Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >An example of how jQuery Easyui Treegrid implements the display checkbox function
This article introduces the method of jQuery Easyui Treegrid to display the checkbox function through example code. The code is simple and easy to understand, very good, and has reference value. Friends who need it can refer to it.
The following is given through this article Can you please tell me how to implement the treegrid in the picture below?
Requirements: dynamic loading; cascading check; judgment of clearance type to display package library/or mirror (columns are different, mirror has 4 columns in total), check a multiple Select the box, and the subsequent checkboxes become uncheckable.
The following is the specific code:
1, initialize treegrid, (there are several type columns, which are field names provided by the backend staff, although I don’t want to get a bunch of type... Khan)
var root = 20543; //初始化产品树 function InitProductTreeGrid(rootid) { var type = '<%=Controler.ProductType%>'; var ishowPack = true; var ishowMirro = true; //1,包库;2,镜像 if (type == '1') { ishowPack = false; ishowMirro = true; } else { ishowPack = true; ishowMirro = false; }; $('#tt_Product').treegrid({ url: '../Handlers/Contract_ProductHandler.ashx', queryParams: { handlertype: "InitProductTreeGrid", ContractId: $('#ContractId').val(), CatalogId: rootid, pindex: $('#pindex').val() }, idField: 'id', width: 930, treeField: 'CatalogName', fitColumns: true, //宽度自适应窗口 rownumbers: false, //是否加行号 singleSelect: true, scrollbarSize: 0, //去除滚动条,否则右边最后一列会自动多处一块 columns: [[ { title: '产品列表', field: 'CatalogName', width: 210 }, { title: '产品ID', field: 'CatalogId', hidden: true }, { title: '父产品ID', field: 'ParentId', hidden: true }, { title: '父产品名称', field: 'ParentName', hidden: true }, { title: '产品类型', field: 'ProductType', hidden: true }, { title: '是否为子节点', field: 'isLeaf', hidden: true }, //备注:(1,是;0,否) { title: '是否为父节点', field: 'isParent', hidden: true }, { title: 'IsChecked', field: 'IsCheck', hidden: true }, { title: 'CurrentYearPrices', field: 'type1', hidden: true }, { title: 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices', field: 'type3', hidden: true }, { title: 'MirrorEarlyPrices', field: 'type4', hidden: true }, { title: 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices', field: 'type5', hidden: true }, { field: 'CurrentYearPrices', title: '当前价格', width: 200, hidden: ishowPack, formatter: function (value, rec, index) { var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="CurrentYearPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type1 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="CurrentYearPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'CurrentYearPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="CurrentYearPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '" /> ' + (value != 0 ? value.substr(0, value.length - 2) : '0.00'); return d; } }, { field: 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices', title: '当前价格', width: 200, hidden: ishowMirro, formatter: function (value, rec, index) { var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorCurrentYearPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type3 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="MirrorCurrentYearPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'MirrorCurrentYearPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="MirrorCurrentYearPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '" /> ' + value.substr(0, value.length - 2); //var d = '<span name="CurrentYearMirrorPrice" id="CurrentYearMirrorPrice' + rec.CatalogId + '" class="tree-checkbox tree-checkbox0">' + value + '</span>'; return d; } }, { field: 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices', title: '前阶段价格', width: 200, hidden: ishowMirro, formatter: function (value, rec, index) { var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type5 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '" /> ' + value.substr(0, value.length - 2); return d; } }, { field: 'MirrorEarlyPrices', title: '早期价格', width: 200, hidden: ishowMirro, formatter: function (value, rec, index) { var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorEarlyPrices" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type4 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="MirrorEarlyPrices' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'MirrorEarlyPrices\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="MirrorEarlyPrices' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="' + value + '" /> ' + value.substr(0, value.length - 2); return d; } }, { field: 'type0', title: '是否赠送', width: 200, formatter: function (value, rec, index) { //alert(rec.isPresent); var d = '<input type="checkbox" name="IsPresent" catalogid="' + rec.CatalogId + '" ' + (rec.type0 == 