒传'>水浒传</a><br/>"; echo "<a href='ShopProcess.php?bookid=sn004&bookname=西游记'>西游记</a><br/>"; echo "<hr/>"; echo "<a href='ShowCart.php'>查看已购商品列表</a>"?>
<?php //接收用户购买请求并把书存到session中 $bookid = $_GET['bookid']; $bookname = $_GET['bookname']; //保存到session中 session_start(); $_SESSION[$bookid] = $bookname; echo "<br/>购买商品成功"; echo "<br/><a href='MyHall.php'>返回购物界面继续购买</a>";?>
<?php echo "<h1>购物车商品列表</h1><br/>"; session_start(); foreach($_SESSION as $key=>$val){ echo "书号:".$key.";书名:".$val."<br/>"; } echo "<br/><a href='MyHall.php'>返回购物界面继续购买</a>";?>
if(isset($_GET['PHPSESSID'])){ session_id($_GET['PHPSESSID']); } session_start();
在超链接action ,header(“Location:xx”)可以直接拼接SID常量即可
echo "<a href='ShopProcess.php?bookid=sn004&bookname=西游记&".SID."'>西游记</a><br/>";
session_start();if(empty($_SESSION['loginuser'])){ header("Location: login.php"); }
[atime] => 1523005390 该文件上一次被访问的时间戳
[mtime] => 1523005397 该文件上一次内容被修改时间戳
[ctime] => 1523005390 该文件上一次文件所有者/文件所在组被修改的时间戳
<?php //第一种方式获取文件信息 //打开文件 $file_path = "test.txt"; //fopen函数返回一个指向文件的指针 if ($fp = fopen($file_path,"r")){ //fstat函数返回文件指针的文件统计信息 $file_Info = fstat($fp); echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; print_r($file_Info); echo ""; //获取文件大小等 echo "
<?php $file_path = "test.txt"; /**************第一种读取方式*******************/ //判断文件是否存在/* if(file_exists($file_path)){ //打开文件 $fp = fopen($file_path,"a+"); //读内容,并输入 $con = fread($fp,filesize($file_path)); echo "文件的内容是:<br/>"; //在默认情况下,得到内容输出到网页后,不会换行,因为网页不认为\r\n是换行符 $con = str_replace("\r\n","<br/>",$con); echo $con; }else{ echo "文件不存在"; } //关闭文件 fclose($fp); */ /**************第二种读取方式*******************//* $con = file_get_contents($file_path);//连关闭的动作都不用写 //在默认情况下,得到内容输出到网页后,不会换行,因为网页不认为\r\n是换行符 $con = str_replace("\r\n","<br/>",$con); echo $con; */ /**************第三种读取方式*******************/ $fp = fopen($file_path,"a+"); //设置一次读取1024个字节 $buffer = 1024; $str = ""; //一边读,一边判断是否到文件结束位置 while(!feof($fp)){ //读内容 $str.= fread($fp,$buffer); } //在默认情况下,得到内容输出到网页后,不会换行,因为网页不认为\r\n是换行符 $con = str_replace("\r\n","<br/>",$str); echo $str; //关闭文件 fclose($fp);
<?php $arr = parse_ini_file("db.ini"); print_r($arr); echo "<br/>"; echo $arr['host']; echo "<br/>"; echo $arr['user']; echo "<br/>"; echo $arr['password'];?>
<?php $file_path="C:/test.txt";//路径名的斜杆必须是/ //传统方式写入/* if(file_exists($file_path)){ //如果是追加内容,则使用a+的方式打开 $fp = fopen($file_path,"a+"); $con = "\r\n这是追加的内容"; for($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ fwrite($fp,$con); } }else{ echo "执行失败"; } echo "添加成功"; //关闭文件 fclose($fp); */ //第二种方式写入 $con = "\r\nhello"; file_put_contents($file_path,$con,FILE_APPEND);//底层封装了fopen(),fwrite()和fclose() //如果用第二种方式来循环添加内容的话,效率就没有传统的方式写入高了 //因为第二种方式总是需要走三步执行一次,如果一定要用第二种方式写入的话, //应该先把字符串拼接完再调用file_put_contents函数写入,效率才高 echo "添加成功";?>
<?php //路径不要带中文,否则会提示失败信息 $file_path = "E:\\phpAll\\Apache24\\htdocs\\file\\jay.jpg"; //路径名转码 $file_target = iconv("utf-8","gb2312","d:\\周杰伦.jpg"); //copy(数据源,目标地址); if(!copy($file_path,$file_target)){ echo "error"; return; } echo "success";?>
<?php $file_path = "d:/hoki_test/a/b"; //创建一个文件夹 /* if(!is_dir($file_path) && mkdir($file_path)){ echo "create success"; return; } echo "create failed"; */ //创建多个文件夹(递归创建) /* if(!is_dir($file_path) && mkdir($file_path,0777,true)){ //777:可读可写可执行; echo "create success"; return; } echo "create failed"; */ //删除一个文件夹(如果是多级的就删除最外面的那个) //如果文件夹下有文件,或者目录,均不能删除成功/* if(is_dir($file_path) && rmdir($file_path)){ echo "delete success"; return; } echo "delete failed"; */ //在指定现有目录下创建一个文件并写入内容/* $file_name = "/test.txt"; $fp = fopen($file_path.$file_name,"w+"); $content = "hello world"; fwrite($fp,$content); fclose($fp); echo "create file success"; */ //删除文件 $file_name = "/test.txt"; if (is_file($file_path.$file_name)){ if (unlink($file_path.$file_name)){ echo "delete file success"; return; } echo "delete file failed"; return; } echo "file none found";?>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>文件上传案例</title> </head> <body> <h1>上传文件</h1> <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 请选择文件: <input type="file" name="file" /> <input type="submit" value="上传" /> </form> </body> </html>
