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Chuanzhi Podcast Session Management Tutorial

2017-08-24 11:02:531437browse

Course introduction:

1 Loading web application resource files

2 Getting started with cookies

3 Cookie details

4 Cookie case-user’s last visit Time 1

5 cookie case-user’s last visit time 2

6 cookie case-browsed products

7 session technology detailed explanation

Play address :http://www.php.cn/course/564.html

Lecturer characteristics: Rigorous thinking, seriousness, knowing how to grasp the key points, so that students know when to focus on memory , learn easily and learn quickly.

Difficulty analysis: Key points of cookie principles;

The similarities and differences between cookie and session;

When to use cookie and session.

Courseware download address: http://www.php.cn/xiazai/code/2083

Because the HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol, the WEB server Each user request is treated as a new request. However, many WEB applications require saving certain information from the last request. In order to solve this problem, the problem of session and state management

arises. In the video, relevant knowledge points include: sessions and session states in WEB applications, cookies, using cookies in Servlet programs

, Sessions, typical cases of Sessions, and persistence management of Sessions.

The so-called session refers to a series of requests and responses that occur continuously between a client browser and the WEB server. The session state of the WEB application

refers to the state information generated by the WEB server and the browser during the session. With the help of the session state, the WEB server can

belong to a series of requests in the same session. associated with the response process. For example, when a user logs in from the website's login page and then

enters the shopping page to make a purchase, the server program responsible for processing the shopping request must know the user

obtained by the program that processed the previous request. information. Since the HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol, the WEB server itself cannot identify which requests are issued by the same browser. Each request of the browser is completely isolated. Therefore, the WEB server program must be able to distinguish which request messages belong to the same session from a large number of request messages, that is, it must be able to identify access requests from the same browser, which requires the browser to issue Each

request message is identified. Request messages belonging to the same session are all accompanied by the same identification number, while request

messages belonging to different sessions are always accompanied by different identification numbers. , this identification number is called session ID (SessionID). SessionID is

generated by the server and passed to the browser. If the client wants to receive it and send it back to the server for verification, a corresponding mechanism is required. This is

Cookie technology, which not only The corresponding session information is temporarily received and saved, and can also be recorded on the client's hard disk for a long time.

SessionID can not only be passed in the request message through Cookie technology, but can also be

passed as an additional parameter in the request URL. SessionID is a unique code assigned by the WEB server to each client browser. It is usually generated when the WEB server receives the first visit of a browser and is sent to the browser along with the response message. device. The session process is started by the

program on the WEB server. Once a session is opened, the server-side program will create an independent storage structure for the session to save the session's

status information. Access requests in the same session can and can only access state information in the storage structure belonging to that session.

Cookie is a technology that maintains HTTP status information on the client. It is like a discount card issued by a shopping mall. Cookie is a piece of data that is sent to the browser by the WEB server in the HTTP response header when the browser accesses a certain resource of the WEB server. The WEB server sends it to each client. The data of the end browser can be different. Once the WEB browser saves a cookie,

then every time it accesses the WEB server in the future, it should send the cookie back to the WEB server in the HTTP request header. The WEB server

sends the Cookie information to the browser by adding the Set-Cookie response header field to the HTTP response message, and the browser adds the Cookie request header to the HTTP request message by

Field returns the cookie to the WEB server. A cookie can only identify one type of information

, which contains at least a name (NAME) and setting value (VALUE) that identifies the information. A WEB site can send multiple cookies to a WEB browser, and a WEB browser can also store cookies provided by multiple WEB sites.

The Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 header fields can be used in the program to specify the Cookie content sent by the WEB server to the client

. The two only use different specifications, but their The syntax and functions are similar. You can choose the appropriate response based on browser support

Header field. The cookie content set in the Set-Cookie2 header field is a string with a certain format. It must start with the name of the cookie

and the set value. The format is "name=value", and can be followed by 0 or Multiple other optional attributes separated by semicolons (;) and spaces.

The attribute format is generally "attribute name = value".

