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Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

2017-09-07 15:38:411870browse

1: Overview

Speaking of garbage collection (Garbage Collection, GC), many people will naturally associate it with Java. In Java, programmers do not need to worry about dynamic memory allocation and garbage collection. As the name suggests, garbage collection is to release the space occupied by garbage. All this is left to the JVM to handle. This article mainly answers three questions:

1. Which memory needs to be recycled? (Which objects can be regarded as "garbage")
2. How to recycle? (Commonly used garbage collection algorithms)
3. What tools are used for recycling? (Garbage collector)

2. JVM garbage determination algorithm

Commonly used garbage determination algorithms include: reference counting algorithm and reachability analysis algorithm.

1. Reference counting algorithm

Java is associated with objects through references, which means that if you want to operate an object, you must do it through references. Add a reference counter to the object. Whenever there is a reference to it, the counter value is incremented by 1; when the reference expires, the counter value is decremented by 1; an object with a counter of 0 at any time cannot be used anymore, that is, Indicates that the object can be considered "garbage" for recycling.

The reference counter algorithm is simple to implement and highly efficient; however, it cannot solve the problem of circular references (object A refers to object B, object B refers to object A, but objects A and B are no longer referenced by any other objects), At the same time, each increase and decrease of the counter brings a lot of additional overhead, so after JDK1.1, this algorithm is no longer used. Code:

public class Main {    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyTest test1 = new MyTest();
        MyTest test2 = new MyTest();

        test1.obj  = test2;
        test2.obj  = test1;//test1与test2存在相互引用 

        test1 = null;
        test2 = null;


class MyTest{    
    public Object obj = null;

Although test1 and test2 are finally assigned null, which means that the objects pointed to by test1 and test2 can no longer be accessed, but because they refer to each other, their reference counts are not equal. 0, then the garbage collector will never reclaim them. After running the program, we can see from the memory analysis that the memory of these two objects is actually recycled. This also shows that the current mainstream JVM does not use the reference counter algorithm as the garbage determination algorithm.

2. Reachability analysis algorithm (root search algorithm)

The root search algorithm uses some "GC Roots" objects as the starting point, searches downwards from these nodes, and searches for the path passed. Becomes a reference chain
(Reference Chain). When an object is not connected by the reference chain of GC Roots, it means that the object is unavailable.

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

GC Roots objects include:
a) Objects referenced in the virtual machine stack (local variable table in the stack frame).
b) The object referenced by the class static property in the method area.
c) The object referenced by the constant in the method area.
d) The object referenced by JNI (generally known as Native method) in the local method stack.

In the reachability analysis algorithm, unreachable objects are not "necessary to die". At this time, they are temporarily in the "suspended" stage. To truly declare an object dead, it takes at least two Secondary marking process: If the object is found to have no reference chain connected to GC Roots after the reachability analysis, it will be marked for the first time and filtered. The filtering condition is whether the object needs to execute finalize() method. When the object does not cover the finalize() method, or the finalize() method has been called by the virtual machine, the virtual machine treats both situations as "no need to execute". Note that the finalize() method of any object will only be automatically executed once by the system.

If this object is determined to need to execute the finalize() method, then this object will be placed in a queue called F-Queue, and will be later automatically created by a virtual machine. The priority Finalizer thread executes it. The so-called "execution" here means that the virtual machine triggers this method, but does not promise to wait for it to finish running. The reason for this is that if an object executes slowly in the finalize() method, or an infinite loop occurs, it will be very difficult. It may cause other objects in the F-Queue queue to wait permanently, or even cause the entire memory recycling system to crash. Therefore, calling the finalize() method does not mean that the code in this method can be completely executed.

The finalize() method is the last chance for the object to escape the fate of death. Later, the GC will mark the object in the F-Queue for a second small scale. If the object is to be successfully rescued in finalize() Self - Just re-associate yourself with any object in the reference chain, for example, assign yourself (this keyword) to a class variable or member variable of the object, and it will be removed when marked for the second time. Out of the "about to be recycled" collection; if the object has not escaped at this time, then it is basically really recycled. From the following code we can see that an object's finalize() is executed, but it can still survive.

