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The most complete js code example for refreshing the current page in 2018

2018-01-25 14:17:013196browse

//reload 方法,该方法强迫浏览器刷新当前页面。语法:location.reload([bForceGet]) 
//参数: bForceGet, 可选参数, 默认为 false,从客户端缓存里取当前页。
//true, 则以 GET 方式,从服务端取最新的页面, 相当于客户端点击 F5("刷新")
//replace 方法,该方法通过指定URL替换当前缓存在历史里(客户端)的项目,因此当使用replace方法之后,你不能通过“前进”和“后退”来访问已经被替换的URL。语法: location.replace(URL)

In actual application, when refreshing the page, we usually use: location.reload() or history.go(0) to do it. Because this approach is like the client clicking F5 to refresh the page, so when the page's method="post" is used, a "webpage expired" prompt will appear. That's because of Session's security protection mechanism. You can think of: When the location.reload() method is called, the aspx page already exists in the server memory, so it must be IsPostback. If there is such an application: We need to reload the page, which means we expect the page to be re-created on the server side, and we expect Not IsPostback. Here, location.replace() can accomplish this task. The replaced page is regenerated on the server every time.

You can write like this:


Return and refresh the page:

document.referrer //前一个页面的URL

Do not use history.go(-1), or history.back(); to return and refresh the page Refresh the page, these two methods will not refresh the page.

Attachment: Several ways to refresh the page using Javascript:

1 history.go(0)
2 location.reload()
3 location=location
4 location.assign(location)
5 document.execCommand('Refresh')
6 window.navigate(location)
7 location.replace(location)
8 document.URL=location.href

Methods to automatically refresh the page:

1. Automatically refresh the page: Add the following code 678d67650a2c632835f555a613166929 area

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="20">

20 means the page will be refreshed every 20 seconds.

2. The page will automatically jump: add the following code to the 93f0f5c25f18dab9d176bd4f6de5d30e area中

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="20;url=http://www.jb51.net">

The 20th finger will jump to the http://www.php.cn page after 20 seconds

3. The page automatically refreshes the js version

<script language="JavaScript">
    function myrefresh(){   
    }setTimeout(&#39;myrefresh()&#39;,1000); //指定1秒刷新一次

JS script statement to refresh the frame

//How to refresh the page containing the frame using

<script language=JavaScript>

//The child window refreshes the parent window

<script language=JavaScript>

( Or2ad893035fce867c8230ae9d7e0a6f55Refresh5db79b134e9f6b82c0b36e0489ee08ed )

//How to refresh another frame The page uses

<script language=JavaScript>

If you want to refresh when the window is closed or when the window is opened, just call the following statement in 6c04bd5ca3fcae76e30b72ad730ca86d.

<body onload="opener.location.reload()"> 开窗时刷新
<body onUnload="opener.location.reload()"> 关闭时刷新
<script language="javascript">window.opener.document.location.reload()</script>

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