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PHP implements WeChat applet payment code sharing

2018-03-02 09:53:148861browse

The function of php is very powerful. In this article, we mainly share with you the php back-end implementation of the WeChat applet payment code. The front-end: relatively simple, just make a network request on the corresponding payment event:

WeChat mini program payment backend PHP (2)


    var code = this.data.code;
    console.log('code是' +code)
      url: 'https://...com/pay.php',//这个链接是后端写的
      header: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
      data: {
        code: code,
      method: 'POST', 
      success: function (response) {
        console.log( response.data);
        // 发起支付
          'appId': response.data.appId,
          'timeStamp': response.data.timeStamp,
          'nonceStr': response.data.nonceStr,
          'package': response.data.package,
          'signType': 'MD5',
          'paySign': response.data.paySign,
          'success': function (res) {
                title: '支付成功'
          'fail': function (res) {
      fail: function (res) {

Backend code:

1. pay.php //Backend address requested by the mini program

        //         订单号应该是由小程序端传给服务端的,在用户下单时即生成,demo中取值是一个生成的时间戳
        //         费用应该是由小程序端传给服务端的,在用户下单时告知服务端应付金额,demo中取值是1,即1分钱
        //         由小程序端传给后端或者后端自己获取,写自己获取到的,
        //         向微信统一下单,并返回order,它是一个array数组
        $order = WxPayApi::unifiedOrder($input);
        //         json化返回给小程序端
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        echo $this->getJsApiParameters($order);

    private function getJsApiParameters($UnifiedOrderResult)
    {    //判断是否统一下单返回了prepay_id
        if(!array_key_exists("appid", $UnifiedOrderResult)
            || !array_key_exists("prepay_id", $UnifiedOrderResult)
            || $UnifiedOrderResult['prepay_id'] == "")
            throw new WxPayException("参数错误");
        $jsapi = new WxPayJsApiPay();
        $timeStamp = time();
        $jsapi->SetPackage("prepay_id=" . $UnifiedOrderResult['prepay_id']);
        $parameters = json_encode($jsapi->GetValues());
        return $parameters;
//    private function getSession() {
//        $code = $this->input->post('code');
//        $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2session?appid='.WxPayConfig::APPID.'&secret='.WxPayConfig::APPSECRET.'&js_code='.$code.'&grant_type=authorization_code';
//        $response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
//        return $response;
//    }
$WxPay = new WXPay();

2. WeChat SDK download link: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/api/download/WxpayAPI_php_v3.zip

Unzip and you can see it in the lib folder:

Place it in a directory accessible to the server.

Configure the account information in WxPayConfig.php:

class WxPayConfig
	 * TODO: 修改这里配置为您自己申请的商户信息
	 * 微信公众号信息配置
	 * APPID:绑定支付的APPID(必须配置,开户邮件中可查看)
	 * MCHID:商户号(必须配置,开户邮件中可查看)
	 * KEY:商户支付密钥,参考开户邮件设置(必须配置,登录商户平台自行设置)
	 * 设置地址:https://pay.weixin.qq.com/index.php/account/api_cert
	 * APPSECRET:公众帐号secert(仅JSAPI支付的时候需要配置, 登录公众平台,进入开发者中心可设置),
	 * 获取地址:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/advanced/advanced?action=dev&t=advanced/dev&token=2005451881&lang=zh_CN
	 * @var string
	const APPID = 'wx123456789...';//这里填上自己的对应信息
	const MCHID = '14151666888';
	const KEY = '11223344556677889900';
	const APPSECRET = '828bfsdibfsiubfikdbfik';
	const NOTIFY_URL='https://...com/notify.php';


encountered a signature error during the period, which has been bad. Use the WeChat payment interface signature verification tool to verify There is nothing wrong with the verification. As mentioned on the Internet, I have checked all the omitted and wrongly written parameters, but it keeps returning

这样的信息,最后解决办法是:重置了KEY (商户支付密钥),重置的和之前的一模一样,但竟然就可以了...

. The main problems are signature errors. Just check carefully. For example, the XML format is incorrect, and the MD5 encrypted Number of digits, dictionary sorting is not arranged properly, parameters are missing, etc...


3. Finally, attach notify.php

        $result = WxPayApi::orderQuery($input);
        if(array_key_exists("return_code", $result)
            && array_key_exists("result_code", $result)
            && $result["return_code"] == "SUCCESS"
            && $result["result_code"] == "SUCCESS")
            return true;
        return false;

    public function NotifyProcess($data, &$msg)
        $notfiyOutput = array();

        if(!array_key_exists("transaction_id", $data)){
            $msg = "输入参数不正确";
            return false;
            $msg = "订单查询失败";
            return false;
        return true;
$notify = new PayNotifyCallBack();

Welcome to leave a message to exchange corrections!

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The above is the detailed content of PHP implements WeChat applet payment code sharing. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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