 * 此代码演示了两点:   
 * 1.对象可以在被GC时自我拯救。   
 * 2.这种自救的机会只有一次,因为一个对象的finalize()方法最多只会被系统自动调用一次   
 */    public class FinalizeEscapeGC {    

  public static FinalizeEscapeGC SAVE_HOOK = null;    

  public void isAlive() {    
   System.out.println("yes, i am still alive :)");    

  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {    
   System.out.println("finalize mehtod executed!");    
   FinalizeEscapeGC.SAVE_HOOK = this;    

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {    
   SAVE_HOOK = new FinalizeEscapeGC();    

   SAVE_HOOK = null;    
   if (SAVE_HOOK != null) {    
   } else {    
    System.out.println("no, i am dead :(");    

   SAVE_HOOK = null;    
   if (SAVE_HOOK != null) {    
   } else {    
    System.out.println("no, i am dead :(");    

Running results:

finalize mehtod executed!    
yes, i am still alive :)    
no, i am dead :(




1、标记—清除算法(Mark-Sweep)(DVM 使用的算法)


Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine


复制算法是把内存分成大小相等的两块,每次使用其中一块,当垃圾回收的时候,把存活的对象复制到另一块上,然后把这块内存整个清理掉。复制算法实现简单,运行效率高,但是由于每次只能使用其中的一半,造成内存的利用率不高。现在的JVM 用复制方法收集新生代,由于新生代中大部分对象(98%)都是朝生夕死的,所以两块内存的比例不是1:1(大概是8:1)。

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine



Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

4、分代收集(Generational Collection)




Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine


Serial收集器是最基本、发展历史最悠久的收集器,曾经(在JDK 1.3.1之前)是虚拟机

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine


PretenureSizeThreshold、-XX:HandlePromotionFailure等)、收集算法、Stop The World、对

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

3. Parallel Scavenge Collector

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

The characteristic of Parallel Scavenge collector is that its focus is different from other collectors. The goal of Parallel Scavenge collector is to achieve a Controllable throughput. The so-called throughput is the ratio of the time the CPU spends running user code to the total CPU time consumed, that is, throughput = time running user code/(time running user code + garbage collection time). Due to its close relationship with throughput, the Parallel Scavenge collector is often called a "throughput-first" collector.

4. Serial Old Collector

Serial Old is the old generation version of the Serial collector. It is also a single-threaded collector and uses the "mark-sort" algorithm. The main significance of this collector is also to be used by virtual machines in Client mode. If it is in Server mode, it has two main uses: one is to be used with the Parallel Scavenge collector in JDK 1.5 and previous versions [1], and the other is to be used as a backup plan for the CMS collector. , used when ConcurrentMode Failure occurs in concurrent collection.

5. Parallel Old collector

Parallel Old is the old generation version of Parallel Scavenge collector, using multi-threading and "mark-sort" algorithm.
This collector was only provided in JDK 1.6.

6. CMS collector

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep) collector is a collector that aims to obtain the shortest recycling pause time. At present, a large part of Java applications are concentrated on the servers of Internet websites or B/S systems. Such applications pay special attention to the response speed of the service and hope that the system pause time will be the shortest to provide users with a better experience.
The operation process is divided into 4 steps, including:
a) Initial mark (CMS initial mark)
b) Concurrent mark (CMS concurrent mark)
c) Remark (CMS remark)
d) Concurrent sweep (CMS concurrent sweep)

CMS collector has three disadvantages:
1 Sensitive to CPU resources. Generally, concurrently executed programs are sensitive to the number of CPUs
2 cannot handle floating garbage. During the concurrent cleanup phase, the user thread is still executing, and the garbage generated at this time cannot be cleaned up.
3 Due to the mark-sweep algorithm, a large amount of space fragmentation is generated.

7. G1 collector

Research on recycling mechanism in Java virtual machine

G1 is a garbage collector for server-side applications.
The operation of the G1 collector can be roughly divided into the following steps:

a) Initial Marking (Initial Marking)
b) Concurrent Marking (Concurrent Marking)
c) Final Marking ( Final Marking)
d) Screening and recycling (Live Data Counting and Evacuation)

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