'True' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="IsPresent' + rec.CatalogId + '" onclick="showProductTree(this,\'IsPresent\',' + rec.CatalogId + ',' + rec.isParent + ');" parent="IsPresent' + rec.ParentId + '" isparent="' + rec.isParent + '" value="0" /> '; return d; } } ]], loadFilter: function (data, parentId) { //逐层加载 function setData() { var todo = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { todo.push(data[i]); } while (todo.length) { var node = todo.shift(); if (node.children) { node.state = 'closed'; node.children1 = node.children; node.children = undefined; todo = todo.concat(node.children1); } } } setData(data); var tg = $(this); var opts = tg.treegrid('options'); opts.onBeforeExpand = function (row) { if (row.children1) { tg.treegrid('append', { parent: row[opts.idField], data: row.children1 }); row.children1 = undefined; tg.treegrid('expand', row[opts.idField]); } return row.children1 == undefined; }; return data; }, onLoadSuccess: function (row, data) { //alert(data[0].CatalogId) RelativeTreeGridCheck(); } }); };
2, RelativeTreeGridCheck() cascade method in onLoadSuccess
var parentcid; var ispid; var tempid; //父节点选中关联子节点选中 function RelativeTreeGridCheck() { var rows = $('#addProductTbl').find('.datagrid-view2 .datagrid-body .datagrid-btable tr'); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if ($(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id') != undefined) { parentcid = ""; ispid = -1; tempid = ""; catalogid = $(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id'); //alert(catalogid); var cols = $(rows).eq(i).find('td'); var fields = ''; for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) { fields = $(cols).eq(j).attr('field'); //alert('fields:' + fields); switch (fields) { case 'CurrentYearPrices': case 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices': case 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices': case 'MirrorEarlyPrices': case 'type0': if ($(cols).eq(j).find('p input:checked').length > 0) { parentcid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='CatalogId']").find('p').html(); ispid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='isParent']").find('p').html(); contractproducttype = $(cols).eq(j).find('p input').attr('name'); if (ispid == '1') { //获取checkbox对象 var obj = $(cols).eq(j).find('p input:checkbox'); //如果父节点选中,自己点也连带选中 showProductTree(obj, contractproducttype, parentcid, ispid) } } break; } } } } } function showProductTree(obj, catalogtype, id, isparent) { //alert(id.indexof('2')); if (isparent == 1) { //当前节点下包库子节点 //alert('$(obj).attr(checked)' + $(obj).attr('checked')); var state = $(obj).attr('checked') == undefined ? false : true; //alert('state:'+state+' id:'+id); //找出子节点 var nodes = $('input[name="' + catalogtype + '"][parent="' + catalogtype + id + '"]'); nodes.each(function () { //alert('$(this).attr(checked):' + $(this).attr('checked')); var curobjstate = $(this).attr('checked') == undefined ? false : true; disabledOthersCatalogType($(this), state, catalogtype) //alert('curobjstate:' + curobjstate + ' state:' + state + ' id:' + id + ' isparent: ' + $(this).attr('isparent')); if (curobjstate == state && $(this).attr('isparent') == '0') { //alert('leaf'); //如果当前节点的选中状态和父节点不同,并且当前节点不是父节点 $(this).attr('checked', state); $(this).prop('checked', state); } else { //alert('$(this).attr(catalogid)' + $(this).attr('catalogid') + '---$(this).attr(isparent)' + $(this).attr('isparent')); $(this).attr('checked', state); $(this).prop('checked', state); showProductTree($(this), catalogtype, $(this).attr('catalogid'), $(this).attr('isparent')) } if (state) { $(this).removeAttr('disabled'); } }); $(obj).prop('checked', state); disabledOthersCatalogType($(obj), state, catalogtype) } else { var state = $(obj).attr('checked') == undefined ? false : true; //alert(state); //alert(catalogtype); disabledOthersCatalogType($(obj), state, catalogtype) updateParentNodeCheckState($(obj), state, catalogtype) } } //修改其他产品类型的checkbox的只读状态 function disabledOthersCatalogType(obj, state, catalogtype) { $('input[catalogid="' + $(obj).attr('catalogid') + '"]').each(function () { if ($(this).attr('name') != catalogtype) { if (state) { $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $(this).removeAttr('disabled'); } $(this).attr('checked', false).prop('checked', false); } }); } //查找上一层节点,修改其状态 function updateParentNodeCheckState(obj, state, catalogtype) { var pid = $(obj).attr('parent'); //如果父节点是根节点,则不再执行 if (pid == catalogtype + root || $('#' + pid).length == 0) return; var parent = $('#' + pid); if (!state) { //取消父节点的选中状态 parent.attr('checked', false) parent.prop('checked', false) } else { //alert('pid:'+pid+'---'+$('input[parent="' + pid + '"]:checked').length+'------'+$('input[parent="' + pid + '"]').length); //alert('checkedLen:' + $('input[parent="' + pid + '"]:checked').length + ' len:' + $('input[parent="' + pid + '"]').length); //子节点全部选中 if ($('input[parent="' + pid + '"]:checked').length == $('input[parent="' + pid + '"]').length) { parent.attr('checked', true); parent.prop('checked', true); } } //修改其他产品类型的checkbox的只读状态 disabledOthersCatalogType(parent, state, catalogtype) //继续查找上一层节点 updateParentNodeCheckState(parent, state, catalogtype) }
