Home >Web Front-end >CSS Tutorial >CSS clip-path
First of all, I would like to introduce that I think front-end development is very sharing spirit. Many people have written many excellent summary experiences for the reference of novices. I am just a porter, translating other people's excellent articles. To summarize, this article is mainly reproduced from Da Mo’s article http://www.w3cplus.com/css3/introducing-css-clip-path-property.html
In Web pages, rectangles are mainly used Distribution. Print media, on the other hand, tends to have more different shapes. The reason for this disparity is the lack of appropriate tools to realize the content in our print media. This has also caused many designers to use their creativity. Even if they are creative, front-end implementation will also incur huge development costs.
Although the specification of CSS Shapes Module Level 1 (CSS Shape Module Standard 1) appears, the limitations of rectangular design can be broken. But some irregular graphics are still needed. In the past, to implement some irregular graphics, you needed to use other element functions, such as CSS to draw graphics, which often relied on pseudo-elements or multiple elements. As a result, CSS Shapes still cannot exert its powerful functions, allowing our Web to break the conventional rectangular layout. But thankfully, CSS clip-path
appears, which can help us draw many special graphics (irregular graphics). The address is http://bennettfeely.com/clippy/ For example:
So in this article, we will learn about this attribute together.
Before learning this attribute, let’s first understand the compatibility
Seeing this, everyone will definitely ask, browser compatibility How was the sex?
IE and Edge do not support this attribute. Firefox only partially supports clip-path
(it only supports the url()
syntax). However, for versions 47 and above, activating Firefox's layout.css.clip-path-shapes.enabled
option can support this attribute.
Chrome, Safari and Opera need to use the -webkit-
prefix to support this attribute. Unfortunately, they don't support external SVG shapes yet. More browser support information is as follows:
From the literal translation of the word "clip path" Say, it represents the clipping path. Now that there is tailoring, let's understand a few simple concepts here.
Cutting is to cut a piece from something. For example, on the <img alt="CSS clip-path" >
element, we cut off part of the area that needs to be left as needed. In the entire cropping process, you will encounter two related concepts: Clipping Path(Clipping Path) and Clipping Region(Clipping Region).
Clipping path is the path we use to clip elements, which marks the area we need to clip. It can be a simple shape (such as a common rectangle in the Web) or a complex polygon (irregular polygon).
Crop area is the entire area included after the clipping path is closed.
In this way, the element is divided into two parts, the clipping area and outside the clipping area. The browser will crop the area outside the cropping area, not only the background and other similar content, but also border
, text-shadow
wait. What's even better is that the browser will not capture events such as hover
and click
outside the element's clipping area.
Even though some specific elements are now not restricted by the rectangle, the content around the element will actually consider the element to be in its original shape (rectangular) and layout the document flow accordingly. To make surrounding elements layout according to the clipped shape of the element, you can use the shape-outside
attribute. For a detailed introduction to shape-outside
, you can read the tutorials related to CSS Shapes. I won’t go into too much elaboration here.
CSS Masking Module Level 1 also provides a clip
property. It can be said that clip
is the first clipping technology that appeared in CSS. In fact, students who have learned about clip
know that it hides elements outside the clipping area through overflow:hidden
. It's not a true crop, so to speak.
attribute so far only supports the rect()
function, which is to cut out a rectangle (other shapes cannot be implemented yet).
clip: rect(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>);</left></bottom></right></top>
In CSS2.1, rect()
and <top></top>
and <bottom></bottom>
The specified offset is calculated from the top edge of the element box; <left></left>
The offset specified with <right></right>
is calculated from the left edge of the element box.
What’s even more frustrating is that the clip
attribute can only be set on the element position:absolute
or position:fixed
works. Not working on settings position:relative
and position:static
In CSS, the clip
attribute is obsolete, which means that it is no longer recommended to be used because there is a newer, standardized version. Individual browsers will also focus their efforts on using it.
Of course, clip
also has some advantages: because clip
runs in the browser,It maywill always be valid. And browser support for it is very strong: almost every browser ever made. In addition, I have also heard that the animation effect it produces is better than other new methods.
