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Explanation of immediate execution function in JS

2018-03-27 17:09:101587browse

This article mainly shares with you an explanation of the immediately executed function in JS. The so-called immediately executed function (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression) means that adding () after the function expression can make the function self-execute. Note: You cannot add parentheses () after a function declaration.

(function foo(){/* code */}()); //正确,推荐这样使用
(function foo(){/* code */})(); //正确,这样可以
var foo = function foo(){/* code */}(); //正确
function foo(){/* code */}(); //SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
// 但是如果你在括弧()里传入一个表达式,将不会有异常抛出
// 但是foo函数依然不会执行
function foo(){ /* code */ }( 1 );
// 因为它完全等价于下面这个代码,一个function声明后面,又声明了一个毫无关系的表达式: 
function foo(){ /* code */ }
( 1 );
// 由于括弧()和JS的&&,异或,逗号等操作符是在函数表达式和函数声明上消除歧义的
// 所以一旦解析器知道其中一个已经是表达式了,其它的也都默认为表达式了
// 不过,请注意下一章节的内容解释
var i = function () { return 10; } ();
true && function () { /* code */ } ();
0, function () { /* code */ } ();

// 如果你不在意返回值,或者不怕难以阅读
// 你甚至可以在function前面加一元操作符号
!function () { /* code */ } ();
~function () { /* code */ } ();
-function () { /* code */ } ();
+function () { /* code */ } ();

// 还有一个情况,使用new关键字,也可以用,但我不确定它的效率
// http://twitter.com/kuvos/status/18209252090847232
new function () { /* code */ }
new function () { /* code */ } () // 如果需要传递参数,只需要加上括弧()


## IIFE can provide an encapsulated scope for local variables, and the variable can be accessed in the function returned by IIFE. This approach allows a function to access this local variable even when the function is executed outside the lexical scope of the IIFE.

const uniqueId1 = function() {
    let count1 = 0;
    return function() {
        return count1;
uniqueId1(); //ƒ () {++count1;return count1;}
const uniqueId2 = function() {
    let count = 0;
        return count;
uniqueId2(); //0
uniqueId2(); //0
uniqueId2(); //0
const uniqueId3 = (function() {
    let count3 = 0;
    return function() {
        return count3;
uniqueId3(); //1
uniqueId3(); //2
uniqueId3(); //3
uniqueId3(); //4
const uniqueId4 = function() {
    let count4 = 0;
    return (function() {
        return count4;
uniqueId4(); //1
uniqueId4(); //1
uniqueId4(); //1
uniqueId4(); //1

Note: This count variable count is not accessible outside the IIFE. This variable cannot be read or written by others except for functions returned from IIEF. This creates truly private state that can only be modified in a controlled way.

Module mode relies heavily on the IIFE mechanism.

When using IIFE to return a function that "encloses" some local variables to manage private data, let and const None can replace it.

// 创建一个立即调用的匿名函数表达式
// return一个变量,其中这个变量里包含你要暴露的东西
// 返回的这个变量将赋值给counter,而不是外面声明的function自身

var counter = (function () {
    var i = 0;

    return {
        get: function () {
            return i;
        set: function (val) {
            i = val;
        increment: function () {
            return ++i;
} ());

// counter是一个带有多个属性的对象,上面的代码对于属性的体现其实是方法

counter.get(); // 0
counter.increment(); // 4
counter.increment(); // 5

counter.i; // undefined 因为i不是返回对象的属性
i; // 引用错误: i 没有定义(因为i只存在于闭包)

Closures and IIFE

Just like passing parameters when a normal function is executed, self-executing function expressions can also pass parameters in this way. , because the closure can directly reference the parameters passed in, using these locked parameters passed in, the self-executing function expression can effectively save the state.

// 这个代码是错误的,因为变量i从来就没背locked住
// 相反,当循环执行以后,我们在点击的时候i才获得数值
// 因为这个时候i操真正获得值
// 所以说无论点击那个连接,最终显示的都是I am link #10(如果有10个a元素的话)

var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {

    elems[i].addEventListener(&#39;click&#39;, function (e) {
        alert(&#39;I am link #&#39; + i);
    }, &#39;false&#39;);


// 这个是可以用的,因为他在自执行函数表达式闭包内部
// i的值作为locked的索引存在,在循环执行结束以后,尽管最后i的值变成了a元素总数(例如10)
// 但闭包内部的lockedInIndex值是没有改变,因为他已经执行完毕了
// 所以当点击连接的时候,结果是正确的

var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;a&#39;);

for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {

    (function (lockedInIndex) {

        elems[i].addEventListener(&#39;click&#39;, function (e) {
            alert(&#39;I am link #&#39; + lockedInIndex);
        }, &#39;false&#39;);



// 你也可以像下面这样应用,在处理函数那里使用自执行函数表达式
// 而不是在addEventListener外部
// 但是相对来说,上面的代码更具可读性

var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;a&#39;);

for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {

    elems[i].addEventListener(&#39;click&#39;, (function (lockedInIndex) {
        return function (e) {
            alert(&#39;I am link #&#39; + lockedInIndex);
    })(i), &#39;false&#39;);


Question 1,

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function(i) {
  }, i * 1000);

Question 2,

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout((function(i) {
  })(i), i * 1000);

Question 3,

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout((function(i) {
    return function() {
  })(i), i * 1000);

Question 4,

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    setTimeout((function(i) {
    }).bind(this,i), i * 1000);

Suggested writing method:

var j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, i * 1000);

The main function of using function expressions that are immediately called/executed is to imitate block-level scope ( Also called private scope) : Avoid adding too many variables and functions to the global scope. This way each developer can use their own variables without worrying about affecting or messing up the global scope.

IIFE packaging and compression

1. Parameter shortening

IIFE can alias parameter variable names, as follows:

window.$ = function somethingElse() {
    // ...
(function($) {
    // ...



(function(window, document, undefined) {
    // ...
})(window, document);


(function(w, d, u) {
    // ...
})(window, document);



// 下面2个括弧()都会立即执行
(function () { /* code */ } ());
(function () { /* code */ })();


var a="bbb"
//var a = function(){}
var a="bbb"

上述代码会报""bbb" is not a function"错误,若变量a是一函数,则会报"undefined is not a function",这是因为a变量或a函数会把他后面的匿名函数作为参数传入a中,这就很好的解释了为什么报前面提到的错误,这也很好地解释了为什么有人习惯在匿名函数之前添加;了,就是为了防止上文没有严格遵循javascript语法,漏掉;的问题。





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