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jQuery scrolling image implementation principle_jquery

2016-05-16 15:25:581065browse













    原生方法:window.innerHeight 标准浏览器及IE9+ || document.documentElement.clientHeight 标准浏览器及低版本IE标准模式 || document.body.clientHeight 低版本混杂模式

       jQuery方法: $(window).height()


    原生方法:window.pagYoffset——IE9+及标准浏览器 || document.documentElement.scrollTop 兼容ie低版本的标准模式 || document.body.scrollTop 兼容混杂模式;



    $(o).width() = o.style.width;

    $(o).innerWidth() = o.style.width+o.style.padding;

    $(o).outerWidth() = o.offsetWidth = o.style.width+o.style.padding+o.style.border;

    $(o).outerWidth(true) = o.style.width+o.style.padding+o.style.border+o.style.margin;


If the css style was originally defined through an external or internal style sheet, you must use o.currentStyle[xxx] ||document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(0)[xxx] to obtain the style value

4) Get the position information of the element: corresponds to positions 7 and 8 in the picture

1) Returns the distance of the element relative to the top and left side of the document;

jQuery: The distance between the $(o).offset().top element and the top of the document, and the distance between the $(o).offset().left element and the left edge of the document

Native: getoffsetTop(), there are specific instructions on the elevation, so I will ignore it here;

By the way, the offset distance of the returned element relative to the first positioned parent element, pay attention to the difference from the offset distance above;

jQuery: position() returns an object, $(o).position().left = style.left, $(o).position().top = style.top;

4. After knowing how to obtain the element size and offset distance, the next question is: How to determine whether an element has entered or is about to enter the visual window area? The following is also a picture to illustrate the problem.

1) The largest box outside is the actual page size, the light blue box in the middle represents the size of the parent element, objects 1~8 represent the actual position of the element on the page; the following instructions are done in the horizontal direction!

 2) The offset distance (offsetLeft) of the left border of object 8 relative to the left border of the page is greater than the distance of the right border of the parent element relative to the left border of the page. At this time, the element can be read outside the parent element;

 3) The left border of object 7 crosses the right border of the parent element. At this time: the offset distance (offsetLeft) of the left border of object 7 relative to the left border of the page is less than the distance of the right border of the parent element relative to the left border of the page, so Object 7 enters the visible area of ​​the parent element;

 4) At the position of object 6, the distance between the right edge of object 5 and the left edge of the page is greater than the distance between the left edge of the parent element and the left edge of the page;

5) When at the position of object 5, the distance between the right edge of object 5 and the left edge of the page is less than the distance between the left edge of the parent element and the left edge of the page; at this time, it can be judged that the element is outside the visible area of ​​the parent element;

6) Therefore, two conditions must be met in the horizontal direction to indicate that the element is within the visible area of ​​the parent element; similarly, the two conditions must be met in the vertical direction; see the source code below for details;

4. Expand to jquery plug-in
Usage: $("selector").scrollLoad({ parameters are explained in the code })

(function($) {
 $.fn.scrollLoading = function(options) {
  var defaults = {
   // 在html标签中存放的属性名称;
   attr: "data-url",
   // 父元素默认为window
   container: window,
   callback: $.noop
  // 不管有没有传入参数,先合并再说;
  var params = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
  // 把父元素转为jquery对象;
  var container = $(params.container);
  // 新建一个数组,然后调用each方法,用于存储每个dom对象相关的数据;
  params.cache = [];
  $(this).each(function() {
   // 取出jquery对象中每个dom对象的节点类型,取出每个dom对象上设置的图片路径
   var node = this.nodeName.toLowerCase(), url = $(this).attr(params["attr"]);
   var data = {
    obj: $(this),
    tag: node,
    url: url
   // 把这个对象加到一个数组中;

  var callback = function(call) {
   if ($.isFunction(params.callback)) {
  var loading = function() {
   // 获取父元素的高度
   var contHeight = container.outerHeight();
   var contWidth = container.outerWidth();

   // 获取父元素相对于文档页顶部的距离,这边要注意了,分为以下两种情况;
   if (container.get(0) === window) {
    // 第一种情况父元素为window,获取浏览器滚动条已滚动的距离;$(window)没有offset()方法;
    var contop = $(window).scrollTop();
    var conleft = $(window).scrollLeft();
   } else {
    // 第二种情况父元素为非window元素,获取它的滚动条滚动的距离;
    var contop = container.offset().top;
    var conleft = container.offset().left;

   $.each(params.cache, function(i, data) {
    var o = data.obj, tag = data.tag, url = data.url, post, posb, posl, posr;
    if (o) {
     post = o.offset().top - (contop + contHeight);
     posb = o.offset().top + o.height() - contop;

     // 水平方向上同理;
     posl = o.offset().left - (conleft + contWidth);
     posr = o.offset().left + o.width() - conleft;

     // 只有当这个对象是可视的,并且这四个条件都满足时,才能给这个对象赋予图片路径;
     if ( o.is(':visible') && (post < 0 && posb > 0) && (posl < 0 && posr > 0) ) {
      if (url) {
       if (tag === "img") {
        callback(o.attr("src", url));
       } else {
        // 设置除img之外元素的背景url
        callback(o.css("background-image", "url("+ url +")"));
      } else {
       // 无地址,直接触发回调
      // 给对象设置完图片路径之后,把params.cache中的对象给清除掉;对象再进入可视区,就不再进行重复设置了;
      data.obj = null;
  container.bind("scroll", loading);

The above is a detailed introduction to the implementation principle of scrolling loading images. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.

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