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本篇文章给大家分享的是用Python读写Excel文档 ,有需要的朋友可以参考一下文中的内容
import xlrd fname = "reflect.xls" bk = xlrd.open_workbook(fname) shxrange = range(bk.nsheets) try: sh = bk.sheet_by_name("Sheet1") except: print "no sheet in %s named Sheet1" % fname #获取行数 nrows = sh.nrows #获取列数 ncols = sh.ncols print "nrows %d, ncols %d" % (nrows,ncols) #获取第一行第一列数据 cell_value = sh.cell_value(1,1) #print cell_value row_list = [] #获取各行数据 for i in range(1,nrows): row_data = sh.row_values(i) row_list.append(row_data)
from pyExcelerator import * w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Hades') #创建一个工作表 ws.write(0,0,'bit') #在1行1列写入bit ws.write(0,1,'huang') #在1行2列写入huang ws.write(1,0,'xuan') #在2行1列写入xuan w.save('mini.xls') #保存
import xlrd from pyExcelerator import * w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Sheet1') fname = "reflect.xls" bk = xlrd.open_workbook(fname) shxrange = range(bk.nsheets) try: sh = bk.sheet_by_name("Sheet1") except: print "no sheet in %s named Sheet1" % fname nrows = sh.nrows ncols = sh.ncols print "nrows %d, ncols %d" % (nrows,ncols) cell_value = sh.cell_value(1,1) #print cell_value row_list = [] mydata = [] for i in range(1,nrows): row_data = sh.row_values(i) pkgdatas = row_data[3].split(',') #pkgdatas.split(',') #获取每个包的前两个字段 for pkgdata in pkgdatas: pkgdata = '.'.join((pkgdata.split('.'))[:2]) mydata.append(pkgdata) #将列表排序 mydata = list(set(mydata)) print mydata #将列表转化为字符串 mydata = ','.join(mydata) #写入数据到每行的第一列 ws.write(i,0,mydata) mydata = [] row_list.append(row_data[3]) #print row_list w.save('mini.xls')
import xlrd import os import shutil fname = "./excelname.xls" bk = xlrd.open_workbook(fname) shxrange = range(bk.nsheets) try: #打开Sheet1工作表 sh = bk.sheet_by_name("Sheet1") except: print "no sheet in %s named Sheet1" % fname #获取行数 nrows = sh.nrows #获取列数 ncols = sh.ncols #print "nrows %d, ncols %d" % (nrows,ncols) #获取第一行第一列数据 cell_value = sh.cell_value(1,1) #print cell_value row_list = [] #range(起始行,结束行) for i in range(1,nrows): row_data = sh.row_values(i) if row_data[6] == "HXB": filename = row_data[3]+".apk" #print "%s %s %s" %(i,row_data[3],filename) filepath = r"./1/"+filename print "%s %s %s" %(i,row_data[3],filepath) if os.path.exists(filepath): shutil.copy(filepath, r"./myapk/")
import xlwt3 if __name__ == '__main__': datas = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h']]#二维数组 file_path = 'D:\\test.xlsx' wb = xlwt3.Workbook() sheet = wb.add_sheet('test')#sheet的名称为test #单元格的格式 style = 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour yellow; '#背景颜色为黄色 style += 'font: bold on; '#粗体字 style += 'align: horz centre, vert center; '#居中 header_style = xlwt3.easyxf(style) row_count = len(datas) col_count = len(datas[0]) for row in range(0, row_count): col_count = len(datas[row]) for col in range(0, col_count): if row == 0:#设置表头单元格的格式 sheet.write(row, col, datas[row][col], header_style) else: sheet.write(row, col, datas[row][col]) wb.save(file_path)
The above is the detailed content of Reading and writing Excel documents with Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!