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Analysis of operation methods and basic data types in Java (Collection)

2017-07-17 10:02:011411browse

The following editor will bring you an article on the basic data types and operation methods of Java (a must-read article). The editor thinks it’s pretty good, so I’ll share it with you now and give it as a reference. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.


ASCII--0~127 65-A 97-a

Western European code table--- ISO-8859-1---0-255---1 byte

gb2312----0-65535---gbk---2 bytes

Unicode Coding system---utf-8---3 bytes


bit Byte byte 1Byte = 8bit 1KB=1024B MB GB TB PB---storage unit in computer


Integer constant---all integers 3,99,107

Decimal constant---all decimals 3.5 100.9

Character constant---Use single quotation marks to identify a letter, number, or symbol 'a' '=' ' '

String constant---Use double quotation marks to identify a Or multiple characters to identify "abc" "234" "q2" ""

Boolean constant---used to represent logical values---true/false

Empty constant--- null

5-Integer, 5.0-Decimal '5'-Character "5"-String '5.0'-Wrong writing "5.0"-String

Enter System

Binary: full binary into one, 0~1 1+1=10 0b10011 0b0011, starting from JDK1.7, it is allowed to start with 0b to identify a number as a binary number

Octal system: 0 to 7, 7+1=10 must start with 0 06 015

Decimal system: 1 to 10, 0~9

Hexadecimal: Full hexadecimal one, 0~9,, A~F, 9+1=A f+1=10 requires 0x as the beginning 0x5 0xad

hexadecimal system Conversion

decimalConversionto binary: Keep dividing by 2 to take the remainder, and then put the remainder in reverse order

Conversion from binary to decimal: from the low order Starting from, multiply by the power of 2 in bit order, and then sum up

Convert binary to octal: Starting from the low order, every three digits are divided into one group, and any missing three bits are filled with 0 to produce one digit. Octal numbers, arrange these numbers in order

Convert octal to binary: one to three---one octal digit produces three binary digits

Convert binary to hexadecimal : The process of changing four into one



int i = 5;---No---Variables must be declared before use

int i;

System.out.println(i);---No--variables must be initialized before use

Data type

Basic data type

Numeric type

Integer type

byte ---Byte type---1 byte--- -2^7~2^7-1 --- -128~127

byte b = 5; byte b2 = -128;

short---short integer---2 bytes--- -2^15~2^15-1 --- -32768~32767

short s = 54 ; short s = -900;

int---integer---4 bytes--- -2^31~2^31-1

int i = 100000;

int j = 100_000_000;--It is allowed starting from JDK1.7. These will be automatically ignored during compilation_ -> int j = 100000000;

int i = 00001111;---Octal

The default type of integer in Java is int

long---long integer type---8 bytes--- -2^63~2^63-1---ending with L indicates that this number is a long type number

long l = 3L;

Floating point type

float---single precision---4 bytes---must end with f

float f = 3.2f;

double---double precision---8 bytes

The default decimal type in Java is double type

double d = 3.5;

double d = 4.6D;---Yes

double d = 3.9e4; //It is scientific notation in decimal system

double d = 0x3p2; //It is hexadecimal Scientific notation-> 12

Character type

char---2 bytes--- 0 ~65535

char c = 'a';

char c = '中';



boolean b = false;

Reference data type

Class ---class interface ---interface array ---[]

Data type conversion

Implicit conversion/Automatic type conversion

byte b = 100;
int i = b;
long l = 63;---可以---当整数的值在int类型的范围内的时候,可以不用添加L这个结尾

Rule 1: Small types can be converted into large types---byte->short->int-> long float->double

int i = 5;
float f = i;
long l = 6;
float f = l;

Rule 2: Integers can be converted to decimals, but precision loss may occur

char c = ‘a';
int i = c;

Rule 3: Character types can be converted to integers

short s = ‘a';---可以
char c = 100;---可以
char c = ‘a';
short s = c;---不可以

The variable c of type char is defined. The stored data is a character. There is no need to check the specific character encoding. When assigning a value to the short type, short needs to check whether the encoding corresponding to the character is within the value range of the short type. At this time, the specific encoding corresponding to this character cannot be determined. Since the value range of the short type does not completely overlap with the char type, in order to prevent the value from exceeding the range, assignment is not allowed.

short s = 97;
char c = s;--不可以

Explicit conversion/casting

long l = 54;
int i = (int)l;
double d = 3.5;
int i = (int)d;---小数强转成整数的时候,小数部分直接舍弃


Arithmetic operators

+addition-subtraction*multiplication/division%modulo++auto-increment--auto-decrement+string concatenation

int i = 5210 / 1000 * 1000;--->i = 5000;


1. After the integer operation is completed, the result must be an integer

2. 整数除以0的时候,编译通过,运行报错---ArimeticException---算术异常

3. 小数除以0的结果是Infinity

4. 0/0.0的结果是NaN---Not a Number---非数字

5. byte/short类型在运算的时候会自动提升为int类型

-5%3=-2 -4%3=-1 -3%7=-3
5%-3=2 7%-2=1 2%-8=2
-5%-3=-2 -9%-3=0


5%1.2=0.2 6%1.3=0.8


int i = 5;
int j = ++i;---> i自增1,然后将i的值赋值给j---先自增,再运算
int j = i++;--->先获取i的值5,i自增变成6,然后将获取的值5赋值给j---先运算,再自增
int i = 3;
int j = ++i * 2;-> j = 8;
int j = i++ * 2;->j = 6
int i = 6;
int j = i++ + ++i;->i = 8; j = 14;
int j = ++i + i++;->i = 8; j = 14
byte b = 5;
char c = ‘a';
System.out.println(c + 4);--可以
char c2 = ‘d';
System.out.println(c + c2);---提升为int类型之后再进行运算
+ 字符串拼接运算
“a” + “b”---> “ab”
“a” + 3---> “a3”
“a” + true-> “atrue”
2 + 4 + “f”-> “6f”
“f” + 2 + 4-> “f24”


= += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= >>>= ~=
int i= 5;
i += 3; -> i = i + 3; -> i = 8;
i -= 2;-> i = i - 2;-> i = 3;
int j;
j += 4;---不行
int i = 5;
i += i -= i *= 5;--> i = -15;
i = 5 + ( 5 - (5 * 5)) ;
i += i -= i *= ++i;--->i = -20;
i += i*= i-= (i++ + --i);---> i = -20;
i = 5 + ( 5 * (5 - (5 + 5)));
byte b = 5;
b += 3;---可以
byte b = 125;
b += 3;---可以--- -128


==相等 !=不等 > < >= <= instanceof
3 == 4;-> false
String s = “abd”;
System.out.println(s instanceof String);---true
System.out.println(“def” instanceof String);---true



&与 |或 !非 ^异或 &&短路与 ||短路或
true&true=true true&false=false false&true=false false&false=false
true|true=true true|false=true false|true=true false|false=false
!true=false !false=true
true^true=false true^false=true false^true=true false^false=false





int i = 5, j = 7;
i > j ? System.out.println(i): System.out.println(j);---不行!三元运算符运算完成之后必须有结果!

double d = i > j ? i * 2.5 : j;---两个表达式的返回值类型要么一致,要么相容


import java.util.Scanner; //写在package之下,class 之上
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
int i = s.nextInt();
double d = s.nextDouble();
String str = s.nextLine();
String str2 = s.next();

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