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Resource sharing about building a complete blog system using the Yii2 framework

2017-09-01 09:49:082712browse

Yii is one of the best practices for rapid development of PHP. With its rich expansion resources and rapid development ideas, it is increasingly favored by enterprises and has become more widely used. This course takes the blog system as an example to describe how to use yii2.0 for practical development and learn the practical application of yii2.0. The content is divided into three parts: basic configuration, blog front-end, and blog back-end.

Resource sharing about building a complete blog system using the Yii2 framework

Video playback address: http://www.php.cn/course/266.html

The teacher’s teaching style:

The teacher’s lectures are simple, clear, layer-by-layer analysis, interlocking, rigorous argumentation, rigorous structure, and use the logical power of thinking to attract students’ attention Strength, use reason to control the classroom teaching process. By listening to the teacher's lectures, students not only learn knowledge, but also receive training in thinking, and are also influenced and influenced by the teacher's rigorous academic attitude

The more difficult point in this video is the framework of the Yii framework blog system Routes configured:

##Basic routing

The vast majority of routes for your application will be in the app/routes.PHP file defined in. The simplest route in Laravel consists of a URI and a closure call.

Basic GET routing

The code is as follows:

Route::get('/', function(){return 'Hello World';});

Basic POST routing

The code is as follows:

Route::post('foo/bar', function()
return 'Hello World';

Register a route to respond to all HTTP methods

The code is as follows:

Route::any('foo', function()
   return 'Hello World';

Force a route to be accessed through HTTPS

Code As follows:

Route::get('foo', array('https', function()
    return 'Must be over HTTPS';

Often you need to generate URLs based on routes. You can do this by using the URL::to method:

The code is as follows:

$url = URL::to('foo');

Route Parameter

The code is as follows:

Route::get('user/{id}', function($id)
return 'User '.$id;

The optional routing parameter

The code is as follows:

Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = null)
return $name;

Optional routing parameters with default values

The code is as follows:

Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = 'John')
return $name;

Routing with regular expression constraints

The code is as follows:

Route::get('user/{name}', function($name)
->where('name', '[A-Za-z]+');
Route::get('user/{id}', function($id)
->where('id', '[0-9]+');

Route Filter

Route filter provides a simple way to restrict access to specified routes, which is very useful when you need to create a zone for your site that requires authentication. The Laravel framework contains some routing filters, such as auth filter, auth.basic filter, guest filter, and csrf filter. They are stored in the app/filters.php file.

Define a routing filter

The code is as follows:

Route::filter('old', function()
if (Input::get(&#39;age&#39;) < 200)
return Redirect::to(&#39;home&#39;);

If a response is returned from a routing filter, the response is considered In response to this request, the route will not be executed, and any after filters related to this route will also be canceled.

Specify a routing filter for a route

The code is as follows:

Route::get(&#39;user&#39;, array(&#39;before&#39; => &#39;old&#39;, function()
return &#39;You are over 200 years old!&#39;;

Specify multiple routing filters for a route

The code is as follows:

Route::get(&#39;user&#39;, array(&#39;before&#39; => &#39;auth|old&#39;, function()
return &#39;You are authenticated and over 200 years old!&#39;;

Specify routing filter parameters

The code is as follows:

Route::filter(&#39;age&#39;, function($route, $request, $value)
Route::get(&#39;user&#39;, array(&#39;before&#39; => &#39;age:200&#39;, function()
return &#39;Hello World&#39;;

When the routing filter receives the third The response of the parameters $response:

The code is as follows:

Route::filter(&#39;log&#39;, function($route, $request, $response, $value)

Basic routing filter pattern

You may want to assign a group of routes based on the URI Specify filter.

The code is as follows:

Route::filter(&#39;admin&#39;, function()
Route::when(&#39;admin/*&#39;, &#39;admin&#39;);

In the above example, the admin filter will be applied with all routes starting with admin/. The asterisk acts as a wildcard character and will match all character combinations.

You can also constrain the pattern filter by specifying the HTTP method:

The code is as follows:

Route::when(&#39;admin/*&#39;, &#39;admin&#39;, array(&#39;post&#39;));

Filter class

For advanced filters, you A class can be used instead of a closure function. Because the filter class is an IoC container that lives outside the application, you can use dependency injection in the filter, making it easier to test.

Define a filter class

The code is as follows:

class FooFilter {
public function filter()
// Filter logic...

Register a class-based filter

Code As follows:

Route::filter(&#39;foo&#39;, &#39;FooFilter&#39;);

Named routing

Named routing makes it easier to specify routes when generating redirects or URLs. You can specify a name for the route like this:

The code is as follows:

Route::get(&#39;user/profile&#39;, array(&#39;as&#39; => &#39;profile&#39;, function()

You can also specify a route name for the controller method:

The code is as follows:

Route::get(&#39;user/profile&#39;, array(&#39;as&#39; => &#39;profile&#39;, &#39;uses&#39; => &#39;UserController@showProfile&#39;));

Now you use the route name when generating URLs or jumps:

The code is as follows:

$url = URL::route(&#39;profile&#39;);
$redirect = Redirect::route(&#39;profile&#39;);

You can use the currentRouteName method to get it The name of a route:

The code is as follows:

$name = Route::currentRouteName();

Route group

Sometimes you may want to apply a filter to a group of routes. You do not need to specify filters for each route, you can use route groups:

The code is as follows:

Route::group(array(&#39;before&#39; => &#39;auth&#39;), function()
Route::get(&#39;/&#39;, function()
// Has Auth Filter
Route::get(&#39;user/profile&#39;, function()
// Has Auth Filter

Subdomain routing

Laravel routing can also handle wildcards subdomain name, and obtain wildcard parameters from the domain name:

Register subdomain name routing

The code is as follows:

Route::group(array(&#39;domain&#39; => &#39;{account}.myapp.com&#39;), function()
Route::get(&#39;user/{id}&#39;, function($account, $id)

Routing prefix

One Group routing can add a prefix to the routing group by using the prefix option in the attribute array:

Add a prefix to the routing group

The code is as follows:

Route::group(array(&#39;prefix&#39; => &#39;admin&#39;), function()
Route::get(&#39;user&#39;, function()

Routing model binding Certainly

  模型绑定提供了一个简单的方法向路由中注入模型。比如,不仅注入一个用户的 ID,您可以根据指定的 ID 注入整个用户模型实例。首先使用 Route::model 方法指定所需要的模型:



Route::model(&#39;user&#39;, &#39;User&#39;);

然后, 定义一个包含 {user} 参数的路由:


Route::get(&#39;profile/{user}&#39;, function(User $user)

  因为我们已经绑定 {user} 参数到 User 模型,一个 User 实例将被注入到路由中。因此,比如一个 profile/1 的请求将注入一个 ID 为 1 的 User 实例。

  注意: 如果在数据库中没有找到这个模型实例,将引发404错误。

  如果您希望指定您自己定义的没有找到的行为,您可以为 model 方法传递一个闭包作为第三个参数:


Route::model(&#39;user&#39;, &#39;User&#39;, function()
throw new NotFoundException;

  有时您希望使用自己的方法处理路由参数,可以使用 Route::bind 方法:


Route::bind(&#39;user&#39;, function($value, $route)
return User::where(&#39;name&#39;, $value)->first();


  有两种方法在路由中手动触发一个404错误。首先,您可以使用 App::abort 方法:



其次,您可以抛出一个 Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException 的实例。

更多关于处理404异常和为这些错误使用使用自定义响应的信息可以在 错误 章节中找到。


Laravel 不仅允许您路由至闭包,也可以路由至控制器类,甚至允许创建 资源控制器.

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