Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >火车头discuz6.1 完美采集的php接口文件_php技巧

火车头discuz6.1 完美采集的php接口文件_php技巧

2016-05-17 09:30:311016browse


复制代码 代码如下:

// header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8');
// $tmp = checkAndTranslate("使用前请将该文件直接上传至论坛根目录", 0);
// header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8');
// print($tmp);
// print("NO");
// exit("this.line=".__line__);
//foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
//$$key = $value ;
//print($key.' = '.$value.'\n');
// 需要插入的数据表
// 1.cdb_threads
// 2.cdb_rewardlog // ok 悬赏记录表
// 3.cdb_mythreads
// 4.cdb_posts
// 5.cdb_tags _update
// 6.cdb_threadtags
// 7.cdb_forums _update
// 8.cdb_members _update ok 更改悬赏表
//done end !
$user_list = file('./makeuser/username.txt');
// 随机发帖的用户名单,必须是已经注册的
// 关于批量注册用户名可以参考 Discuz 6.0+ 批量注册用户名
$user_list = array_map("curlAndCopy", $user_list);
function curlAndCopy($a){
return trim($a);
$replyusers = implode("|",$user_list);
function trimAndCurl($str){
$str = preg_replace('/\n\s{5,}/','', $str , 1);
$str = trim($str);
$str = checkAndTranslate($str);
return $str;
function checkAndTranslate($mess, $if_replace =1, $in_char_type='GBK', $out_char_type='UTF-8'){
//if replace ?
$mess = curlAndReplace($mess);
//if chinese GBK ?
if(preg_match('/[\x80-\xff]./', $mess) ){
$mess = mb_convert_encoding($mess, $out_char_type, $in_char_type);
return addslashes($mess) ;
function curlAndReplace($message){
$replace_list = file('./makeuser/replace.txt');
foreach($replace_list as $item){
$item = preg_replace("/\s+/","||",$item);
$items = explode("||",$item);
$tmp = '';
$message = str_replace($items[0],$tmp,$message);
$message = str_replace($items[1],$items[0],$message);
$message = str_replace($tmp,$items[1],$message);
return $message;
define('CURSCRIPT', 'post');
define('NOROBOT', TRUE);
require_once './include/common.inc.php';
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/post.func.php';
$_DTYPE = $checkoption = $optionlist = array();
if($typeid) {
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/discuzcode.func.php';
$navigation = $navtitle = $thread = '';
if ( $lid "locoy" )
// die(验证密码错误);
$navigation = "» $forum[name] $navigation";
$navtitle = $navtitle.strip_tags($forum['name']).' - ';
if($forum['type'] == 'sub') {
$query = $db->query("SELECT name, fid FROM {$tablepre}forums WHERE fid='$forum[fup]'");
$fup = $db->fetch_array($query);
$navigation = "» $fup[name] $navigation";
$navtitle = $navtitle.strip_tags($fup['name']).' - ';
$special = empty($special) || !is_numeric($special) || $special 6 ? 0 : intval($special);
$allowpostattach = !empty($forum['allowpostattach']) || (!$forum['postattachperm'] && $allowpostattach) || ($forum['postattachperm'] && forumperm($forum['postattachperm']));
$attachextensions = $forum['attachextensions'] ? $forum['attachextensions'] : $attachextensions;
$enctype = $allowpostattach ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : '';
$maxattachsize_kb = $maxattachsize / 1000;
$postcredits = $forum['postcredits'] ? $forum['postcredits'] : $creditspolicy['post'];
$replycredits = $forum['replycredits'] ? $forum['replycredits'] : $creditspolicy['reply'];
$digestcredits = $forum['digestcredits'] ? $forum['digestcredits'] : $creditspolicy['digest'];
$postattachcredits = $forum['postattachcredits'] ? $forum['postattachcredits'] : $creditspolicy['postattach'];
$maxprice = isset($extcredits[$creditstrans]) ? $maxprice : 0;
$extra = rawurlencode($extra);
$blogcheck = empty($isblog) && empty($addtoblog) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
$notifycheck = empty($emailnotify) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
$stickcheck = empty($sticktopic) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
$digestcheck = empty($addtodigest) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
$subject = isset($subject) ? dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($subject))) : '';
$message = isset($message) ? censor(trim($message)) : '';
$readperm = isset($readperm) ? intval($readperm) : 0;
$price = isset($price) ? intval($price) : 0;
