Home >Operation and Maintenance >Linux Operation and Maintenance >Linux basic command tutorial
1.mkdir Create directory
mkdir -p Loop to create directory
touch Create file
2.ls Display directory or file
ls - ld=ll View in long directory format
ls -a (a=all) View all files or directories including hidden ones
ls -F View files by file type
3.cd Switch directory level
cd .. Return to the previous directory
4.pwd View the current location path file
5.cat View file content
cat -n displays the number of lines
cat >a.txt Replaces the content of the original file
cat >>a.txt Adds new content to the file without changing the original File content
6.vi/vim Enter the command (vim is better, because vim has error reporting and color display)
7.> For single line text Overwrite
>> Used to append file content without replacing the original content
8.; Separator character for multiple commands
9./ Root or path delimiter
10.cp (copy) copy file
cp -a copy directory
11.mv (move) Paste the moved file
rename rename command
12.rm (remove) delete file
rm -fr force delete directory or file
rmdir delete directory
13.grep -v excludes the contents of the file. It is one of the core commands of grep (the third of the Three Musketeers). The meaning of filtering is to filter by line, which is very important.
14.sed (the second of the Three Musketeers) takes various contents,
-n cancels default deletion
-p prints (good at line output)
sed -n 20, 30p cai.txt
15.awk (the boss) is good at column output
16.head View the first n lines of the file (the first 10 lines are displayed by default)
tail displays the last n lines of the file (the last 10 lines are displayed by default)
tail -f View changes at the end of the file
17.man + command explanation command (-- Help is also available)
18.which + command reports the location path of the command
find search command
find -type(f d) -name “ddd” search by name
Find -mtime Search by time
19.alias View the aliases of the computer
unalias Cancel the alias
The role of the alias:1) It can prevent misoperation by adding some protection parameters to dangerous commands to prevent human misoperation. 2) Convert complex strings into simple command characters. Example: alias cai=”cd /data/”AND unalias cai
20.| Pipe passes the output of the previous command to the next command through the pipe for continued processing
21.tree View the directory structure (tree shape)
22.Crtl +c Terminate the currently running command line
Crtl+d Exit the current user’s current environment
Ctrl+a Go to the front of the command line
Ctrl+e Go to the end of the command line
23.history View history
! + The number of historical lines that can be used to execute this line of commands
! + letter can call out the command starting with this letter
history -c clears all history records
history -d line number clears a certain line
24. In vim mode:
set nu display line number
dd delete current line
yy copy current line p paste
Line number+gg Position the line
shift+g to the end of the file
gg to the beginning of the line
25.ll /dev/sd * Used to view the partitioned hard disk
26.cat /etc/redhat-release View the installed linux version
uname -r View the kernel version
uname -m View the system version
uname -a show all
27.Now most linux manufacturers use 64-bit linux operating system in order to maximize the performance of the system.
28.A hard disk can only have a maximum of 4 primary partitions. One of the primary partitions can be replaced by an extended partition, and a hard disk can only have one extended partition. Multiple logical partitions can be divided into this extended partition. Because the logical partition is on the primary partition, the number of the logical partition can only start from 5.
29. Commonly used external device file names in Linux:
Floppy disk: /dev/fdN(N=0,1,2....)
Optical drive (IDE):/dev/cdrom
Optical drive (SCSI):/dev/scdN
Hard disk (IDE):/dev/hdx
Hard disk (SCSI):/dev/hdx
U disk:/dev/sdx/
30.diff Compare the difference in file contents: diff log1. txt log2.txt
31.passwd Modify user password
32.vi /etc/selinux/config Change to Selinux=disabled (turn off selinux)
33.chkconfig View Set the command to start the startup software
34. How to add a service:
1) The service script must be placed in the /etc/init.d/ directory
2) chkconfig --add servicename Add this service to the chkconfig tool service list
3) chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on Modify the default startup level of the service
35.netstat Check the network status lntup or an
netstat -lntup|grep content
36.ln -s Create soft connection
37.shutdown -h now Shut down immediately (commonly used in production)
shutdown -h +1 Shut down after 1 minute
poweroff Stop the system immediately and turn off the power
reboot Restart
38.chown (change owner) is used to change file or directory permissions Command
groupadd adds user group (useradd cai -g cai_home adds user cai belongs to cai_home user group)
r=4, w=2, x=1
Readable, writable, executable
38.fdisk -l View disk status
fdisk /dev/sdb Directly partition sdb in detail
39.lsof -i:52113 View port running status
40.showmount -e Server nfs view
showmount -a
showmount -e NFSIP client view
The above is the detailed content of Linux basic command tutorial. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!