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Detailed introduction to dictionaries and sets in Python

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Dictionaries and collections in Python


1) Dictionary

    dict    {  }    空字典
            { key1:value1,key2:value2,... }

        len(D)                      返回D中的项目数                       
        D[k]                        返回D中键k的值
        D[k] = x                    将D[k]的值设为x                    
                    >>> d1 = {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}
                    >>> d1['x']
                    >>> d1['z']                 通过键索引
        del D[k]                    从D中删除D[k]
                    >>> del d1['x']
                    >>> d1
                    {'y': 2, 'z': 3}
        k in D                      如果k是D中的值,则返回True
        D.clear()                   清除所有元素
        D.copy()                    复制一个副本
                    >>> d1 = {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}
                    >>> id(d1)
                    >>> d2 = d1.copy()                深复制
                    >>> id(d2)
                    >>> d3 = d1                       浅复制
                    >>> id(d3)
                    45320640                           d1、d3指向同一对象,d2指向另一对象
        D.get(k[,d])                取得对应键的值,若不存在则返回d(默认为空)
                    >>> d1.get('y')
        D.has_key(k)                是否存在键值,返回True或False.(仅在pyhton2中使用)
        D.items()                   转换为(key,value)元组组成的列表
                    >>> d1.items()
                    [('y', 2), ('x', 1), ('z', 3)]
                    >>> t1,t2,t3 = d1.items()
                    >>> t1
                    ('y', 2)
                    >>> t2
                    ('x', 1)
                    >>> t3
                    ('z', 3)
                    >>> m1,m2 = {'x':1,'y':2}
                    >>> print m1
                    >>> print m2
                    'x'                                 保存的是键,而不是值!!!
        D.values()                  值列表
                    >>> d1.values()
                    [2, 1, 3]
        D.keys()                    键列表
                    >>> d1.keys()
                    ['y', 'x', 'z']
        D.pop(k[,d])                弹出指定键值,若不指定则会触发异常
                    >>> d1.pop()
                    TypeError: pop expected at least 1 arguments, got 0
                    >>> d1.pop('x')
                    >>> d1
                    {'y': 2, 'z': 3}
        D.popitem()                  随机弹出    
                    >>> d1.popitem()
                    ('y', 2)
                    >>> d1.popitem()
                    ('z', 3)
                    >>> d1.popitem()               
                    KeyError: 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'               为空时异常
                    >>> d1
                    { }
        D.update(m)                   合并字典
                    >>> d1 = { 'x':1,'y':2,'z':3 }
                    >>> d2={'c':'hello','y':66}
                    >>> d1.update(d2)
                    >>> d1
                    {'y': 66, 'x': 1, 'c': 'hello', 'z': 3}             若键存在则会覆盖,不存在就添加   
        D.iteritems()                   返回一个迭代器对象
                    >>> d1 = { 'x':1,'y':2,'z':3 }
                    >>> i1 = d1.iteritems()
                    >>> i1.next()                   使用next方式遍历每一个元素
                    ('y', 2)
                    >>> i1.next()
                    >>> i1.next()
                    >>> i1.next()
                    StopIteration                   遍历结束后不会重新开始
        D.iterkeys()        ->     an iterator over the keys of D
                    >>> i2 = d1.iterkey()
                    >>> i2.next()
        D.itervalues()      ->      an iterator over the values of D
                    >>> i3 = d1.iterkey()
                    >>> i3.next()
        D.viewvalues()                              返回类似集合方式的字典(值组成)
                    >>> d1.viewvalues()
                    dict_values([2, 1, 3])
        D.viewitems()       ->      a set-like object providing a view on D's items(键值对)
                    >>> d1.viewitems()
                    dict_items([('y', 2), ('x', 1), ('z', 3)])
        D.viewkeys()        ->      a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
                    >>> d1.viewkeys()
                    dict_keys(['y', 'x', 'z'])
                    >>> d2 = dict(x=1,y=2,z=3)              定义字典另一种方式
                    >>> d2
                    {'y': 2, 'x': 1, 'z': 3}

    补充:zip   返回元组组成的列表
            >>> zip('xyz','123')
            [('x', '1'), ('y', '2'), ('z', '3')]            一一对应生成列表
            >>> zip('xyzm','123')
            [('x', '1'), ('y', '2'), ('z', '3')]            多余项被舍弃
            >>> zip('xyz','123','qer')
            [('x', '1', 'q'), ('y', '2', 'e'), ('z', '3', 'r')]                
            >>> dict(zip('xyz','123'))                      构造字典
            {'y': '2', 'x': '1', 'z': '3'}

2) Collection

            not in

  集合的类型:  set()    frozenset()
                可变       不可变
            >>> s1=set(1,2,3)                                       
            TypeError: set expected at most 1 arguments, got 3              错误方式
            >>> s1 = set([1,2,3])                                           正确方式
            >>> s1
            set([1, 2, 3])
            >>> type(s1)

Detailed introduction to dictionaries and sets in Python

##3) Summary

        获取可调用对象的文档字串:print obj.__doc__

                >>> import sys
                >>> s1
                set([1, 2, 3])
                >>> sys.getrefcount(s1)                 查看s1的引用计数
            s[i]            索引                s[i:j]      切片            
            s[i:j:stride]   扩展切片            len(s)
            min(s)          max(s)              sum(s)
            all(s)          所有为true          any(s)      任意为true
            s1 + s2: 连接                       s1 * N: 重复
                obj in s1
                obj not in s1
            s[index] = value        元素赋值
            s[i:j] = t              切片赋值
            s[i:j:stride] = t       扩展切片赋值
            del s[index]            元素删除
            del s[i:j]              切片删除
            del s[i:j:stride]       扩展切片删除

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