But compared to its advantages, clip
has two more important weaknesses, which also makes it difficult to be widely used:
Only valid for absolutely positioned elements
Can only be used for rectangles, that is, rect()
This is really a very big limitation! So let's move on to the next more important property clip-path
provided by W3C official specification:
clip-path: <clip-source> | [ <basic-shape> || <geometry-box> ] | none</geometry-box></basic-shape></clip-source>
: Can be internal or external SVG<clippath url reference of the></clippath>
: Use some basic shapes A shape created by the function. Mainly include circle()
, ellipse()
, inset()
and polygon()
. For specific instructions, please see the instructions in CSS Shapes. It is also introduced in detail in the article CSS Shapes 101.
: is an optional parameter. When this parameter is used together with the basic-shape
function, it can provide a reference box for the clipping work of basic-shape
. If geometry-box
is specified by itself, then it will use the specified box shape as the clipping path, including any corners (provided by border-radius
) shape.
Before you start using clip-path
to draw graphics, or crop graphics, There are two points that everyone needs to pay attention to:
Use clip-path
to draw from the same direction, if you draw clockwise, It is always clockwise, and it is always counterclockwise , because polygon
is a continuous line segment. If the line segments intersect with each other, the clipping area will be subtracted. Of course, except if you specifically need such an effect.
先来看一个使用<span style="background-color: #c0c0c0;">polygon</span>()
img { clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%); }
每个点的第一个坐标值决定了它在 x
轴上的位置,第二个坐标值指定了它在 y
轴的位置,所有点是顺时针绘制的。比如菱形最右边的点,它位于 y
轴下方一半处,所以它的 y
坐标是 50%
。同时这个点位于 x
轴的最右侧,所以它的 x
坐标是 100%
1 nbsp;html> 2 3 4 <meta> 5 <title>Clip path</title> 6 <style> 7 body { 8 margin: 20px auto; 9 text-align: center; 10 font-family: 'Lato'; 11 max-width: 640px; 12 } 13 14 h1 { 15 margin-bottom: 100px; 16 font-size: 1.8em; 17 } 18 19 p { 20 display: inline-block; 21 margin: 50px 0px; 22 width: 250px; 23 height: 250px; 24 border-radius: 200px; 25 filter: grayscale(0.9); 26 cursor: pointer; 27 } 28 29 p:hover { 30 filter: none; 31 } 32 33 p:hover .text { 34 opacity: 1; 35 } 36 37 .text { 38 position: absolute; 39 background: rgba(200, 0, 0, 0.5); 40 padding: 20px 0; 41 top: 90px; 42 width: 250px; 43 opacity: 0; 44 text-align: center; 45 color: white; 46 font-size: 1.4em; 47 } 48 49 .left .text { 50 background: rgba(0, 0, 200, .5); 51 } 52 53 .right .text { 54 background: rgba(200, 100, 0, 0.5); 55 } 56 57 .bottom .text { 58 background: rgba(0, 200, 0, 0.5); 59 } 60 61 .top { 62 background: url('http://t.imgbox.com/KXaGvTFB.jpg'); 63 clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%); 64 background-size: contain; 65 position: relative; 66 left: -125px; 67 top: -130px; 68 } 69 70 .left { 71 background: url('http://t.imgbox.com/LHPFYSYE.jpg'); 72 clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%); 73 background-size: contain; 74 position: relative; 75 } 76 77 .right { 78 background: url('http://t.imgbox.com/tlgvPjwn.jpg'); 79 clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%); 80 background-size: contain; 81 position: relative; 82 top: -352px; 83 left: 256px; 84 } 85 86 .bottom { 87 background: url('http://t.imgbox.com/R7h6VtZr.jpg'); 88 clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%); 89 background-size: contain; 90 position: relative; 91 top: -220px; 92 left: -126px; 93 } 94 </style> 95 96 97 <h1>Images clipped with <code>clip-path</code> Property</h1> 98 <p></p><p>SPORTS</p> 99 <p></p><p>TECHNOLOGY</p>100 <p></p><p>FOOD</p>101 <p></p><p>NATURE</p>102 103