3, due to splicing It’s quite complicated, so let’s talk about the parameter passing code
//新增产品单击操作处理 function subAddProduct() { 5 var strJson = ''; var selectedvalued = $('#cbo_selFirstCombbox').combobox('getValue'); //下拉框选中的value selectedvalued = selectedvalued == '' ? '20544' : selectedvalued; // var ids = ''; var rows = $('#addProductTbl').find('.datagrid-view2 .datagrid-body .datagrid-btable tr'); strJson += "["; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { catalogid = -1; catalogname = ''; productfather = -1; contractproducttype = ''; quoteprice = -1; isfather = -1; productfathername = ''; if ($(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id') != undefined) { catalogid = $(rows).eq(i).attr('node-id'); //alert(catalogid); var cols = $(rows).eq(i).find('td'); var fields = ''; for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) { fields = $(cols).eq(j).attr('field'); //alert('fields:' + fields); switch (fields) { case 'CatalogName': $(cols).eq(j).find('p span').each(function (index) { if ($(cols).eq(j).find('p span').eq(index).hasClass('tree-title')) { catalogname = $(cols).eq(j).find('p span').eq(index).html(); } }); //alert(catalogname); break; case 'ParentId': productfather = $(cols).eq(j).find('p').html(); break; case 'IsCheck': //原树选中节点id的获取(不包含修改的id节点),此步骤目的是为了配合后台方法,作用是先删除当前版本下所有树选中的节点,再获取页面中修改后的 //节点,进行更新操作 var oldcheck = $(cols).eq(j).find('p').html(); if (oldcheck == 'True') { var cid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='CatalogId']").find('p').html(); ids += cid + ','; //alert(ids) } break; case 'CurrentYearPrices': case 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices': case 'MirrorPrevious3YearPrices': case 'MirrorEarlyPrices': case 'type0': if ($(cols).eq(j).find('p input:checked').length > 0) { isfather = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='isParent']").find('p').html(); productfathername = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='ParentName']").find('p').html(); contractproducttype = $(cols).eq(j).find('p input').attr('name'); if (contractproducttype == 'IsPresent') { var type = '<%=Controler.ProductType%>'; contractproducttype = type == '1' ? 'CurrentYearPrices' : 'MirrorCurrentYearPrices'; //如果类型为镜像,则默认为镜像当年 //alert($(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='" + contractproducttype + "']").find('p input').val()); //quoteprice = 0; quoteprice = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field='" + contractproducttype + "']").find('p input').val(); ispresent = 1; } else { quoteprice = $(cols).eq(j).find('p input').val(); ispresent = 0; } //alert('name:' + $(cols).eq(j).find('p input').attr('name') + ' value:' + $(cols).eq(j).find('p input').val()); } break; } } //alert('catalogid:' + catalogid + '--catalogname:' + catalogname + '--productfather:' + productfather + '--contractproducttype:' + contractproducttype + '--quoteprice:' + quoteprice); if (catalogid != -1 && catalogname != '' && productfather != -1 && contractproducttype != '' && quoteprice != -1 && productfathername != '') { strJson += "{\"ProductID\":\"" + catalogid + "\",\"ContractProductType\":\"" + contractproducttype + "\",\"ProductFather\":\"" + productfather + "\",\"Productname\":\"" + catalogname + "\",\"Quotedprice\":\"" + quoteprice + "\",\"Oldproduct\":\"" + oldproduct + "\",\"IsPresent\":\"" + ispresent + "\",\"ContractID\":\"" + $('#ContractId').val() + "\",\"SelectedID\":\"" + selectedvalued + "\",\"IsParent\":\"" + isfather + "\",\"ProductFatherName\":\"" + productfathername + "\",\"IsNull\":\"0\"},"; } } } //alert(strJson); if (strJson == '[') { strJson = "[{\"ContractID\":\"" + $('#ContractId').val() + "\",\"SelectedID\":\"" + selectedvalued + "\",\"IsNull\":\"1\"}]"; } else { strJson = strJson.substr(0, strJson.length - 1); strJson += "]"; } ids = ids.substr(0, ids.length - 1); subProduct(strJson, ids); //alert(rows.length); } //新增产品提交操作 function subProduct(strJson, ids) { $.post('../Handlers/Contract_ProductHandler.ashx', { 'handlertype': 'subAddProduct', 'strJson': strJson, 'ids': ids, 'pindex': $('#pindex').val() }, function (responseData) {121 switch (responseData.Status) { case "success": //成功的操作 $.messager.alert('提示', responseData.Msg); $('#ProductWinTree').window('close'); //$('#selFirstCombbox').val('6774'); $('#dg_Product').datagrid('reload'); break; case "failed": //失败的操作 $.messager.alert('提示', responseData.Msg); break; } }, 'json'); }
The above is the detailed content of An example of how jQuery Easyui Treegrid implements the display checkbox function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!