$urloffcheck = $usesigcheck = $smileyoffcheck = $codeoffcheck = $htmloncheck = $emailcheck = '';
$seccodecheck = ($seccodestatus & 4) && (!$seccodedata['minposts'] || $posts $secqaacheck = $secqaa['status'][2] && (!$secqaa['minposts'] || $posts if($iscircle = $supe['status'] && $supe['circlestatus'] && $forum['status'] == 2) {
$allowpostpoll = $allowpost && $allowpostpoll && ($forum['allowpostspecial'] & 1);
$allowposttrade = $allowpost && $allowposttrade && ($forum['allowpostspecial'] & 2);
$allowpostreward = $allowpost && $allowpostreward && ($forum['allowpostspecial'] & 4) && isset($extcredits[$creditstrans]);
$allowpostactivity = $allowpost && $allowpostactivity && ($forum['allowpostspecial'] & 8);
$allowpostdebate = $allowpost && $allowpostdebate && ($forum['allowpostspecial'] & 16);
$allowpostvideo = $allowpost && $allowpostvideo && ($forum['allowpostspecial'] & 32) && $videoopen;
$allowanonymous = $forum['allowanonymous'] || $allowanonymous ? 1 : 0;
$editorid = 'posteditor';
$editoroptions = str_pad(decbin($editoroptions), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$editormode = $editormode == 2 ? $editoroptions{0} : $editormode;
$allowswitcheditor = $editoroptions{1};
$advanceeditor = $special ? 0 : 1;
$previewdisplay = !empty($previewpost) ? '' : 'none';
if($action == 'newthread') {
$discuz_action = 11;
if(empty($forum['fid']) || $forum['type'] == 'group') {
$isblog = empty($isblog) ? '' : 'yes';
if($subject == '' || $message == '') {
if($post_invalid = checkpost()) {
if($allowpostattach && is_array($_FILES['attach'])) {
foreach($_FILES['attach']['name'] as $attachname) {
if($attachname != '') {
$typeid = isset($typeid) && isset($forum['threadtypes']['types'][$typeid]) ? $typeid : 0;
$iconid = !empty($iconid) && isset($_DCACHE['icons'][$iconid]) ? $iconid : 0;
$displayorder = $modnewthreads ? -2 : (($forum['ismoderator'] && !empty($sticktopic)) ? 1 : 0);
$digest = ($forum['ismoderator'] && !empty($addtodigest)) ? 1 : 0;
$blog = $allowuseblog && $forum['allowshare'] && !empty($addtoblog) ? 1 : 0;
$readperm = $allowsetreadperm ? $readperm : 0;
$isanonymous = $isanonymous && $allowanonymous ? 1 : 0;
$price = intval($price);
$price = $maxprice && !$special ? ($price //echo $typeid.','.','.','
if(!$typeid && $forum['threadtypes']['required'] && !$special) {
// exit('未填写主题分类');
$discuz_user = checkAndTranslate($discuz_user, 0);
$sql_tmp = "SELECT uid,password,secques FROM {$tablepre}members m WHERE m.username like '%$discuz_user%'";
$query =$db->query($sql_tmp);
if ($rs=$db->fetch_row($query)){
list($discuz_uid,$discuz_pw, $discuz_secques ) =$rs;
// exit('不存在的用户名'.$discuz_user);
$messages = explode("|||",$message);
//$messages = array_merge(array_slice($messages, 0, 2), array_slice($messages, 3));
$mc = count($messages);
$replycount = $mc -1;
$author = !$isanonymous ? $discuz_user : '';
$moderated = $digest || $displayorder > 0 ? 1 : 0;
$attachment = ($allowpostattach && $attachments = attach_upload()) ? 1 : 0;
$subscribed = !empty($emailnotify) && $discuz_uid ? 1 : 0;
$supe_pushstatus = $supe['status'] && $forum['supe_pushsetting']['status'] == 1 && !$modnewthreads ? '1' : '0';
$sgidadd1 = $sgidadd2 = '';
if($iscircle) {
$sgidadd1 = ', sgid';
$sgidadd2 = ", '$sgid'";
//$price = mt_rand(3,10);
$price = 0;
$views = mt_rand(30,256);
$timestamp = mt_rand(strtotime('2008-12-25') ,strtotime('2008-12-29'));
$tagstatus = 0;
$tags = "";
//$price = -$price;
//$closed = 1;
$closed = 0;
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}threads (fid, readperm, price, iconid, typeid, author, authorid, subject, dateline, lastpost, lastposter, displayorder, digest, blog,attachment, subscribed, moderated, supe_pushstatus $sgidadd1 ,special ,closed ,views)
VALUES ('$fid', '$readperm', '$price', '$iconid', '$typeid', '$author', '$discuz_uid', '".checkAndTranslate($subject)."', '$timestamp', '$timestamp', '$author', '$displayorder', '$digest', '$blog', '$attachment', '$subscribed', '$moderated', '$supe_pushstatus' $sgidadd2 ,0 ,$closed ,$views )");
$tid = $db->insert_id();
// making reward logs !
