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Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress

2017-08-17 10:07:313689browse

Abstract: This article is the second article in the series of "WordPress Developing WeChat Mini Programs". This article records the process of developing the v1.1 version of the "DeveWork+" mini program. As always, the target audience is front-end students who know WordPress. It is recommended to read the first article before reading this article. If you haven't read this mini program...

This article is the second in the series of "WordPress Developing WeChat Mini Programs". This article records the development of the "DeveWork+" mini program v1. 1 version of the process. As always, the target audience is front-end students who know WordPress. It is recommended to read the first article before reading this article.

If you have not seen this mini program, you can enter the experience through the following mini program code. Note that when reading the article, the version you scanned may not be v1.1.

Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress

"DeveWork+" applet v1.1 version has a lot of updates, here are some meaningful records Down. Please note that the content of this article is unfolded slightly differently from the previous article. Each chapter is a change point, and refer to the developer tool update history of the WeChat applet and use A (Add), F (Fix), and U (Update) as the beginning of the subtitle.

Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress

A: New "Topic" section

1.1 version adds a "Topic" Tab and related pages (as shown above). "Topics" are equivalent to WordPress catalog articles. The entrance page is three rounded-corner cards with graphics and text, and the layout is very simple. Pass relevant information to the click event function through data-xx and id.


<view class="featured-item" data-title="WordPress" id="2" catchtap="redictCatArchive">      "{{featuredImg.one}}" mode="widthFix" class="featured-img">
      <view class="featured-content">
        <view class="featured-title">WordPressview>class="featured-desc">有关WordPress 的高级使用技巧view>

A development point found here: in

After configuring tabBar in app.json, when the page to be jumped is located in the tabBar configuration, wx.navigateTo, wx.redirectTo cannot be used - that is, wx.navigateTo, wx.redirectTo cannot jump to the tab page.

A: Sharing (forwarding) function

It only took two days to make the first version, and the sharing function was only added in this version. The forwarding function only needs to call the official onShareAppMessage function, because the sharing trigger must be after the Onload life cycle, so it is possible to dynamically modify the sharing parameters.


//https://devework.com/wordpress-weapp-2.htmlonShareAppMessage: function () {        return {            title: this.data.detail.title.rendered,            path: &#39;/pages/single/single?id=&#39; + this.data.detail.id,            success: function (res) {                console.log(&#39;转发成功&#39;)

            },            fail: function (res) {                console.log(&#39;转发失败&#39;)




Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPressA : Join MTA (Tencent Mobile Analytics) mini program data statistics

When the 1.0 version was developed, the data statistics that came with the mini program were not very powerful, so we decided to use a third-party data statistics service. In addition to being a bonus for Tencent, MTA attracts me because of its “custom event” function, which allows me to obtain relevant data analysis based on my personal needs. For example, the following events configured by Jeff let me know which articles are popular, which users operate more frequently, etc.

Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress#The steps for using MTA will not be repeated here. After all, the official has more detailed documents.

A: Increase the number of article views and add the Font Icon

Same as the website, add the number of article views information, and add the Font to the article publishing time and browser information icon.

The article views information is displayed in the REST API by default, so the WordPress REST API needs to be customized; the Font Icon directly uses the same Icon as the website. Because the mini program does not support local font files, gulp-inline-base64 is used. This type of plug-in converts the ttf font file into a base64 address, and then uses it like normal web development.

U: Encapsulate Promise to facilitate writing code

Although the WeChat applet officially supports ES6, Jeff felt a little bit stuck after using Promise. So I used a third-party encapsulated Promise to avoid the disgusting code "callback hell".

This library also encapsulates the Request function of the mini program. After loading the relevant files, rewrite the original function to obtain the article list. The relevant code modifications are as follows:

//https://devework.com/wordpress-weapp-2.htmlvar postsRequest = wxRequest.getRequest(api.getPosts(data));

postsRequest.then(res => {

    self.setData({        noMore: res.data.length == 0,       postsList: 

          //    细节代码略         })

.finally(function (res) {    console.log(&#39;Index:finally~&#39;)    //    细节代码略})

U:更换TabBar Icon,增加空白占位

上一篇的“踩坑篇”中有提及 TabBar Icon 的坑点,这次伴随着更新将图标全部都换了,配合整体风格采用了更加细的线型图标。推荐一个下载这类图标的站点:http://www.flaticon.com/。

下载的图标还是做了些处理:根据官方推荐处理为81x81 大小,并增加占位透明 padding 为了让icon 在真机上看起来没那么大。

Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress

F:下拉加载,文章已经完全load 完的处理


Jeff 的处理方式是添加一个noMore 参数,然后默认为false。当请求API 后检测数据长度,为0 就表示文章列表已经加载完全,noMore变为true

然后在WXML 文件中加入一个提示:

<view class="entry-empty" hidden="{{!noMore}}">·· 无更多文章 ··view>





以上就是1.1 版本的主要更新内容。1.1 版本的审核刚好在端午节前后,所以实质花了不少时间。

Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress

The above is the detailed content of Practical tutorial on developing WeChat mini programs using WordPress. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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