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绘制什么六边形、八边形、五角形、心形等,都不再是难事了。OXXO.STUDIO有一篇文章《運用 clip-path 的純 CSS 形狀變換》详细介绍了这些图形是如何绘制的。当然除此之外,在线的CSS clip-path maker提供了很多不规则的图形案例:
可以是CSS clip-path
。其中CSS clip-path
.clip-me { clip-path: polygon(10% 20%, 20% 30%, 50% 80%) margin-box; margin: 10%; }
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在上例中,元素的 margin-box
)是 margin-box
其实CSS clip-path
和CSS Shapes中的引用框概念非常类似,有关于这方面的介绍,可以花点时间阅读《理解CSS Shapes的引用框》一文。
除了CSS clip-path
的值,因为它能够引用SVG中定义的 clipPath>
1 <img alt="CSS clip-path" > 2 3 <svg> 4 <defs> 5 <clippath> 6 <circle></circle> 7 <circle></circle> 8 </clippath> 9 </defs>10 </svg>
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.clip-svg { clip-path: url(#myClip); }
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前面已经多次提到CSS Shapes了,是的,因为CSS Shapes可以帮助我们打破常规则的Web排版,让Web页面可以像媒体杂志一样布局,这将是激动人心的一件事情。
而在CSS Shapes中同样会有clip-path
1 img.right {2 float: right;3 height: 100vh;4 width: calc(100vh + 100vh/4);5 shape-outside: polygon(40% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 40% 100%, 45% 60%, 45% 40%);6 /* clip the image to the defined shape */7 clip-path: polygon(40% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 40% 100%, 45% 60%, 45% 40%);8 }
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1 <p> 2 </p><p> 3 </p> 4 <h1>Cupcakes Recipe</h1> 5 <p> 6 Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet sweet roll sweet roll cheesecake sweet roll apple pie ice cream. Toffee soufflé danish soufflé I love I love dessert I love. Lollipop carrot cake marshmallow I love caramels. Chocolate cotton candy unerdwear.com dessert gingerbread gummies I love. Bonbon chupa chups biscuit danish apple pie. Bonbon muffin dessert wafer chocolate cake sesame snaps candy canes marzipan. 7 </p> 8 <h3>Ingredients</h3> 9
15 Dessert oat cake candy lollipop topping cotton candy jelly beans I love cake. Brownie sugar plum cotton candy wafer dragée pudding I love. I love I love chocolate. Topping danish carrot cake soufflé liquorice icing gummi bears liquorice dessert. Jujubes oat cake tootsie roll tart. 16
1718 Cookie lollipop cookie gingerbread danish muffin sweet chupa chups. Gingerbread donut muffin biscuit sesame snaps chocolate cake sweet. Sugar plum lemon drops pastry tiramisu chocolate gingerbread. I love pudding biscuit soufflé wafer biscuit.19
20 21View Code
1 * { 2 margin: 0; 3 padding: 0; 4 box-sizing: border-box; 5 } 6 7 body { 8 color: #555; 9 font-size: 0.95em;10 background-color: #eee;11 font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;12 }13 14 .container {15 width: 100%;16 max-width: 1200px;17 margin: 20px auto;18 background-color: white;19 }20 21 .element {22 width: 40%;23 height: 600px;24 float: left;25 background-image: url(http://tympanus.net/codrops-playground/assets/images/cssref/properties/clip-path/cupcakes.jpg);26 background-size: cover;27 background-position: -100px 0;28 background-repeat: no-repeat;29 -webkit-clip-path: ellipse(90% 70% at 0% 50%);30 clip-path: ellipse(90% 70% at 0% 50%);31 -webkit-shape-outside: ellipse(90% 70% at 0% 50%);32 shape-outside: ellipse(90% 70% at 0% 50%);33 -webkit-shape-margin: 2em;34 shape-margin: 2em;35 }36 37 p,38 h1,39 h3 {40 padding: 1em 0;41 }42 43 p {44 margin-right: 4em;45 }46 47 ul {48 list-style: circle;49 }
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前面内容简单的提到过了,<span style="background-color: #c0c0c0;">clip-path</span>
是一个强大的属性,除了自身能实现一些特殊效果之外,还可以和SVG结合在一起。另外还可以和Masking以及CSS Shapes在一起,做出我们意想不到的效果。那么有关于clip-path
还有一些在线的工具,可以直接帮助我们做一些事情。比如Chrome插件CSS Shapes 编辑器、Clip Path生成器和CSS clip-path Maker: Clippy。
clip-path(CSS Reference)
Introducing the CSS clip-path Property
本文介绍了有关 clip-path
的基本内容,可以帮助你入门。学习使用这个属性并不会花费太多的时间,但是创造性的使用就需要多多练习了。当浏览器广泛支持此属性时,你就可以使用 clip-path
The above is the detailed content of CSS clip-path. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!