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What is vi/vim? Introduction to the use of vi/vim

2017-07-26 18:07:242713browse

What is vi/vim?
Almost all configuration files in the Linux world exist in plain text, and there is a vi editor on all Linux distribution systems, so the system can be easily modified using simple text editing software. Various configurations are available, very convenient. Vi is a powerful text editor, and vim is an advanced version of vi. It can not only display text content in different colors, but also perform functions such as shell scripts and C language program editing, and can be used as a program editor.

1. The basic concept of vi
Basically vi can be divided into three states, namely command mode, insert mode and last line mode. The functions of each mode are distinguished as follows:

1) Command mode (command mode)

Control the movement of the screen cursor, delete characters, words or lines, move and copy a section and enter Insert mode down, or go to last line mode.

2) Insert mode

Only in Insert mode, text input can be done. Press the "ESC" key to return to the command line mode.

3) Last line mode

Save the file or exit vi, you can also set the editing environment, such as searching for strings, listing line numbers, etc.

However, generally when we use vi, we simplify vi into two modes, that is, the last line mode (last line mode) is also included in the command line mode (command mode).

2. Basic operations of vi
a) Enter vi

After entering vi and file name at the system prompt, enter the vi full-screen editing screen:

$ vi myfile

Why should we learn vi/vim?
First of all, all Linux distribution systems will have the built-in vi editor by default, and not necessarily other text editors, which is very versatile; secondly, the editing interfaces of many software will call vi by default; thirdly, vi It has the ability to edit programs; finally, the vi program is simple and the editing speed is quite fast.

The three modes of vi and the conversion relationship between each mode

Common operations in general modes

[h (or left arrow key)] Move the cursor one character to the left
[j (or down arrow key)] Move the cursor down one character
[k (or up arrow key) ] Move the cursor up one character
[l (or right arrow key)] Move the cursor one character right

[[Ctrl] + f] Move the screen down one page (equivalent to the Page Down key)
[[Ctrl] + b] Move the screen up one page (equivalent to the Page Up key)

[[0] or [Home]] Move the cursor to the front of the current line
[[ $] or [End]] Move the cursor to the end of the current line

[G] Move the cursor to the last line of the file (the first character)
[nG] n is a number (the same below) , move to the nth line in the current file
[gg] Move to the first line of the file, equivalent to "1G"
[n[Enter]] Move the cursor down n lines

[ /word】 Search for a string with the content of word in the file (search downward)
[?word] Search for a string with the content of word in the file (search upward)
[[n]] Represents repeated search Action, that is, search for the next
[[N]] and reversely search for the next

[x,X] x means to delete one character backward, which is equivalent to [Delete], and X means to delete one character forward. Characters, equivalent to [Backspace]
[dd] Delete the entire line where the cursor is
[ndd] Delete n lines downwards where the cursor is

[yw]: Move the cursor to The characters at the end of the word are copied into the buffer.
[#yw]: Copy # words to the buffer

[yy] Copy the line where the cursor is to the buffer.
[nyy] Copy n lines downward where the cursor is
[p,P] p means to paste the characters in the buffer to the position of the cursor; P means to paste the copied data one line above the cursor

Note: All copy commands related to "y" must be matched with "p" to complete the copy and paste function.

[u] Undo the previous operation
[[Ctrl] + r] Undo multiple times
[.] This is the decimal point key, repeat the previous operation

Operation to switch from general mode to edit mode

1. Enter insert mode (6 commands)
[i] Insert from the current cursor position
[I] From the current position Cursor
[a] Insert
from the next character on the current cursor position [A] Insert from the last character of the line where the cursor is located
[o] English lowercase letter o, at the current cursor position Insert a new line at the next line and start inserting
[O] English capital letter O, insert a new line at the line above the current cursor and start inserting
2. Enter the replacement mode (2 Command)
[r] will only replace the character where the cursor is located once
[R] will always replace the character where the cursor is until the [ESC] key is pressed
[[ESC]] Exit the editing mode Return to normal mode

Switch from normal mode to command line mode
[:w] Save the file
[:w!] If the file is read-only, force save the file
[:q] Leave vi
【:q!】 Force to exit without saving vi
【:wq】 Save and exit
【:wq!】 Force to exit after saving
[:! command] Temporarily leave vi and go to the command line Display result after executing a command
【:set nu】Display line number
【:set nonu】Cancel display of line number
【:w newfile】 Save as

The above is the detailed content of What is vi/vim? Introduction to the use of vi/vim. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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