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Example code in php on how to pay individuals with WeChat enterprise account

2017-07-26 14:54:211336browse

This article mainly introduces the method of php to implement WeChat enterprise account payment for individuals, and analyzes in detail the payment configuration, certificate usage and payment process related operation skills of php WeChat enterprise account. Friends in need can refer to the following

This article describes the example of how to use PHP to implement WeChat enterprise account payment for individuals. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

Introduction: Distributors, how to withdraw cash from micro-business?

Pay directly with WeChat.

The implementation is as follows:

WeChat payment configuration

  'PAY_WEIXIN'        => array(
    'appid'         => 'XXXX',
    'appsecret'       => 'XXXXXXX',
    'mchid'         => '1283301801',                        //商户号
    'key'          => 'zhudianbaodiandodozhudianbao0527',             //商户支付秘钥
    'apiclient_cert'    => 'Conf/cert/apiclient_cert.pem',               //商户证书apiclient_cert.pem
    'apiclient_key'     => 'Conf/cert/apiclient_key.pem',                //商户证书apiclient_key.pem


* array转xml
function arrayToXml($arr)
  $xml = "<xml>";
  foreach ($arr as $key=>$val)
    if (is_numeric($val))
  return $xml;

Use the certificate to submit xml to the corresponding interface url in post mode

*  作用:使用证书,以post方式提交xml到对应的接口url
function postXmlSSLCurl($xml, $url, $second, $cert, $key)
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,$second ? $second : $this->timeout);
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, &#39;;);
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 8080);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    //使用证书:cert 与 key 分别属于两个.pem文件
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $key);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, true);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
      return $this->xmlToArray($data);
    else {
      $error = curl_errno($ch);
      echo "curl出错,错误码:$error"."<br>";
      return false;

Enterprise pays to individuals

public function payToUser($params, $key, $apicent_cert, $apiclient_key) {
    $url = &#39;https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/mmpaymkttransfers/promotion/transfers&#39;;
    if($params["partner_trade_no"] == null) {  //
    }elseif($params["openid"] == null){
    }elseif($params["check_name"] == null){       //NO_CHECK:不校验真实姓名 FORCE_CHECK:强校验真实姓名(未实名认证的用户会校验失败,无法转账)OPTION_CHECK:针对已实名认证的用户才校验真实姓名(未实名认证用户不校验,可以转账成功)
    }elseif(($params["check_name"] == &#39;FORCE_CHECK&#39; or $params["check_name"] == &#39;OPTION_CHECK&#39;) && ($params["re_user_name"] == null)){ //收款用户真实姓名。
    }elseif($params["amount"] == null){
    }elseif($params["desc"] == null){
    $params["mch_appid"] = $this->appid;//公众账号ID
    $params["mchid"] = $this->mchid;//商户号
    $params["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//随机字符串
    $params[&#39;spbill_create_ip&#39;] = $_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;] == &#39;::1&#39; ? &#39;; : $_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;];//获取IP
    $params["sign"] = $this->getSign($params, $key);//签名
    $xml = $this->arrayToXml($params);
    return $this->postXmlSSLCurl($xml, $url, false, $apicent_cert, $apiclient_key);

Enterprise payment

private function _enterprisePay($number, $member_id, $amount, $desc)
    // 获取openid
    $wxuser_id = M(&#39;Member&#39;)->where(array(&#39;id&#39; => $member_id))->getField(&#39;wxuser_id&#39;);
    $openid  = M(&#39;Wxuser&#39;)->where(array(&#39;id&#39; => $wxuser_id))->getField(&#39;openid&#39;);
    $pay = C(&#39;PAY_WEIXIN&#39;);
    $enterprise = new WxEnterprise($pay[&#39;appid&#39;], $pay[&#39;appsecret&#39;], $pay[&#39;mchid&#39;]);
    $params = array(
      &#39;partner_trade_no&#39; => $number,
      &#39;openid&#39; => $openid,
      &#39;check_name&#39; => &#39;NO_CHECK&#39;,
      &#39;amount&#39; => $amount, // 总计
      &#39;desc&#39; => $desc,
    $result = $enterprise->payToUser($params, $pay[&#39;key&#39;], $pay[&#39;apiclient_cert&#39;], $pay[&#39;apiclient_key&#39;]);
    return $result;

