Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >Detailed explanation of the implementation of the Chinese Valentine's Day confession function in html5+CSS3+JS
Because today, August 28th, is Chinese Valentine’s Day - Qixi Festival. As a programmer like me, I am not far behind, and I still have a heart to be alone. The following editor has created an implementation based on html5+css3+js for everyone. For the Chinese Valentine's Day special effects and specific example codes, please refer to this article
Because today, August 28, is Chinese Valentine's Day - Chinese Valentine's Day, as a programmer, I can only type code at home! But I still have a heart to be single; I made an h5+css+js interface to wish my friends: Happy Chinese Valentine's Day
The specific functions are:
1. Snowing background animation
2. The following text is displayed verbatim, accompanied by voice
3. The middle image is rotated in 3D
Attached is the source code :
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="Keywords" content="关键字,关键词"> <meta name="Description" content="描述信息"> <title>七夕快乐</title> <!--css 样式 层叠样式表--> <style type="text/css"> *{margin:0;padding:0;} html,body{width:100%;height:100%;} body{background:url(images/3.jpg);background-size:cover;overflow:hidden;} /*top start*/ .top{width:400px;height:100px;margin:60px auto;font-size:30px;font-family:"华文行楷";color:#fff;} /*background:-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg,#ff0000,#ff0099,#ffff00,#33ff00,#3300cc,#000000);*/ /*end top*/ /*box start*/ .box{width:310px;height:310px;margin:auto;perspective:800px;} .box .pic{position:relative;transform-style:preserve-3d;/*搭载3d环境*/animation:play 10s linear infinite;} /*animation:play 速度 匀速 循环;*/ .box ul li{list-style:none;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;} /*end box*/ #text{width:500px;height:200px;margin:auto;color:#6fade1;margin:auto;font-size:24px;font-family:"方正喵呜体";} /*定义一个关键帧*/ @keyframes play{ from{transform:rotateY(0deg);} to{transform:rotateY(360deg);} } </style> </head> <body> <!--top start--> <p class="top"> <!--marquee滚动标签 behaviod="alternate"碰撞--> <marquee behavior="alternate">时光不老 我们不散</marquee> </p> <!--end top--> <!--box start--> <p class="box"> <p class="pic"> <ul> <!--图片四要素 src路径 width height alt描述 优化--> <li><img src="images/1.png" width="" height="" alt="描述"></li> <li><img src="images/2.png" width="" height="" alt="描述"></li> <li><img src="images/3.png" width="" height="" alt="描述"></li> <li><img src="images/4.png" width="" height="" alt="描述"></li> <li><img src="images/5.png" width="" height="" alt="描述"></li> <li><img src="images/6.png" width="" height="" alt="描述"></li> </ul> </p> </p> <!--end box--> <p id="text"></p> <!--插入背景音乐--> <embed src="周杰伦+-+告白气球.mp3"/> <!--引入jQuery类库--> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!--下雪的动画背景 js--> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/trans.js"></script> <script> //拿到每一个li $(".pic ul li").each(function(i){ //每一张图片的旋转角度是不相同的 var deg=360/$(".pic ul li").size(); //当前的li对象 $(this).css({"transform":"rotateY("+deg*i+"deg) translateZ(216px)"}); //调用下雪的动画 $.fn.snow({ minSize:10, maxSize:15, newOn:500, flakeColor:"#fff" }); }); var i=0; var str="把天上的银河截下,汇成爱情的心河,流进你的心里;把天上的鹊桥摘下,变成爱情的心桥,搭在你的心里。给你此生不变的挚爱. 七夕快乐 ! ! !"; //语音 var obj = $('<audio src="http://fanyi.baidu.com/gettts?lan=zh&text='+str+'&spd=5&sorce=web" autoplay></audio>'); $("body").append(obj); window.onload= function typing(){ //获取p var myp=document.getElementById("text"); //实现逐字显示 myp.innerHTML+=str.charAt(i); i++; //定时器 var id = setTimeout(typing,100); //判断str显示完后清空setTimeout if(i==str.length){ clearTimeout(id); } } </script> </body> </html>
The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of the implementation of the Chinese Valentine's Day confession function in html5+CSS3+JS. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!