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This time I will show you how to use the preprocessor Sass, and what are the precautions for using the preprocessor Sass. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
Sass is an auxiliary tool that enhances CSS. It adds advanced functions such as variables, nested rules, mixins, and inline imports based on CSS syntax. , these extensions make CSS more powerful and elegant. Using Sass and Sass style libraries (such as Compass) can help you better organize and manage style files and develop projects more efficiently.
1. Features
Fully compatible with CSS3
Add variables and Functions such as nesting and mixins
Perform operations on color values and attribute values through functions
Provides control instructions ( control directives) and other advanced functions
Customized output format
File suffix name:sass has two suffix names One file has the suffix name sass and does not use braces and semicolons; the other is the scss file we use here, which is similar to the css file format we usually write, using braces and semicolons. All sass files mentioned in this tutorial refer to files with the suffix scss. It is also recommended to use files with the suffix scss to avoid errors due to the strict format requirements of the sass suffix.
//文件后缀名为sass的语法 body background: #eee font-size:12px p background: #0982c1 //文件后缀名为scss的语法 body { background: #eee; font-size:12px; } p{ background: #0982c1; }
2. Syntax comparison between Sass and Less
2.1 The difference between Sass and Less
Compilation environments are different - Sass is compiled based on server-side environments such as Ruby, and Less can support both server-side compilation and client-side (browser environment) compilation
Variable symbols are different ——Sass uses the $ symbol to declare variables, and Less uses the @ symbol to declare variables.
has different support for conditional statements. ——Sass supports complex conditional statements (similar to if..else. .), Less only supports simple conditional statements (similar to if()..)
Scope - Sass locally modifying variables can affect global variables, while Less will only locally modify variables Scope takes effect.
The ways to reference external CSS files are different - Sass can ignore the suffix when importing .sass or .scss files by default, while Less needs to control how the imported files are processed through keyword configuration.
2.2 Similarities between Sass and Less
Mixins - similar to functions or macros, and Parameters can be passed;
Nesting rules - nesting classes within classes, thereby reducing repeated code;
Operations - in CSS Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to calculate various numerical values and strings, etc.;
Color function - you can edit colors through built-in functions;
Namespace (namespace)——Group styles so that they can be called;
3. Introduction to the main functions of Sass syntax
3.1 CSS functions Extension
Nesting rules
Sass allows one set of CSS styles to be nested within another set of styles. The inner style will nest its outer style. The selector acts as a parent selector, and the nesting function avoids repeatedly entering the parent selector and makes complex CSS structures easier to manage, for example:
//sass style or less style #main p { color: #00ff00; width: 97%; .redbox { background-color: #ff0000; color: #000000; } } //css style #main p { color: #00ff00; width: 97%; } #main p .redbox { background-color: #ff0000; color: #000000; }
Parent Selector&
When nesting CSS rules, sometimes it is necessary to directly use the nested outer parent selector. For example, when setting a hover style for an element, or when the body element has a certain classname, you can use & Represents the parent selector outside the nested rule.
//sass style or less style a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; &:hover { text-decoration: underline; } body.firefox & { font-weight: normal; } } //css style a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } body.firefox a { font-weight: normal; }
Attribute nesting
Some CSS properties follow the same namespace (namespace), such as font-family, font-size, font-weight all use font as The namespace of the attribute. In order to facilitate the management of such attributes and avoid repeated input, Sass allows attributes to be nested in namespaces, for example:
//sass style .funky { font: { family: fantasy; size: 30em; weight: bold; } } //css style .funky { font-family: fantasy; font-size: 30em; font-weight: bold; }
Namespaces can also contain their own attribute values, for example:
//sass style .funky { font: 20px/24px { family: fantasy; weight: bold; } } //css style .funky { font: 20px/24px; font-family: fantasy; font-weight: bold; }
