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Detailed explanation of Nginx configuration file examples

2017-06-25 10:11:453084browse

Nginx configuration file structure

The nginx configuration file is composed of directives. The instructions are divided into two forms, simple instructions and block instructions.

A simple command consists of the command name, parameters and a trailing semicolon (;), for example: listen 80 backlog 4096;, where "listen" is the command name, "80", "backlog", and "4096" are all parameters, and ";" indicates the end of the command.

Block instruction consists of the instruction name, parameters and curly braces ({}), for example: location /imag {}, where "location" is the instruction name , "/imag" is a parameter, "{}" is used to include other instructions and indicate the end. If the curly braces in a block instruction can include other simple instructions or block instructions, then this block instruction is called "context(context)". Most commonly used block instructions are "context".

Instructions that are not included in any other block instructions are considered to be in the main context, that is, the main context is the outermost context in the nginx configuration file, and any instruction is located in the main context or main context. in the child context of . Please look at the following configuration file example:

 1 # nginx.conf 2 worker_processes 2; 3 events { 4     use epoll; 5     worker_connections 1024; 6 } 7 http { 8     include       mime.types; 9     upstream server_group_a {   
10       server;11       server;12     }13     server {14         listen       80;15         server_name  www.example.com;   
16         location / {17            proxy_pass  http://server_group_a;        18         } 
19     }20 }

In the above example, the worker_processes, event, and http instructions are in the main context, the use and worker_connections instructions are in the event context, and the include and upstream The server instruction is located in the http context, and the two server instructions are located in the upstream context...

nginx software is composed of modules with various functions, so the configuration file also follows this modular structure , the nginx core module provides some global configuration instructions, and the functional configuration instructions are provided by other functional modules. The worker_processes and event instructions in the above example are provided by the core module of nginx, while the http instruction is provided by the http function module, and the proxy_pass instruction is provided by a submodule of the http module.

When installing nginx, some common function modules are included by default. Users can also freely choose to install other function modules through source code compilation and installation. When configuring nginx, they can find the documentation for the function modules. The documentation will Explain what instructions this functional module includes, and the context in which these instructions should be configured. However, it is unreliable to find out which configurable instructions it contains from the context (instructions), because the installed modules contain different instructions. It is also different, so configuring nginx requires some experience. Beginners can only start by referring to other people's examples.

In addition to http, the functional modules also include mail (mail proxy) and stream (TCP, UDP proxy, v1.9.0 and later) These two functional modules.

Global configuration directive

  • Syntax: include file | mask;

  • Default value: None

  • Context: Any

can be used in any context to introduce directives in other configuration files into the context of using the include directive. The imported instructions need to comply with the syntax and context requirements of the introduction. Example:

http {
    include mime.types;
    include vhosts/*.conf;



  • 语法:deamon on | off;

  • 默认值:deamon on

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:debug_points abort | stop;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:error_log file [level]

  • 默认值:error_log logs/error.log error;

  • 语境:main, http, mail(v1.9.0后), stream(v1.7.11后), server, location






  • 语法:env variable[=value];

  • 默认值:env TZ;

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:load_module file;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main


load_module module/ngx_mail_module.so;


  • 语法:lock_file file;

  • 默认值:lock_file logs/nginx.lock;

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:master_process on | off;

  • 默认值:master_process on;

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:pcre_jit on | off;

  • 默认值:pcre_jit off;

  • 语境:main

在解析配置文件时对正则表达式启用或禁用实时编译(PCRE JIT)。

RCRE JIT能显著提升正则表达式的处理速度。



  • 语法:pid file;

  • 默认值:pid nginx.pid;

  • 语境:main



语法:ssl_engine device;





  • 语法:thread_pool name threads=number [max_queue=number];

  • 默认值:thread_pool default threads=32 max_queue=65535;

  • 语境:main





  • 语法:timer_resolution interval;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:user user [group];

  • 默认值:user nobody nodoby;

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:worker_processes number | auto

  • 默认值:worker_processes 1

  • 语境:main




  • 语法:worker_cpu_affinity cpumask ...;

  •    worker_cpu_affinity auto [cpumask];

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main



worker_processes 4;
worker_cpu_affinity 0001 0010 0100 1000;



worker_processes 2;
worker_cpu_affinity 0101 0101;



worker_process auto;
worker_cpu_affinity auto;


worker_cpu_affinity auto 01010101;



  • 语法:worker_rlimit_core size;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main

为worker进程修改系统核心转储文件(core file)的大小限制。通常提升这个值不需要重启主进程。


  • 语法:worker_rlimit_nofile number;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:worker_shutdown_timeout time;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main




  • 语法:working_directory directory;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main




  • 语法:events { ... }

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:main



  • 语法:accept_mutex on | off;

  • 默认值:accept_mutex off;

  • 语境:events


在支持epoll的操作系统上不需要启用accept_mutex(v1.11.3后),使用了reuseport功能也不需要启用(v1.9.1后,需要操作系统支持SO_REUSEPORT socket选项,Linux 3.9+)。



  • 语法:accept_mutex_delay time;

  • 默认值:accept_mutex_delay 500ms;

  • 语境:events



  • 语法:debug_connection address | network | unix:;

  • 默认值:无

  • 语境:events

需要debug模块支持,需确认安装时包括了debug模块,可以使用nginx -V命令确定包含--wih-debug参数。

对特定的客户发起的连接开启debugging级别日志,用于分析和拍错。可以指定IPv4或者IPv6地址(v1.3.0,v1.2.1)或一个无类网段或域名,或UNIX socket(v1.3.0,v1.2.1)。例如:

events {
    debug_connection localhost;
    debug_connection 2001:0db8::/32;
    debug_connection unix:;

The log level of non-specified connections is still determined by the error_log directive.

  • Syntax: multi_accept on | off;

  • Default value: multi_accept off;

  • Context: events

When set to off, a worker process will only process one new connection at a time when acquiring the mutex. If set If it is on, all new connections will be allocated to the worker process that obtains the current mutex lock at once. When using kqueue connection processing method (use kqueue), this instruction is invalid.

  • Syntax: use method;

  • Default value: None

  • Context: events

Specifies the connection processing method. Usually there is no need to specify, nginx will automatically use the most effective method.

The connection processing method is used to determine the method to use to find out which connections are ready to transmit/receive data from the current connection pool. Common connection processing methods include:

select (requires select module), poll (requires poll module), kqueue (macOS/FreeBSD 4.1+/OpenBSD 2.9+), epoll (Linux 2.6+), /dev/ poll (Solaris 7 11/99+, HP/UX 11.22+ (eventport), IRIX 6.5.15+, and Tru64 UNIX 5.1A+), eventport (Solaris 10+)

  • Syntax: worker_aio_requests number;

  • Default value: worker_aio_requests 32;

  • Context: events

Appears in v1.1.4 and 1.0.7. When aio (asynchronous IO) and epoll connection processing are enabled, the maximum number of outstanding asynchronous IO operations for a single worker process.

  • Syntax: worker_connections number;

  • ##Default value: worker_connections 512;

  • Context: events

The maximum number of concurrent connections that a single worker process can handle.

This number of connections includes all connections to the backend server, not just connections to clients. The total number of connections of all worker processes (i.e., worker_connections × worker_processes) cannot exceed the limit of the maximum number of open handles (nofile) of the operating system. The nofile limit can be modified through the worker_rlimit_nofile instruction.

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