Finally, let’s explain the request header field of the cookie returned by the browser. The browser uses the Cookie request header field to send the Cookie information back to the WEB server. Multiple cookie information is sent back to the WEB server through a Cookie request header field. Whether the browser sends a certain

Cookie information is determined according to the following rules:

1. Whether the requested host name matches the Domain attribute of a stored cookie

2. Whether the requested port number is in the Port attribute list of the Cookie

3. Whether the requested resource path is in the directory and subdirectory specified by the Path attribute of the Cookie

4. Whether the validity period of the cookie has expired. Each cookie in the Cookie request header field is separated by a comma (,) or semicolon (;)

. In addition to the "name = value" setting, the Cookie request header field can also have several attributes such as Version, Path, Domain, Port

, etc. However, if you want to set attributes such as Version, Path, Domain, Port, etc., you need to add a

"$" character as a prefix before the attribute name, and the Version attribute can only appear once and must be located in the Cookie request header field. At the front of the setting value,

If you need to set the Path, Domain, Port and other attributes of a certain cookie information, they must be located after the "name=

value" setting of the cookie information. It should be noted that the Path attribute points to the cookie in the subdirectory before the

Cookie that the Path attribute points to the parent directory. For example: Cookie: $Version=1; Course=Java; $Path=/it315/lesson; Course=vc;

$Path=/it315. This cookie complies with the above constraints. A specific example is demonstrated in the video tutorial:

      Cookie ckName = new Cookie("name",name); 
      Cookie ckNickname = new Cookie("nickname",nickname); 
      Cookie ckEmail = new Cookie("email","test1@it315.org"); 
      Cookie ckPhone = new Cookie("phone","1111111"); 
      String lastNickname = null; 
      Cookie [] cks = request.getCookies(); 
      for(int i=0; cks!=null && i<cks.length; i++) {
          if("nickname".equals(cks[i].getName())) {
              lastNickname = cks[i].getValue();
      if(lastNickname != null) {
      out.println("欢迎您," + lastNickname );

The above code snippet generates four cookie information named name, nickname, email, and phone. The values ​​of the two cookies name and

nickname are set through request parameters, and the cookie nickname remains valid for 1

year. The values ​​​​of the two cookies email and phone It is specified hard-coded in the program. The second code snippet is to generate the Cookie information

and then search for the Cookie information named nickname from the request message, and print out the corresponding greeting based on the returned result. The

fragment also prints The value of the Cookie header field in the outgoing request message.

Understand the concept of session and Cookie technology, and then give a detailed introduction and example demonstration of Session. This video mainly explains

What is Session, Session tracking mechanism, Session timeout management, methods in the HttpSession interface,

Session methods in the HttpServletRequest interface, application and session domain scope Attribute comparison, using

Cookie to implement Session tracking, and using URL rewriting to implement Session tracking. These technologies will be used frequently in the future.

Using cookies and additional URL parameters can pass the status information of the previous request to the next request. However, if more status information is passed, it will greatly reduce the network transmission efficiency. And increase the difficulty of server-side program processing. In order to solve this problem,

Session technology was born. Session technology is a technology that saves session state on the server side. During the session, the client needs to receive, remember, and send back the session ID number of the Session. Session can and usually uses Cookie to pass the session ID number. As you can see, Cookie and Session often work together, which can solve the stateless nature of the HTTP protocol

. With the concept of Session, a program is needed to implement it, and then allow the server to successfully track a specific Session.

In the Servlet API specification, an HttpSession interface is defined. The HttpSession interface defines various methods for managing and operating session

session status. The HttpSession object generated by the WEB server is a storage structure that maintains session state information. A client corresponds to a respective HttpSession object on the

WEB server. The WEB server does not create a

HttpSession object when the client starts to access it. The WEB application will create

# only when the client accesses a Servlet program that can open a session with the client. ##Create an HttpSession object corresponding to the client. The WEB server assigns a unique

session identification number to each HttpSession object, and then passes this session identification number to the client in the response message. The client needs to remember the session identification number and transmit this session identification number to the WEB server in each subsequent access request. The WEB server program relies on the returned session identification number

## The # sign will tell you which client issued this request, so you can select the corresponding HttpSession object. Because the server-side resources are limited and cannot save HttpSession objects without limit, the WEB application creates a

corresponding to a certain client.















可以忽略了。在Servlet API中,会话的超时间隔可以在web.xml文件中设置,其默认值由Servlet容




      String courseSelect = request.getParameter("course");
      if(courseSelect != null){
          Vector vCourses = (Vector)session.getAttribute("courses");
          if(vCourses == null){
              vCourses = new Vector();
                  out.println(sessionName + ",你以前选择过了" + 
                             courseSelect + "<hr>");




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