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Database table design-adjacency list, path enumeration, nested set, closure table

2017-06-23 15:05:364443browse
When we design the database, will we break through the conventions and find the design solution that best suits our needs? Here is an example:
Commonly used adjacency list design , a parent_id field will be added, such as the regional table (country, province, city, district):
CREATE TABLE Area ([id] [int]  NOT NULL,[name] [nvarchar]  (50) NULL,[parent_id] [int]  NULL,[type] [int]  NULL );

name: The name of the region, parent_id is the parent ID, the parent ID of the province is the country, the parent ID of the city is the province, and so on.
type is the class of the region: 1: country, 2: province, 3: city, 4: district
is relatively certain at the level In this case, there is no problem in designing the table like this, and it is also very convenient to call.
But using this adjacency list design method cannot meet all needs. When we are not sure about the level, suppose I have the following comment structure:
Use an adjacency table to record the data of this comment (comments table):
##comment_idparent_idauthorcomment10Xiao MingI don’t quite agree with this view 21Xiao ZhangI don’t agree either32小红I agree with you upstairs41小全Why do you Don’t agree567
##4 Xiao Ming I have encountered this situation before
5 Xiao Zhang That doesn’t mean what you said is right
5 小新 This depends on the situation
Have you noticed that it is difficult to query all the descendants of a node if you design the table like this? You can use associated query to get a comment and its descendants:
SELECT c1.*, c2.* FROM comments c1 LEFT OUTER JOIN comments c2 ON c2.parent_id = c1.comment_id;

However, this query can only obtain two layers of data. The characteristic of this kind of tree is that it can be expanded to any depth, and you need to have a corresponding method to obtain its depth data. For example, you might need to count the number of comment branches, or calculate the total cost of a piece of machinery.
In some cases, using adjacency lists in projects is just right. The advantage of the adjacency list design is that it can quickly obtain the direct parent and child nodes of a given node, and it can also easily insert new nodes. If such a requirement is all your project's operations on hierarchical data, then using adjacency lists will work well.
When encountering the above tree model, there are several options that can be considered: path enumeration, nested sets and closure tables. These solutions often look much more complex than adjacency lists, but they do make certain operations that would be complicated or inefficient to use adjacency lists easier. If your project really needs to provide these operations, then these designs would be a better choice for adjacency lists.
1. Path enumeration

In the comments table, we use the path field of type varchar to replace the original parent_id field. The content stored in this path field is the sequence from the top-level ancestor of the current node to its own sequence. Just like the UNIX path, you can even use '/' as the path separator.

#comment_idpathauthorcomment11/21/2/31/41/ 4/51/4/5/61/4/5/7
小明 I don’t quite agree with this view 2
Xiao Zhang I don’t agree either 3
小红 I agree with the above 4
小全 Why don’t you agree? 5
Xiao Ming I have encountered this situation before 6
小张 That doesn’t mean what you said is right 7
小新 This depends on the situation
      你可以通过比较每个节点的路径来查询一个节点祖先。比如:要找到评论#7, 路径是 1/4/5/7一 的祖先,可以这么做:
SELECT * FROM comments AS c WHERE '1/4/5/7' LIKE c.path || '%' ;
    这句话查询语句会匹配到路径为 1/4/5/%,1/4/% 以及 1/% 的节点,而这些节点就是评论#7的祖先。
    同时还可以通过将LIKE 关键字两边的参数互换,来查询一个给定节点的所有后代。比如查询评论#4,路径path为 ‘1/4’ 的所有后代,可以使用如下语句:
SELECT * FROM comemnts AS c WHERE c.path LIKE '1/4' || '%' ;
     路径枚举也存在一些缺点,比如数据库不能确保路径的格式总是正确或者路径中的节点确实存在。依赖于应用程序的逻辑代码来维护路径的字符串,并且验证字符串的正确性开销很大。无论将varchar 的长度设定为多大,依旧存在长度的限制,因而并不能够支持树结构无限扩展。
二、 嵌套集
     嵌套集解决方案是存储子孙节点的相关信息,而不是节点的直接祖先。我们使用两个数字来编码每个节点,从而表示这一信息,可以将这两个数字称为nsleft 和 nsright。
每个节点通过如下的方式确定nsleft 和nsright 的值:nsleft的数值小于该节点所有后代ID,同时nsright 的值大于该节点的所有后代的ID。这些数字和comment_id 的值并没有任何关联。
comment_id nsleft nsright author comment
1 1 14 小明 我不大认同这个观点
2 2 5 小张 我也不认同
3 3 4 小红 我同意楼上
4 6 13 小全 你为什么不认同呢
5 7 12 小明 我以前遇到过这情况
6 8 9 小张 那也不代表你所说是对的
7 10 11 小新 这个视情况而定吧
       一旦你为每个节点分配了这些数字,就可以使用它们来找到指定节点的祖先和后代。比如搜索评论#4及其所有后代,可以通过搜索哪些节点的ID在评论 #4 的nsleft 和 nsright 范围之间,例:
SELECT c2.* FROM comments AS c1 JOIN comments AS c2 ON c2.nsleft BETWEEN c1.nsleftAND c1.nsright WHERE c1.comment_id = 4;
比如搜索评论#6及其所有祖先,可以通过搜索#6的ID在哪些节点的nsleft 和 nsright 范围之间,例:
SELECT c2.* FROM comments AS c1 JOIN comments AS c2 ON c1.nsleft BETWEEN c2.nsleftAND c2.nsright WHERE c1.comment_id = 6;