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}rewardlog (tid,authorid,netamount,dateline) VALUES ('$tid', '$discuz_uid', '$price', '0')");
// updating members logs !
//if minus credits ?
//$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET posts=posts+1,credits=credits+$price,lastpost='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']."' WHERE uid ='$discuz_uid' ");
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET posts=posts+1,lastpost='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']."' WHERE uid ='$discuz_uid' ");
if($subscribed) {
$db->query("REPLACE INTO {$tablepre}subscriptions (uid, tid, lastpost, lastnotify)
VALUES ('$discuz_uid', '$tid', '$timestamp', '$timestamp')", 'UNBUFFERED');
$db->query("REPLACE INTO {$tablepre}mythreads (uid, tid, dateline, special) VALUES ('$discuz_uid', '$tid', '$timestamp', '0')", 'UNBUFFERED');
if($moderated) {
updatemodlog($tid, ($displayorder > 0 ? 'STK' : 'DIG'));
updatemodworks(($displayorder > 0 ? 'STK' : 'DIG'), 1);
if($forum['threadtypes']['special'][$typeid] && $optiondata && is_array($optiondata)) {
foreach($optiondata as $optionid => $value) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}typeoptionvars (typeid, tid, optionid, value, expiration)
VALUES ('$typeid', '$tid', '$optionid', '$value', '".($typeexpiration ? $timestamp + $typeexpiration : 0)."')");
$bbcodeoff = checkbbcodes($message, !empty($bbcodeoff));
$smileyoff = checksmilies($message, !empty($smileyoff));
$parseurloff = !empty($parseurloff);
//$htmlon = bindec(($tagstatus && !empty($tagoff) ? 1 : 0).($allowhtml && !empty($htmlon) ? 1 : 0));
$htmlon = 1;
$pinvisible = $modnewthreads ? -2 : 0;
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}posts (fid, tid, first, author, authorid, subject, dateline, message, useip, invisible, anonymous, usesig, htmlon, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, parseurloff, attachment)
VALUES ('$fid', '$tid', '1', '$discuz_user', '$discuz_uid', '$subject', '$timestamp', '".checkAndTranslate($messages[0])."', '$onlineip', '$pinvisible', '$isanonymous', '$usesig', '$htmlon', '$bbcodeoff', '$smileyoff', '$parseurloff', '$attachment')");
$pid = $db->insert_id();
if($tagstatus && $tags != '') {
$tags = str_replace(array(chr(0xa1).chr(0xa1), chr(0xa1).chr(0x40), chr(0xe3).chr(0x80).chr(0x80)), ' ', $tags);
$tagarray = array_unique(explode(' ', censor($tags)));
$tagcount = 0;
foreach($tagarray as $tagname) {
$tagname = trim($tagname);
if(preg_match('/^([\x7f-\xff_-]|\w){3,20}$/', $tagname)) {
$query = $db->query("SELECT closed FROM {$tablepre}tags WHERE tagname='".checkAndTranslate($tagname, 0)."'");
if($db->num_rows($query)) {
if(!$tagstatus = $db->result($query, 0)) {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}tags SET total=total+1 WHERE tagname='".checkAndTranslate($tagname, 0)."'", 'UNBUFFERED');
} else {
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}tags (tagname, closed, total)
VALUES ('".checkAndTranslate($tagname, 0)."', 0, 1)", 'UNBUFFERED');
$tagstatus = 0;
if(!$tagstatus) {
$db->query("INSERT {$tablepre}threadtags (tagname, tid) VALUES ('".checkAndTranslate($tagname, 0)."', $tid)", 'UNBUFFERED');
if($tagcount > 4) {
$tradeaid = 0;
if($attachment) {
$searcharray = $pregarray = $replacearray = array();
foreach($attachments as $key => $attach) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}attachments (tid, pid, dateline, readperm, price, filename, description, filetype, filesize, attachment, downloads, isimage, uid, thumb, remote)
VALUES ('$tid', '$pid', '$timestamp', '$attach[perm]', '$attach[price]', '$attach[name]', '$attach[description]', '$attach[type]', '$attach[size]', '$attach[attachment]', '0', '$attach[isimage]', '$attach[uid]', '$attach[thumb]', '$attach[remote]')");
