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Implementation of component paging function in Vue2.5 and Element UI

2018-03-23 10:08:304458browse

This time I will bring you the components of Vue2.5 and Element UIPaging functionimplementation, what are the notesof implementing the component paging function of Vue2.5 and Element UI, The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

It’s the end of 2017, and I summarized the front-end road for more than a year. Vue went from getting started to giving up, then entered the palace for the second time, and continued to track from Vue1.0 to Vue2.5. Combined with some actual projects of the company, some more practical components are also encapsulated.

Since the current company management platform mainly uses Element UI, we simply combined the components Table and Pagination to encapsulate a Table component that supports page switching. No verbosity, just enter the code directly.

2. Implementation ideas

2.1. Introduction of Element UI (overall introduction)

main .js

// Element UI
import Element from 'element-ui'
// 默认样式
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'

2.2. Start encapsulating the iTable.vue component (skeleton)

Since the company's projects all start with i, in order to distinguish components and pages, it is customary Component names also start with i. First, add the Table and Pagination components

 <p class="table">
  <!--region 表格-->
  <el-table id="iTable"></el-table>
  <!--region 分页-->

Develop a good habit of writing comments. The amount of comments for personal projects will basically not be less than 30%

2.3. In the page Reference the iTable component and pass the value to the iTable component

 <p class="table-page">
 <i-table :list="list" 
    @handleIndexChange="handleIndexChange" @handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange"
 import iTable from '../../components/Table/Index'
 export default {
  components: {iTable},
  data () {
   return {
    total: 0, // table数据总条数
    list: [], // table数据
    otherHeight: 208, // 除了table表格之外的高度,为了做table表格的高度自适应
    page: 1, // 当前页码
    limit: 20, // 每页数量
    options: {
     stripe: true, // 是否为斑马纹 table
     loading: false, // 是否添加表格loading加载动画
     highlightCurrentRow: true, // 是否支持当前行高亮显示
     mutiSelect: true, // 是否支持列表项选中功能
     filter: false, // 是否支持数据过滤功能
     action: false // 是否支持 表格操作功能
    }, // table 的参数
    columns: [
      prop: 'id',
      label: '编号',
      align: 'center',
      width: 60
      prop: 'title',
      label: '标题',
      align: 'center',
      width: 400,
      formatter: (row, column, cellValue) => {
       return `<span style="white-space: nowrap;color: dodgerblue;">${row.title}</span>`
      prop: 'state',
      label: '状态',
      align: 'center',
      width: '160',
      render: (h, params) => {
       return h('el-tag', {
       props: {type: params.row.state === 0 ? 'success' : params.row.state === 1 ? 'info' : 'danger'} // 组件的props
       }, params.row.state === 0 ? '上架' : params.row.state === 1 ? '下架' : '审核中')
    ], // 需要展示的列
    operates: {
     width: 200,
     fixed: 'right',
     list: [
       label: '编辑',
       type: 'warning',
       show: true,
       icon: 'el-icon-edit',
       plain: true,
       disabled: true,
       method: (index, row) => {
        this.handleEdit(index, row)
       label: '删除',
       type: 'danger',
       icon: 'el-icon-delete',
       show: true,
       plain: false,
       disabled: false,
       method: (index, row) => {
        this.handleDel(index, row)
    } // 列操作按钮
  methods: {
    // 切换每页显示的数量
   handleSizeChange (size) {
    this.limit = size
    console.log(' this.limit:', this.limit)
   // 切换页码
   handleIndexChange (index) {
    this.page = index
    console.log(' this.page:', this.page)
   // 选中行
   handleSelectionChange (val) {
    console.log('val:', val)
   // 编辑
   handleEdit (index, row) {
    console.log(' index:', index)
    console.log(' row:', row)
   // 删除
   handleDel (index, row) {
    console.log(' index:', index)
    console.log(' row:', row)

In addition to the columns parameter and the operators parameter, the other parameters should be easy to understand, okay. Then we will explain these two parameters in detail, then we need to combine the component iTable.vue to explain. Next, we will add muscles and blood vessels to iTable.vue, and the codes are posted. What is more difficult to understand is the render parameter in columns, which uses Vue's virtual tags in order to be able to use various html tags and other components of element UI in the columns of the table as desired. (You can also write it directly and see if the table component can be recognized, hahaha!) This is probably a difficult place to understand for those who are just getting started. For more details, you can first look at vue's render for a clearer explanation. , if some friends don’t understand, you can send me a private message directly~~~

