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vim common configuration-make vim easier to use

2017-08-17 10:30:172592browse

Copy the following code to the user directory and create a new file as .vimrc

Save it and it will take effect; if you want it to take effect for all users, please modify /etc/vimrc (it is recommended to cp a copy first)

set nocompatible "Turn off vi compatibility mode

syntax on "Automatic syntax highlighting

colorscheme molokai "Set color scheme

set number "Display line number

set cursorline " Highlight the current line

set ruler " Turn on the status bar ruler

set shiftwidth=4 " Set the width of the << and >> commands when moving. 4

set softtabstop=4 " Allows you to delete 4 spaces at a time when pressing the backspace key

set tabstop=4 " Set the tab length to 4

set nobackup " Do not back up when overwriting files

set autochdir " Automatically switch the current directory to the directory where the current file is located

filetype plugin indent on " Turn on the plugin

set backupcopy=yes " Set The behavior when backing up is to override

set ignorecase smartcase " Ignore case when searching, but remain case-sensitive when there are one or more uppercase letters

set nowrapscan " Disable searching for Search again at both ends of the file

set incsearch "Display search results when entering search content

set hlsearch "Highlight the found text when searching

set noerrorbells " Turn off the error message bell

set novisualbell " Turn off the use of the visual bell instead of calling

set t_vb= " Null the terminal code of the error bell

" set showmatch " insert bracket, briefly jump to the matching corresponding bracket

" set matchtime=2 "Briefly jump to the time of the matching bracket

set magic "Set magic

set hidden " Allows switching buffers when there are unsaved modifications. The modifications at this time are saved by vim

set guioptions-=T " Hide toolbar

set guioptions-=m " Hide Menu bar

set smartindent "Use smart automatic indentation when opening a new line

set backspace=indent,eol,start

" If you do not set it, you cannot use backspace in the insert state. Use the space key and Delete key to delete the carriage return

set cmdheight=1 "Set the number of lines in the command line to 1

set laststatus=2 "Show the status bar (the default value is 1, cannot Show status bar)

set statusline=\ %<%F[%1*%M%*%n%R%H]%=\ %y\ %0(%{&fileformat}\ %{ &encoding}\ %c:%l/%L%)\

" Set the information displayed in the status line

set foldenable " Start folding

set foldmethod=syntax " Set syntax folding

set foldcolumn=0 "Set the width of the folding area

setlocal foldlevel=1 "Set the number of folding levels to

" set foldclose=all "Set to automatic Close the fold

" Use the space bar to open and close the fold

" nnoremap @=((foldclosed(line('.')) < 0) ? 'zc' : ' zo')

" Configure multi-language environment

if has("multi_byte")

" UTF-8 encoding

set encoding =utf-8

set termencoding=utf-8

set formatoptions+=mM

set fencs=utf-8,gbk

" when selected Ctrl+c copy

vmap "+y

The above is the detailed content of vim common configuration-make vim easier to use. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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