$searcharray[] = '[local]'.$localid[$key].'[/local]';
$pregarray[] = '/\[localimg=(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\]'.$localid[$key].'\[\/localimg\]/is';
$replacearray[] = '[attach]'.$db->insert_id().'[/attach]';
$message = str_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, preg_replace($pregarray, $replacearray, $message));
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}posts SET message='".checkAndTranslate($message, 0)."' WHERE pid='$pid'");
updatecredits($discuz_uid, $postattachcredits, count($attachments));
if($iscircle && $sgid) {
$query = $supe['db']->query("UPDATE {$supe[tablepre]}groups SET lastpost='$timestamp' WHERE gid='$sgid'", 'SILENT');
if($modnewthreads) {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}forums SET todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='$fid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
} else {
if($digest) {
foreach($digestcredits as $id => $addcredits) {
$postcredits[$id] = (isset($postcredits[$id]) ? $postcredits[$id] : 0) + $addcredits;
updatepostcredits('+', $discuz_uid, $postcredits);
$subject = str_replace("\t", ' ', $subject);
$lastpost = "$tid\t".checkAndTranslate($subject)."\t$timestamp\t$author";
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}forums SET lastpost='$lastpost', threads=threads+1, posts=posts+1, todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='$fid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
if($forum['type'] == 'sub') {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}forums SET lastpost='$lastpost' WHERE fid='$forum[fup]'", 'UNBUFFERED');
$discuz_action = 12;
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/forum.func.php';
$replyusers = explode("|",$replyusers);
$reusercount = count($replyusers);
$index = mt_rand(1,$reusercount-1);
while( in_array( $index ,$post_arr ) || $replyusers[$index] ==$_POST['username'] ){
$index = mt_rand(1,$reusercount-1);
$post_arr[] = $index;
$discuz_user = $replyusers[$index];
$discuz_user = checkAndTranslate($discuz_user, 0);
$query =$db->query("SELECT uid,password,secques FROM {$tablepre}members m WHERE m.username like '%$discuz_user%'");
if ($rs=$db->fetch_row($query)){
list($discuz_uid,$discuz_pw, $discuz_secques ) =$rs;
$attachnum = 0;
if($allowpostattach && !empty($_FILES['attach']) && is_array($_FILES['attach'])) {
foreach($_FILES['attach']['name'] as $attachname) {
if($attachname != '') {
$attachnum ++;
$attachnum && checklowerlimit($postattachcredits, $attachnum);
} else {
$_FILES = array();
$attachments = $attachnum ? attach_upload() : array();
$attachment = empty($attachments) ? 0 : 1;
$subscribed = $thread['subscribed'] && $timestamp - $thread['lastpost'] $newsubscribed = !empty($emailnotify) && $discuz_uid;
if($subscribed && !$modnewreplies) {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}subscriptions SET lastpost='$timestamp' WHERE tid='$tid' AND uid'$discuz_uid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
if($newsubscribed) {
$db->query("REPLACE INTO {$tablepre}subscriptions (uid, tid, lastpost, lastnotify)
VALUES ('$discuz_uid', '$tid', '".($modnewreplies ? $thread['lastpost'] : $timestamp)."', '$timestamp')", 'UNBUFFERED');
$bbcodeoff = checkbbcodes($message, !empty($bbcodeoff));
$smileyoff = checksmilies($message, !empty($smileyoff));
$parseurloff = !empty($parseurloff);
// $htmlon = $allowhtml && !empty($htmlon) ? 1 : 0;
$htmlon = 1;
$usesig = !empty($usesig) ? 1 : 0;
$isanonymous = $allowanonymous && !empty($isanonymous)? 1 : 0;
//$discuz_user = checkAndTranslate($discuz_user, 0);
$author = empty($isanonymous) ? $discuz_user : '';
$pinvisible = $modnewreplies ? -2 : 0;
$rand_time = mt_rand(150,3600);
$timestamp = $timestamp + $rand_time;