<!--region 封装的分页 table-->
 <p class="table">
 <el-table id="iTable" v-loading.iTable="options.loading" :data="list" :max-height="height" :stripe="options.stripe"
  <!--region 选择框-->
  <el-table-column v-if="options.mutiSelect" type="selection" style="width: 55px;">
  <!--region 数据列-->
  <template v-for="(column, index) in columns">
  <el-table-column :prop="column.prop"
   <template slot-scope="scope">
   <template v-if="!column.render">
    <template v-if="column.formatter">
    <span v-html="column.formatter(scope.row, column)"></span>
    <template v-else>
   <template v-else>
    <expand-dom :column="column" :row="scope.row" :render="column.render" :index="index"></expand-dom>
  <!--region 按钮操作组-->
  <el-table-column ref="fixedColumn" label="操作" align="center" :width="operates.width" :fixed="operates.fixed"
      v-if="operates.list.filter(_x=>_x.show === true).length > 0">
  <template slot-scope="scope">
   <p class="operate-group">
   <template v-for="(btn, key) in operates.list">
    <p class="item" v-if="btn.show">
    <el-button :type="btn.type" size="mini" :icon="btn.icon" :disabled="btn.disabled"
       :plain="btn.plain" @click.native.prevent="btn.method(key,scope.row)">{{ btn.label }}
 <p style="height:12px"></p>
 <!--region 分页-->
 <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange"
     :page-sizes="[10, 20, 50]" :current-page="pageIndex" layout="total,sizes, prev, pager, next,jumper"
 <!--region 数据筛选-->
 <p class="filter-data fix-right" v-show="options.filter" @click="showfilterDataDialog">
 <!--region 表格操作-->
 <p class="table-action fix-right" v-show="options.action" @click="showActionTableDialog">
 export default {
 props: {
  list: {
  type: Array,
  default: []
  }, // 数据列表
  columns: {
  type: Array,
  default: []
  }, // 需要展示的列 === prop:列数据对应的属性,label:列名,align:对齐方式,width:列宽
  operates: {
  type: Array,
  default: []
  }, // 操作按钮组 === label: 文本,type :类型(primary / success / warning / danger / info / text),show:是否显示,icon:按钮图标,plain:是否朴素按钮,disabled:是否禁用,method:回调方法
  total: {
  type: Number,
  default: 0
  }, // 总数
  pageSize: {
  type: Number,
  default: 20
  }, // 每页显示的数量
  otherHeight: {
  type: Number,
  default: 160
  }, // 用来计算表格的高度
  options: {
  type: Object,
  default: {
   stripe: false, // 是否为斑马纹 table
   highlightCurrentRow: false // 是否要高亮当前行
  filter: false,
  action: false
  } // table 表格的控制参数
 components: {
  expandDom: {
  functional: true,
  props: {
   row: Object,
   render: Function,
   index: Number,
   column: {
   type: Object,
   default: null
  render: (h, ctx) => {
   const params = {
   row: ctx.props.row,
   index: ctx.props.index
   if (ctx.props.column) params.column = ctx.props.column
   return ctx.props.render(h, params)
 data () {
  return {
  pageIndex: 1,
  multipleSelection: [] // 多行选中
 mounted () {
 computed: {
  height () {
  return this.$utils.Common.getWidthHeight().height - this.otherHeight
 methods: {
  // 切换每页显示的数量
  handleSizeChange (size) {
  this.$emit('handleSizeChange', size)
  this.pageIndex = 1
  // 切换页码
  handleIndexChange (index) {
  this.$emit('handleIndexChange', index)
  this.pageIndex = index
  // 多行选中
  handleSelectionChange (val) {
  this.multipleSelection = val
  this.$emit('handleSelectionChange', val)
  // 显示 筛选弹窗
  showfilterDataDialog () {
  // 显示 表格操作弹窗
  showActionTableDialog () {
<style lang="less" rel="stylesheet/less">
 @import "../../assets/styles/mixins";
 .table {
 height: 100%;
 .el-pagination {
  float: right;
  margin: 20px;
 .el-tableheader-wrapper, .el-tablefixed-header-wrapper {
  thead {
  tr {
   th {
   color: #333333;
 .el-table-column--selection .cell {
  padding: 0;
  text-align: center;
 .el-tablefixed-right {
  bottom: 0 !important;
  right: 6px !important;
  z-index: 1004;
 .operate-group {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  .item {
  margin-top: 4px;
  margin-bottom: 4px;
  display: block;
  flex: 0 0 50%;
 .filter-data {
  top: e("calc((100% - 100px) / 3)");
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
 .table-action {
  top: e("calc((100% - 100px) / 2)");
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
 .fix-right {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
  height: 100px;
  color: #ffffff;
  width: 30px;
  display: block;
  z-index: 1005;
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 28px;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
  border-top-left-radius: 6px;
  cursor: pointer;

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

Summary of jQuery code optimization methods

Detailed explanation of asymmetric encryption of Node.js

CSS3 to achieve tilt and rotation animation effects

How to deal with incomplete page display in 360 browser compatibility mode

The above is the detailed content of Implementation of component paging function in Vue2.5 and Element UI. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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