Processing distributor withdrawals

private function _handle($truename, $price) { // 处理分销商提现
    $withdrawid = date("ymdHis") . strval(rand(1000, 9999));
    $data = array(&#39;withdrawid&#39; => $withdrawid, &#39;store_id&#39; => $this->store_id, &#39;member_id&#39; => $this->member_id, &#39;truename&#39; => $truename, &#39;price&#39; => $price, &#39;addtime&#39; => time());
    if ($price >= C(&#39;withdraw_uncheck_value&#39;)) {
      $data[&#39;need_check&#39;] = 0;
      $data[&#39;status&#39;] = 1;
      if ($this->withdrawModel->add($data)) {
        $result = $this->_enterprisePay($withdrawid, $this->member_id, $price * 100, &#39;分销商(&#39; . $truename . &#39;)提现&#39;);
        if ($result[&#39;return_code&#39;] != &#39;SUCCESS&#39;) {
          $this->withdrawModel->where(array(&#39;withdrawid&#39; => $withdrawid))->save(array(&#39;need_check&#39; => 1, &#39;status&#39; => 0));
          $this->assign(&#39;success&#39;, 2);
        else {
          $this->withdrawModel->where(array(&#39;withdrawid&#39; => $withdrawid))->save(array(&#39;payment_no&#39; => $result[&#39;payment_no&#39;]));
          $data = array(&#39;store_id&#39; => $this->store_id, &#39;user_type&#39; => 2, &#39;user_id&#39; => $this->shop_id, &#39;trade_type&#39; => 2, &#39;trade_no&#39; => $withdrawid, &#39;price&#39; => -$price, &#39;status&#39;=> 1, &#39;message&#39; => $truename.&#39;提现&#39;, &#39;addtime&#39; => time());
          M(&#39;Member&#39;)->where(array(&#39;id&#39; => $this->member_id))->setInc(&#39;money&#39;, -$price);
          $this->assign(&#39;success&#39;, 1);
          $tmplmsg = new Tmplmsg();
          $tmplmsg->send(Tmplmsg::PRICE_CHANGE, $this->member_id, array(&#39;token&#39; => $this->token, &#39;intro&#39; => &#39;分销佣金提现转出&#39;, &#39;price&#39; => $price, &#39;business&#39; => BUSINESS));
      else {
    else {
      $this->assign(&#39;success&#39; , 2);

Provide enterprise payment The user payment function supports enterprises to pay through the API interface or operate the payment through the WeChat Pay merchant platform web page function.

Warm reminder:

◆ For payments to the same real-name user, the single daily limit is 2W/2W
◆ For payments to the same non-real-name user, the single The daily limit for a single transaction is 2000/2000
◆ The total payment limit for a merchant on the same day is 100W
◆ Only the APPID bound to the merchant account is supported;
◆ For the target users of the payment, users who have been authenticated by WeChat Pay real-name It can provide the function of verifying the real name. Users without real-name authentication cannot verify. Enterprises can choose the verification type according to the security level of their own business;
◆ The payment amount must be less than or equal to the amount of the merchant's current available balance;
◆ For paid records, enterprises can view corresponding data through enterprise payment query.


The payment funds will enter the target user’s change (WeChat-Me-Wallet-Change). WeChat Pay will notify you of the change being credited into your account, and the change receipt and expenditure details will display corresponding records.

Warm reminder:

For the historical client version without change account, the funds will enter the user's red envelope account. There is no message from WeChat Pay to notify the user, and the enterprise can choose to reach the user by itself.

Whether a certificate is required

The request requires a two-way certificate.

Data example:


Successful example:

<payment_time><![CDATA[2015-05-19 15:26:59]]></payment_time>

Error example:


The above is the detailed content of Example code in php on how to pay individuals with WeChat enterprise account. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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