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}posts (fid, tid, first, author, authorid, subject, dateline, message, useip, invisible, anonymous, usesig, htmlon, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, parseurloff, attachment)
VALUES ('$fid', '$tid', '0', '$discuz_user', '$discuz_uid', '', '$timestamp', '".trimAndCurl($messages[$re])."', '$onlineip', '$pinvisible', '$isanonymous', '$usesig', '$htmlon', '$bbcodeoff', '$smileyoff', '$parseurloff', '$attachment')");
$pid = $db->insert_id();
// updating reward logs
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}rewardlog SET answererid='$discuz_uid',dateline='$timestamp' WHERE tid='$tid'");
// updating members logs !
if($re == 1){
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET posts=posts+1,credits=credits+$price,lastpost='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']."' WHERE uid ='$discuz_uid' ");
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET posts=posts+1,lastpost='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']."' WHERE uid ='$discuz_uid' ");
$db->query("REPLACE INTO {$tablepre}myposts (uid, tid, pid, position, dateline, special) VALUES ('$discuz_uid', '$tid', '$pid', '".($thread['replies'] + 1)."', '$timestamp', '0')", 'UNBUFFERED');
$tradeaid = 0;
if($attachment) {
$searcharray = $pregarray = $replacearray = array();
foreach($attachments as $key => $attach) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}attachments (tid, pid, dateline, readperm, price, filename, description, filetype, filesize, attachment, downloads, isimage, uid, thumb, remote)
VALUES ('$tid', '$pid', '$timestamp', '$attach[perm]', '$attach[price]', '$attach[name]', '$attach[description]', '$attach[type]', '$attach[size]', '$attach[attachment]', '0', '$attach[isimage]', '$attach[uid]', '$attach[thumb]', '$attach[remote]')");
$searcharray[] = '[local]'.$localid[$key].'[/local]';
$pregarray[] = '/\[localimg=(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\]'.$localid[$key].'\[\/localimg\]/is';
$insertid = $db->insert_id();
$replacearray[] = '[attach]'.$insertid.'[/attach]';
if(!empty($trade) && $thread['special'] == 2 && !empty($_FILES['tradeattach']['tmp_name'][0])) {
$tradeaid = $insertid;
$message = str_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, preg_replace($pregarray, $replacearray, $message));
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}posts SET message='".checkAndTranslate($message)."' WHERE pid='$pid'");
updatecredits($discuz_uid, $postattachcredits, count($attachments));
if($modnewreplies) {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}forums SET todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='$fid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
if($newsubscribed) {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}threads SET subscribed='1' WHERE tid='$tid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}threads SET lastposter='$author', lastpost='$timestamp', replies=replies+1 ".($attachment ? ', attachment=\'1\'' : '').", subscribed='".($subscribed || $newsubscribed ? 1 : 0)."' WHERE tid='$tid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
updatepostcredits('+', $discuz_uid, $replycredits);
$lastpost = "$thread[tid]\t".checkAndTranslate($thread['subject'])."\t$timestamp\t$author";
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}forums SET lastpost='$lastpost', posts=posts+1, todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='$fid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
if($forum['type'] == 'sub') {
$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}forums SET lastpost='$lastpost' WHERE fid='$forum[fup]'", 'UNBUFFERED');
echo "成功回复";
//exit('Run end.this.line='.__line__);
The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact admin@php.cn