      然而,某些在邻接表的设计中表现得很简单的查询,比如获取一个节点的直接父亲或者直接后代,在嵌套集设计中会变得比较复杂。在嵌套集中,如果需要查询一个节点的直接父亲,我们会这么做,比如要找到评论#6 的直接父亲:
SELECT parent.* FROM comments AS c JOIN comments AS parent ON c.nsleft BETWEEN parent.nsleft AND parent.nsrightLEFT OUTER JOIN comments AS in_between ON c.nsleft BETWEEN in_between.nsleft AND in_between.nsrightAND in_between.nsleft BETWEEN parent.nsleft AND parent.nsright WHERE c.comment_id = 6AND in_between.comment_id IS NULL;
     在设计评论系统时,我们额外创建了一个叫 tree_paths 表,它包含两列,每一列都指向 comments 中的外键。
     我们不再使用comments 表存储树的结构,而是将树中任何具有(祖先 一 后代)关系的节点对都存储在treepaths 表里,即使这两个节点之间不是直接的父子关系;同时,我们还增加一行指向节点自己。
祖先 后代 祖先 后代 祖先 后代 祖先 后代
1 1 1 7 4 6 7 7
1 2 2 2 4 7    
1 3 2 3 5 5    
1 4 3 3 5 6    
1 5 4 4 5 7    
1 6 4 5 6 6    
      通过treepaths 表来获取祖先和后代比使用嵌套集更加的直接。例如要获取评论#4的后代,只需要在 treepaths 表中搜索祖先是评论 #4的行就行了。同样获取后代也是如此。
      要插入一个新的叶子节点,比如评论#6的一个子节点,应首先插入一条自己到自己的关系,然后搜索 treepaths 表中后代是评论#6 的节点,增加该节点和新插入节点的“祖先一后代”关系(新节点ID 应该为8):
INSERT INTO treepaths (ancestor, descendant)SELECT t.ancestor, 8FROM treepaths AS tWHERE t.descendant = 6UNION ALL SELECT 8, 8;
要删除一个叶子节点,比如评论#7, 应删除所有treepaths 表中后代为评论 #7 的行:
DELETE FROM treepaths WHERE descendant = 7;


要删除一颗完整的子树,比如评论#4 和它所有的后代,可删除所有在 treepaths 表中后代为 #4的行,以及那些以评论#4后代为后代的行。
     然而你可以优化闭包表来使它更方便地查询直接父亲节点或者子节点: 在 treepaths 表中添加一个 path_length 字段。一个节点的自我引用的path_length 为0,到它直接子节点的path_length 为1,再下一层为2,以此类推。这样查询起来就方便多了。
方案 表数量 查询子 查询树 插入 删除 引用完整性
邻接表 1 简单 困难 简单 简单
枚举路径 1 简单 简单 简单 简单
嵌套集 1 困难 简单 困难 困难
闭包表 2 简单 简单 简单 简单
2、如果你使用的数据库支持WITH 或者 CONNECT BY PRIOR 的递归查询,那能使得邻接表的查询更高效。

The above is the detailed content of Database table design-adjacency list, path enumeration, nested set, closure table. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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