sass的导入(@import)规则和CSS的有所不同,编译时会将@import的scss文件合并进来只生成一个CSS文件。但是如果你在sass文件中导入css文件如 @import ‘reset.css’,那效果跟普通CSS导入样式文件一样,导入的css文件不会合并到编译后的文件中,而是以 @import 方式存在。
所有的sass导入文件都可以忽略后缀名.scss。一般来说基础的文件命名方法以_开头,如_mixin.scss。这种文件在导入的时候可以不写下划线,可写成@import “mixin”。
less的导入(@import)语法:@import (keyword) “filename”;
多个关键字 @import 是允许的,你必须使用逗号分隔关键字:example: @import (optional, reference) “foo.less”;
reference: 使用该less文件但是不输出它
inline: 包括在源文件中输出,但是不作处理
less: 将该文件视为less文件,无论其扩展名为什么
css: 将文件视为css文件,无论扩展名为什么
once: 该文件仅可导入一次 (默认)
multiple: 该文件可以多次导入
optional: 当没有发现文件时仍然编译
/*被导入sass文件a.scss,less文件a.less:*/ //a.scss or a.less //------------------------------- body { background: #eee; } /*需要导入样式的sass文件b.scss,less文件b.less:*/ @import "reset.css"; @import "a"; p{ background: #0982c1; } /*转译出来的b.css样式:*/ @import "reset.css"; body { background: #eee; } p{ background: #0982c1; }
3.3 注释 /* */ 与 //
Sass 支持标准的 CSS 多行注释 /* */,以及单行注释 //,前者会被完整输出到编译后的 CSS 文件中,而后者则不会。Less中不用担心这一点,Less中多行注释 /* */,以及单行注释 //都可以随意使用,都会在编译过程中被保留。例如:
//sass style /* This comment is * several lines long. * since it uses the CSS comment syntax, * it will appear in the CSS output. */ body { color: black; } // These comments are only one line long each. // They won't appear in the CSS output, // since they use the single-line comment syntax. a { color: green; } //css style /* This comment is * several lines long. * since it uses the CSS comment syntax, * it will appear in the CSS output. */ body { color: black; } a { color: green; }
3.4 SassScript
变量 $
//sass style //------------------------------- $fontSize: 12px; body{ font-size:$fontSize; } //less style //------------------------------- @fontSize: 12px; body{ font-size:@fontSize; } //css style //------------------------------- body{ font-size:12px; }
//sass style //------------------------------- $baseLineHeight: 1.5 !default; body{ line-height: $baseLineHeight; } //css style //------------------------------- body{ line-height:1.5; } /*覆盖默认值*/ //sass style //------------------------------- $baseLineHeight: 2; $baseLineHeight: 1.5 !default; body{ line-height: $baseLineHeight; } //css style //------------------------------- body{ line-height:2; }
变量 #{} 的使用形式
//sass style //------------------------------- $borderDirection: top !default; $baseFontSize: 12px !default; $baseLineHeight: 1.5 !default; //应用于class和属性 .border-#{$borderDirection}{ border-#{$borderDirection}:1px solid #ccc; } //应用于复杂的属性值 body{ font:#{$baseFontSize}/#{$baseLineHeight}; } //css style //------------------------------- .border-top{ border-top:1px solid #ccc; } body { font: 12px/1.5; }
多值变量 list
//一维数据 $px: 5px 10px 20px 30px; //二维数据,相当于js中的二维数组 $px: 5px 10px, 20px 30px; $px: (5px 10px) (20px 30px);
//sass style //------------------------------- $linkColor: #08c #333 !default;//第一个值为默认值,第二个鼠标滑过值 a{ color:nth($linkColor,1); &:hover{ color:nth($linkColor,2); } } //css style //------------------------------- a{ color:#08c; } a:hover{ color:#333; }
多值变量 map
格式为:$map: (key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3);可通过map-get($map,$key)取值。关于map数据还有很多其他函数如map-merge($map1,$map2),map-keys($map),map-values($map)等
$heading: (h1: 2em, h2: 1.5em, h3: 1.2em);
//sass style //------------------------------- $headings: (h1: 2em, h2: 1.5em, h3: 1.2em); @each $header, $size in $headings { #{$header} { font-size: $size; } } //css style //------------------------------- h1 { font-size: 2em; } h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } h3 { font-size: 1.2em; }
//Sass style $color:red; p{ $color:blue; color:$color;//blue } a{ color:$color;//blue } //Less style @color:red; p{ @color:blue; color:@color;//blue } a{ color:@color;//red }
3.5 混合(mixin)
无参数 mixin
//sass style @mixin center-block { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .demo{ @include center-block; } //less style .center-block { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .demo{ .center-block; } //css style .demo{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; }
有参数 mixin
//sass style @mixin opacity($opacity:50) { opacity: $opacity / 100; filter: alpha(opacity=$opacity); } .opacity-80{ @include opacity(80); //传递参数 } //less style .opacity(@opacity:50) { opacity: @opacity / 100; filter: alpha(opacity=@opacity); } .opacity-80{ .opacity(80); //传递参数 } //css style .opacity-80{ opacity: .8; filter: alpha(opacity=80); }
多个参数 mixin
//sass style @mixin horizontal-line($border:1px dashed #ccc, $padding:10px){ border-bottom:$border; padding-top:$padding; padding-bottom:$padding; } .imgtext-h li{ @include horizontal-line(1px solid #ccc); } //less style .horizontal-line(@border:1px dashed #ccc, @padding:10px){ border-bottom:@border; padding-top:@padding; padding-bottom:@padding; } .imgtext-h li{ .horizontal-line(1px solid #ccc); } //css style .imgtext-h li { border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; }
