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Detailed explanation of an example of sliding the screen to load data on the WeChat applet page

2018-05-29 15:00:155401browse

This article mainly introduces in detail the effect of sliding screen loading data on the WeChat applet page, which has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it

The sliding screen loading data is any small program There are functions that are commonly used in the program. In this article, I will organize this function for everyone. I hope it will be interesting to everyone. Let’s take a look at the renderings first:

Create directory

First we create an information directory in the project. The following is what I created myself Directory, you can create it according to your own needs. As shown in the picture:

Create lists.js file

The following is the lists.js code

var app = getApp()
 data: {
  newsList: [],
  lastid: 0,
  toastHidden: true,
  confirmHidden: true,
  isfrist: 1,
  loadHidden: true,
  moreHidden: 'none',
  msg: '没有更多文章了'
 loadData: function (lastid) {
  this.setData({ loadHidden: false })
  var limit = 10
  var that = this
   url: '', //数据接口
   data: { lastid: lastid, limit: limit },
   header: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
   success: function (res) {
    if (!res.data) {
     that.setData({ toastHidden: false })
     that.setData({ moreHidden: 'none' })
     return false
    var len = res.data.length
    var oldLastid = lastid
    if(len != 0) {
     that.setData({ lastid: res.data[len - 1].id })
    } else {
     that.setData({ toastHidden: false})
    var dataArr = that.data.newsList
    var newData = dataArr.concat(res.data);
     if (oldLastid == 0) {
      wx.setStorageSync('CmsList', newData)
    that.setData({ newsList: newData })
    that.setData({ moreHidden: '' })
   fail: function (res) {
    if (lastid == 0) {
     var newData = wx.getStorageSync('CmsList')
     if(newData) {
      that.setData({ newsList: newData })
      that.setData({ moreHidden: '' })
      var len = newData.length
      if (len != 0) {
       that.setData({ lastid: newData[len - 1].id })
      } else {
       that.setData({ toastHidden: false })
      console.log('data from cache');
     } else {
      that.setData({ toastHidden: false, moreHidden: 'none', msg: '当前网格异常,请稍后再试' })
   complete: function () {
    that.setData({ loadHidden: true })
 loadMore: function (event) {
  var id = event.currentTarget.dataset.lastid
  var isfrist = event.currentTarget.dataset.isfrist
  var that = this
   success: function (res) {
    var networkType = res.networkType // 返回网络类型2g,3g,4g,wifi
    if (networkType != 'wifi' && isfrist == '1') {
     that.setData({ confirmHidden: false })
  this.setData({ isfrist: 0 })
 onLoad: function () {
  var that = this
 toastChange: function () {
  this.setData({ toastHidden: true })
 modalChange: function () {
  this.setData({ confirmHidden: true })

Create page file (lists.wxml)