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Detailed explanation of javascript basic data types and how to perform conversion operations

2017-07-18 16:35:061431browse

There are 5 basic data types in

javascript: Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, and String. There is also a complex data type - Object. Object is essentially composed of a set of unordered name-value pairs (key-value pairs). javascript Does not support any mechanism for creating custom types.

Since JavaScript is loosely typed, a means is needed to detect the data type of variables. Typeof is an operator with this function. Using typeof to detect variables may return one of the following strings:

"undefined" Variable is undefined
"boolean" The variable is a Boolean value
"string" The variable is a string
"number" The variable is a numerical value
"object" The variable is an object or null
"function" Variables are functions

From a technical point of view, a function is an object, not a data type. However, functions have some special properties, so it is necessary to use typeof to distinguish functions from other objects.

The Undefined type has only one value, which is the special undefined. When a variable is declared using var but not initialized, the value of the variable is undefined, such as:

var a;
alert(a == undefined);  //true

However, variables containing undefined values ​​are different from undefined variables. For example:

var a; // 这个变量声明之后默认取得了undefined值
// 下面这个变量并没有声明
// var b
alert(a);  // "undefined"
alert(b);  // 产生错误

However, using typeof on undeclared or uninitialized variables will return undefined, such as:

var a;
// var b;
alert(typeof a); // "undefined"  
alert(typeof b); // "undefined"

The Null type also has only one value, which is null. From a logical point of view, the null value represents a null pointer, so using typeof to detect the null value will return "object", such as:

var car = null;
alert(typeof car); // "object"

So if you want to define a variable To store objects, it is best to initialize the variable to null. In fact, the undefined value is inherited from the null value, so judging their equality will return true:

alert(null == undefined); // true

Although null and undefined have such a relationship, their uses are completely different, because there is no need to explicitly set the value of a variable to undefined at any time. However, when defining an object variable that has not yet saved the object, it is The variable should be set to null, so that it can not only reflect null as a pointer to an empty object, but also distinguish null and undefined.

The Boolean type has two literal values: true and false, but all types of values ​​can be converted into Boolean type values ​​by calling the Boolean() function. The following table lists the conversion rules corresponding to various data types. :

Data type The value converted to true The value converted to false
Boolean true false
String  Any non-empty string ""empty String
Number Any non-zero numeric value 0 and NaN
Object Any object null
Undefined / undefined


var num1 = 22; //十进制整数
var num2 = 070; //八进制的56
var num3 = 079; // 无效的八进制,解析为十进制79
var num4 = 08; //无效的八进制,解析为十进制8
var num5 = 0xA; //十六进制的10
var num6 = 0x1f; //十六进制的31


var floatNum1 = 1.1;
var floatNum2 = .1; //有效,但不推荐
var floatNum3 = 1.; //小数点后面没有数字,解析为1
var floatNum4 = 10.0; //整数,解析为10


var a = 0.1;
var b = 0.2;
var c = a + b; //c的值为0.30000000000000004


alert(isNaN(NaN)); //true
alert(isNaN(10)); //false(10是一个数值)
alert(isNaN("10")); //false(可以被转换为数值10)
alert(isNaN("abc")); //true(不能转换为数值)
alert(isNaN(true)); //false(可以转换为数值1)
var obj = {name:"zhangsan", age:"1"};
alert(isNaN(obj)); //true





var num = Number(true); //1
var num2 = Number(false); //0


var num = Number(1);    //1


var num = Number(null);    //0


var num = Number(undefined);    //NaN


var num = Number("Hello World"); //NaN
var num2 = Number(""); //0
var num3 = Number("01"); //1
var num4 = Number("01.1"); //1.1
var obj = {name:"zhangsan", age:"1"};
alert(Number(obj)); //NaN



var num = parseInt("123Hello"); //123
var num2 = parseInt("");     //NaN
var num3 = parseInt("0xA");   //10(十六进制)
var num4 = parseInt("22.3"); //22
var num5 = parseInt("070"); //56(ECMAScript3八进制) 70(ECMAScript5十进制)
var num6 = parseInt("23"); //23(十进制)


var num1 = parseInt("0xAF", 16);  //175
var num2 = parseInt("AF", 16);  //175,可以省略前面的"0x"
var num3 = parseInt("10", 2);  //2(二进制)
var num3 = parseInt("10", 8);  //8(八进制)
var num3 = parseInt("10", 10);  //10(十进制)
var num3 = parseInt("10", 16);  //16(十六进制)


var num = parseFloat("123Hello");  //123
var num = parseFloat("0xA");  //0
var num = parseFloat("12.1");  //12.1
var num = parseFloat("12.1.1");  //12.1
var num = parseFloat("023");  //23
var num = parseFloat("1.1e3");  //1100


var str1 = "abc";
var str2 = &#39;abc&#39;;<br>var str3 = "abc&#39;; //语法错误


var num = 10;
alert(num.toString());  //"10"
alert(num.toString(2));  //"1010"
alert(num.toString(8));  //"12" 
alert(num.toString(10)); //"10"
alert(num.toString(16)); //"A"
alert(true.toString());  //"true"
String(num);  //"10"
String(true);  //"true"
String(null); //"null"
var num1;
String(num1); //"undefined"

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