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Before understanding multi-threading, we must understand processes and threads:
A process refers to an execution activity of each independent program on the computer, such as QQ, 360 Butler
A thread is an execution path within a program. If multiple threads can be executed in a program at the same time, we say that the program supports multi-threading; for example, Thunder download software can download multiple tasks at the same time.
What is multi-threading?
Multi-threading can be understood as multi-tasking. A program executes multiple tasks at the same time. Each task can usually be understood as a thread. This kind of program that can execute multiple threads is called Multi-threaded program.
Why do we need multi-threading?
Multi-threading, as a multi-tasking concurrent working method, has the following characteristics:
Improve application response
Improve computer CPU utilization
Improve program structure. A long and complex process can be divided into multiple threads and become several independent or semi-independent running parts. Such a program will be easier to understand and modify.
Methods and steps for creating multi-threaded programs:
Method 1: Use Thread class to create threads
1) 1) Write a class that inherits from the Thread class
2) Override the run method //The variable put in this method is the content to be executed
3) New this custom Thread class
4) Call the start method to start this thread (the start method has two functions, one is to start the thread, and the other is to call the run method)
public class Test12 {public static void main(String[] args) { ThreadDemo t = new ThreadDemo(); t.start();// 啓動ThreadDemo t2 = new ThreadDemo(); t2.start(); ThreadDemo t3 = new ThreadDemo(); t3.start();for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { System.out .println("线程" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "正在运行"); } } }class ThreadDemo extends Thread { @Overridepublic void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { System.out .println("线程" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "正在运行"); ; } } }
Summary of key points :
To run a piece of code on a new thread, this code should be placed in the run function of a class, and the class where the ran function is located is a subclass of the Thread class
To put it another way, if we want to implement multi-threading, we must write a subclass that inherits the Threa class and rewrite its run method
To start a thread, we do not call the Thread subclass object Instead of calling the start method of the Thread subclass object (inherited from the Thread class), this method will
generate a new thread and run the run method in the subclass object on the thread.
Since the code segment of the thread is placed in the run method, after the method is executed, the thread ends
public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ThreadDemo t=new ThreadDemo(); t.start(); while(true){ System.out.println("这是线程一输出的内容"); Thread.sleep(10); } } } class ThreadDemo extends Thread{public void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { System.out.println("这是线程二输出的内容"); } } }
//例子,创建三个线程,和主线程同时运行public class Test2 {public static void main(String[] args) { MyThread t1=new MyThread(); t1.start(); MyThread t2=new MyThread(); t2.start(); MyThread t3=new MyThread(); t3.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { System.out.println("主线程"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+"正在运行"); } } }
1)自定义一个类,implements Runnable接口
使用 Runable 接口创建多线程
1.适合多个相同的程序代码去处理同一资源的情况 把虚拟CPU (线程)同程序的代码 数据有效分离,较好的体现了面象对象
2.可以避免java单继承带来的局限 例如:当我们将已经继承了某类的一个类的子类放入多线程中,由于不能同时继承两个类,所以
1) 线程的名字,一个运行中的线程总是有名字的,名字有两个来源,一个是虚拟机自己给的名字,
//Thread(String name) 可以在构造线程的时候,直接传入名字
//getName () 可以得到线程的名字
2) 获取当前线程的对象的方法是:Thread.currentThread();
3) 在上面的代码中,只能保证:每个线程都将启动,每个线程都将运行直到完成。一系列线程以某种顺序启动并不意味着将按该顺序执行。
4) 当线程目标run()方法结束时该线程完成
5) 一旦线程启动,它就永远不能再重新启动。只有一个新的线程可以被启动,并且只能一次。一个可运行的线程或死线程可以被重新启动。
//t1.start(); 即这个操作只能一次,如果多次,将引发 java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
class MyThread extends Thread{public void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { System.out.println("线程"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+"正在运行"); } } }
新建 (Born) : 新建的线程处于新建状态
就绪 (Ready) : 在创建线程后,start() 方法被调用它将处于就绪状态
运行 (Running) : 线程在开始执行时(run)进入运行状态
睡眠 (Sleeping) : 线程的执行可通过使用 sleep() 方法来暂时中止。在睡眠结束后,线程将进入就绪状态
等待 (Waiting) : 如果调用了 wait() 方法,线程将处于等待状态。用于在两个或多个线程并发运行时。
挂起 (Suspended) : 在临时停止或中断线程的执行时,线程就处于挂起状态。 //suspend() 已过时,有固定的死锁倾向
恢复 (Resume) : 在挂起的线程被恢复执行时,可以说它已被恢复。
阻塞 (Blocked) – 在线程等待一个事件时(例如输入/输出操作),就称其处于阻塞状态。
死亡 (Dead) – 在 run() 方法已完成执行或其 stop() 方法被调用之后,线程就处于死亡状态。 //stop 方法有两个重载,均已过时,有固定的不安全性
Java 中的线程优先级是在 Thread 类中定义的常量
final void setPriority(int newp) : 修改线程的当前优先级
final int getPriority() : 返回线程的优先级
五、sleep 和 yield 的区别
1) sleep是Thread类的一个静态方法,该方法会让当前正在 执行的线程暂停执行,从而将执行机会让给其他线程执行。
sleep(long mills)参数指定当前线程暂停执行的时间,经过这段阻塞时间后,该线程会进入就绪状态,等候线程调度器的调度
2) yield 方法只会给优先级相同或更高优先级的线程执行机会。yield不会将线程转入阻塞状态,只是强制当前线程进入就绪状态。
// 通俗地说 yield()方法只是把线程的状态 由执行状态打回准备就绪状态
public void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { System.out.println(getName() + "--->" + i);if (i == 20) { Thread.yield(); } } }public static void main(String[] args) { YieldThread t1 = new YieldThread("高级"); t1.start();// 若当前线程优先级最高,那么即使调用了yield()方法,线程调度器又会将这个线程调度出来重新执行// t1.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIPORITY);YieldThread t2 = new YieldThread("低级"); t2.start(); t2.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); }
六、线程同步 synchronized
原理讲解:任何对象都有一个标志位.是0或1 程序执行到这里.会检查这个对象的标志位,如果是1,那么向下执行,同时将标志信置为0
如果标志位为0,则线程发生阻塞.一直等到标志位为1 标志位又叫锁旗标
synchronized 又叫锁定了监视器 一个线程可以再进入线程锁定临视器.就象蓝球运动员再拿到球一样。
class SaleThread2 implements Runnable{//static int ticket=1000;private int ticket;public SaleThread2(int ticket){this.ticket=ticket; } String lockStr="";//Object obj=new Object();public void run() {while(true){synchronized (lockStr) { //锁 ,锁旗标if(ticket>0){try{ Thread.sleep(10); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("线程"+Thread.currentThread().getName() +"正在卖第"+ticket--+"张票"); }else{break; } } } } }
The above is the detailed content of Java basics understanding of threads. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!