<?php //取文件信息 $arr = $_FILES["file"]; //var_dump($arr); //加限制条件 //1.文件类型 //2.文件大小 //3.保存的文件名不重复 if(($arr["type"]=="image/jpeg" || $arr["type"]=="image/png" ) && $arr["size"]<10241000 ) { //临时文件的路径 $arr["tmp_name"]; //上传的文件存放的位置 //避免文件重复: //1.加时间戳.time()加用户名.$uid或者加.date('YmdHis') //2.类似网盘,使用文件夹来防止重复 $filename = "./images/".date('YmdHis').$arr["name"]; //保存之前判断该文件是否存在 if(file_exists($filename)) { echo "该文件已存在"; } else { //中文名的文件出现问题,所以需要转换编码格式 $filename = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312",$filename); //移动临时文件到上传的文件存放的位置(核心代码) //括号里:1.临时文件的路径, 2.存放的路径 move_uploaded_file($arr["tmp_name"],$filename); } }else{ echo "上传的文件大小或类型不符"; }?>
<?php //1. 创建画布,默认背景是黑色的 $im = imagecreatetruecolor(800,600); //修改背景颜色 $white = imagecolorallocate($im,255, 255, 255); imagefill($im,0,0,$white); //2. 绘制需要的各种图形 //创建三个颜色 $red = imagecolorallocate($im,255, 29, 0); $blue = imagecolorallocate($im,6, 81, 244); $gary = imagecolorallocate($im,178, 174, 170); //3. 输出图像到网页,也可另存 header("content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im); //4. 销毁图片(服务器端的),释放内存 imagedestroy($im);?>
<?php// 1. 创建画布,默认背景是黑色的 $im = imagecreatetruecolor(800,600);// 2. 绘制需要的各种图形 //创建一个颜色 $red = imagecolorallocate($im,255,0,0); //ellipse:椭圆 imageellipse($im,20,20,20,20,$red); //直线 imageline($im,0,0,400,300,$red); //矩形 imagerectangle($im,150,150,40,50,$red); //填充矩形 imagefilledrectangle($im,0,0,40,50,$red);//PHP设计者设计函数名时设计得不好 //弧线(顺时针) imagearc($im,100,100,50,50,0,180,$red); //扇形 imagefilledarc($im,100,100,50,50,180,270,$red,IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($im,100,100,50,50,270,360,$red,IMG_ARC_PIE); //拷贝图像到画布 //加载源图片/* $srcImage = imagecreatefromjpeg("cat.jpg"); //获取图片的宽和高存于数组中 $srcImageInfo = getimagesize("cat.jpg"); //拷贝源图片到目标画布 imagecopy($im,$srcImage,0,10,200,0,$srcImageInfo[0],$srcImageInfo[1]); */ //字符串 $str = "hello world,中文";// imagestring($im,10,400,200,$str,$red);//中文显示乱码 //在字体库C:\Windows\Fonts中找中文字体// imagettftext($im,10,0,50,50,$red,"STFANGSO.TTF",$str);// 3. 输出图像到网页,也可另存 header("content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im);// 4. 销毁图片(服务器端的),释放内存 imagedestroy($im);?>
<?php //1. 创建画布,默认背景是黑色的 $im = imagecreatetruecolor(800,600); //修改背景颜色 $white = imagecolorallocate($im,255, 255, 255); imagefill($im,0,0,$white); //2. 画出扇形 //创建三个颜色 $red = imagecolorallocate($im,255, 29, 0); $darkred = imagecolorallocate($im,144, 0, 0); $blue = imagecolorallocate($im,6, 81, 244); $darkblue = imagecolorallocate($im,0, 0, 80); $gary = imagecolorallocate($im,178, 174, 170); $darkgary = imagecolorallocate($im,144, 144, 144); //立体扇形其实就是多个扇形的叠加 for ($i=200;$i>=150;$i--){ imagefilledarc($im,350,$i,200,150,0,35,$darkblue,IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($im,350,$i,200,150,35,75,$darkgary,IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($im,350,$i,200,150,75,360,$darkred,IMG_ARC_PIE); } //在上面加个盖 imagefilledarc($im,350,150,200,150,0,35,$blue,IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($im,350,150,200,150,35,75,$gary,IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($im,350,150,200,150,75,360,$red,IMG_ARC_PIE); //3. 输出图像到网页,也可另存 header("content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im); //4. 销毁图片(服务器端的),释放内存 imagedestroy($im);?>
<?php echo "<img src=yanzhengma.php>";?>
<?php function random($len){ $srcstr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNONPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; mt_rand(); $strs = ""; for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++){ $strs.=$srcstr[mt_rand(0,35)]; } return strtoupper($strs); } $str = random(4);//随机生成的字符串 $width = 50; $height = 25; @header("Content-Type: image/png"); $im = imagecreate($width,$height); $back = imagecolorallocate($im,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); //模糊点颜色 $pix = imagecolorallocate($im,187,230,247); //字体色 $font = imagecolorallocate($im,41,163,238); //绘制模糊作用的点 mt_srand(); for($i=0;$i<1000;$i++){ imagesetpixel($im,mt_rand(0,$width),mt_rand(0,$height),$pix); } imagestring($im,5,7,5,$str,$font); imagerectangle($im,0,0,$width-1,$height-1,$font); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im);?>
The above is the detailed content of $PHP_THREE. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!