多组值参数 mixin
Sass中如果一个参数可以有多组值,如box-shadow、transition等,那么参数则需要在变量后加三个点表示,如$variables…;Less表示不定参数时可以直接使用 … 表示,并用@arguments表示所有参数
//sass style //box-shadow可以有多组值,所以在变量参数后面添加... @mixin box-shadow($shadow...) { -webkit-box-shadow:$shadow; box-shadow:$shadow; } .box{ border:1px solid #ccc; @include box-shadow(0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3)); } //less style .box-shadow(...) { -webkit-box-shadow:@arguments; box-shadow:@arguments; } .box{ border:1px solid #ccc; .box-shadow(0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3)); } //css style .box{ border:1px solid #ccc; -webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); box-shadow:0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); }
3.6 运算
//计算数值、变量 $baseFontSize: 14px !default; $baseLineHeight: 2 !default; $baseGap: $baseFontSize * $baseLineHeight !default; // => 28px $halfBaseGap: $baseGap / 4 !default; // => 7px $samllFontSize: $baseFontSize - 2px !default; // => 12px $_columns: 12 !default; $_column-width: 60px !default; $_gutter: 20px !default; $_gridsystem-width: $_columns * ($_column-width + $_gutter); // => 960px //计算颜色 p { color: #010203 + #040506; // => #050709 } //计算字符串 p:before { content: "Foo " + Bar; // => "Foo Bar" font-family: sans- + "serif"; // => sans-serif }
3.7 控制指令
SassScript 提供了一些基础的控制指令,比如在满足一定条件时引用样式,或者设定范围重复输出格式。控制指令是一种高级功能,日常编写过程中并不常用到,主要与混合指令 (mixin) 配合使用。
//sass style p { @if 1 + 1 == 2 { border: 1px solid; } @if 5 < 3 { border: 2px dotted; } @if null { border: 3px double; } } //css style p { border: 1px solid; } //sass style $type: monster; p { @if $type == ocean { color: blue; } @else if $type == matador { color: red; } @else if $type == monster { color: green; } @else { color: black; } } //less style @type: monster; p (@type) when (@type = ocean){color: blue;} p (@type) when (@type = matador){color: red;} p (@type) when (@type = monster){color: green;} p (@type) when (@type = dark){color: black;} //css style p { color: green; }
@for 指令包含两种格式:@for $var from @each 语法为:@each $var in 单个字段list数据循环: 多个字段list数据循环: 多个字段map数据循环: @extend @extend 的作用是将重复使用的样式 (.error) 延伸 (extend) 给需要包含这个样式的特殊样式(.seriousError),例子: 3.8 函数指令 Sass 支持自定义函数,并能在任何属性值或 Sass script 中使用: 与 mixin 相同,也可以传递若干个全局变量给函数作为参数。一个函数可以含有多条语句,需要调用 @return 输出结果。 Sass 函数允许使用关键词参数,上面的例子也可以写成: 虽然不够简明,但是阅读起来会更方便。关键词参数给函数提供了更灵活的接口,以及容易调用的参数。关键词参数可以打乱顺序使用,如果使用默认值也可以省缺,另外,参数名被视为变量名,下划线、短横线可以互换使用。 相信看了本文案例你已经掌握了方法,更多精彩请关注php中文网其它相关文章! 推荐阅读: The above is the detailed content of How to use preprocessor Sass. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!//sass style
@for $i from 1 through 3 {
.item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; }
//css style
.item-1 {
width: 2em; }
.item-2 {
width: 4em; }
.item-3 {
width: 6em; }
//sass style
$animal-list: puma, sea-slug, egret, salamander;
@each $animal in $animal-list {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-image: url('/images/#{$animal}.png');
//css style
.puma-icon {
background-image: url('/images/puma.png');
.sea-slug-icon {
background-image: url('/images/sea-slug.png');
.egret-icon {
background-image: url('/images/egret.png');
.salamander-icon {
background-image: url('/images/salamander.png');
//sass style
$animal-data: (puma, black, default),(sea-slug, blue, pointer),(egret, white, move);
@each $animal, $color, $cursor in $animal-data {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-image: url('/images/#{$animal}.png');
border: 2px solid $color;
cursor: $cursor;
//css style
.puma-icon {
background-image: url('/images/puma.png');
border: 2px solid black;
cursor: default;
.sea-slug-icon {
background-image: url('/images/sea-slug.png');
border: 2px solid blue;
cursor: pointer;
.egret-icon {
background-image: url('/images/egret.png');
border: 2px solid white;
cursor: move;
//sass style
$headings: (h1: 2em, h2: 1.5em, h3: 1.2em);
@each $header, $size in $headings {
#{$header} {
font-size: $size;
//css style
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
h2 {
font-size: 1.5em;
h3 {
font-size: 1.2em;
//sass style
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.error.intrusion {
background-image: url("/image/hacked.png");
.seriousError {
@extend .error;
border-width: 3px;
//css style
.error, .seriousError {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd; }
.error.intrusion, .seriousError.intrusion {
background-image: url("/image/hacked.png"); }
.seriousError {
border-width: 3px; }
//sass style
$grid-width: 40px;
$gutter-width: 10px;
@function grid-width($n) {
@return $n * $grid-width + ($n - 1) * $gutter-width;
#sidebar { width: grid-width(5); }
//css style
#sidebar {
width: 240px; }
#sidebar { width: grid-width($n: 5); }