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How to learn JavaScript? How to learn JavaScript easily?

2017-06-18 13:14:381018browse

How to learn JavaScript? How to learn JavaScript easily? This article mainly introduces ways to easily learn JavaScript

JS always gives beginners the impression of being "cluttered and messy". I believe that many beginners are looking for ways to learn JavaScript easily. I tried to summarize my many years of experience in learning JS, hoping to find an "easy way to learn JS" for future learners. The reason why js gives people that feeling is mostly because of its following characteristics:

A: The knowledge itself is very abstract and obscure, such as closures, built-in objects, and DOM.
B: It contains a lot of content, such as function libraries and object libraries.
C: Mixing various programming ideas. It not only involves process-oriented programming ideas, but also object-oriented programming ideas. At the same time, its object-orientation is different from other programming languages ​​​​(such as: C++, JAVA, PHP) Much the same. It's like it's new again, making you doubt the object-oriented knowledge you once learned...D: After studying hard, it seems to be out of touch with practical applications. Usually after studying the basics of JS for a long time, you know a little bit about variables, functions, and objects, but when it comes to company development projects, it is difficult to get started. Because companies usually directly use its derivative libraries when developing actual projects, such as: jquery, angular, boostrap, amaze, layui, ueditor, etc., and these libraries are numerous and have their own difficulties. You don’t know which one to learn, and you even wonder if you are learning js. It seems that there are multiple versions of js, and you can’t finish learning...So, how can you learn js Is it easy or even easy to learn in the field? I have summarized some practical js learning experiences:
First of all, we must
hold its position tightly

Don’t forget it at all times, otherwise it will be easy to make mistakes The mistake of "hidden from view by a leaf". Don't learn JS for a long time before you realize that JS is a programming language, which means writing code, and its characteristic is that it's messy. That way you won't be able to learn JS well. We must always grasp its position, to be precise, its position in the entire Web: it belongs to the core of the front-end, and is mainly used to manipulate and readjust the DOM, and modify the DOM structure to achieve the purpose of modifying the page effect. This central idea should be used to guide all subsequent js learning and form conditioned reflexes.

There must be a clear learning route

This can only be provided by someone who has experienced it. My learning route is as follows:

A: js basic part

, such as:
defining variables, functions, arrays, strings, etc., Built-in functions, built-in objects, etc.; B: js process-oriented programming ideas, encapsulate each function, try to use these to do some common small functions, Such as: tabs, custom multi-select buttons, custom players, 3D slides;
C: js object-oriented programming ideas, try to encapsulate some of your own Objects provide meaningful interfaces;
D: After learning the above content, then learn commonly used libraries, here you must learn
jquery ;E: Learn Common plug-ins based on jquery, such as: bootstrap, Layer, rich text editor, etc.;
F: Comprehensively apply the above multiple libraries to write templates for actual projects , and write a few more sets.
Pay attention to learning methods

My learning methods are summarized as follows:

A: Buy more There are several foreign js books

, don’t buy the kind of books like 20 days to master. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to learn it. What’s even more frightening is: you might have learned it in three months by buying a good book and studying on your own, but they can actually take you two years...
Book recommendation (for reference only) )

《The Art of JavaScript DOM Programming》

《JavaScript Authoritative Guide》《javaScript DOM Advanced Programming》《JavaScript
Design Pattern

《Sharp jquery》
Try to practice all the functions in the book by yourself many times, not just once. Read the book a hundred times, and its meaning will become apparent.

B: Learn and understand from multiple angles

Fully mobilize what you have learned and do a certain function from multiple angles. For example: you used to do it from a process-oriented perspective, but now you do it from an object-oriented perspective, or continue to make plug-ins that can be used directly, providing properties, methods, etc. Strive to have the function you create gradually be used in actual projects. The advantage of this is that it not only comprehensively applies what you have learned, but also has practical significance.

C: Don’t be too ambitious

Don’t miss even a small opportunity, such as making a tab. Don't think that if you have similar or even better plug-ins, you don't need to write them yourself. The knowledge belongs to others, not you. Even if you can use it, it will not improve your technical skills. You have to ask yourself more, if you want me to do it, what should I do?

D: While being down-to-earth, don’t be divorced from reality

Look at the effective functions that have appeared online now, and let them inspire you For your enthusiasm for learning, try your best to learn simulations and mobilize your knowledge to combine with reality.

E: Write more summaries

This summary not only includes the source code and display screenshots, but also the mistakes and responses that are easy to make. solution and a concise concluding sentence or two at the end. The summary you write is not done after you finish writing it. You need to review it more, improve it more, and streamline it more. When it comes to working on a project, you should know what it is about by reading one or two sentences in it, instead of reading a long speech.
F: Build a knowledge map

This can make you learn more clearly, for example: http://www.phpkhbd.com/sky.html, you You can do it in any format you like, as long as it impresses you.
Note: The knowledge map should also be revised and revised frequently to make it more reasonable and clearer.


##A: Full Use all means

Many people always feel that they are short of time and do not have a large amount of time to study. I want to say that you can't learn. You shouldn't just complain, but use all means to learn. You know, reading doesn't necessarily mean learning. When you sit calmly somewhere, think about it, and summarize it, you are also called learning. Whenever you have inspiration, you can record it, for example, record it on your mobile phone, and then record it in a special place when it is convenient. This is all called learning.

B: The most important thing is to persevere

and to be calm. There is no overnight success, otherwise it is not a success, it can only be called a "lucky". Not only must we try to implement every function honestly, but we must also strive for excellence and constantly make corrections. This process is long and is also the standard that tests whether a person is a talent.

C: Pay attention to cultivating confidence

At this time, it is not suitable for you to look at the source code of very complicated and dazzling web page effects, nor is it suitable for you to come here Just learn things like jquery, angular, vue, bootstrap. These contents contain a lot of profound knowledge. Learning these directly without any foundation will severely damage your self-confidence. At this time, you are weak, and what you need is to cultivate confidence, not the other way around. Otherwise, the outcome is likely to be "die", and success in school will be far away.

D: Learn more from those who have learned well

Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can you see further.

E: Don’t waste time on constant selection of tools

There are many js editing tools. If you don’t know where to start, it is recommended to use: sublime, or use Hbuilder. Technical personnel in many companies use these. You can also use this directly to reduce communication problems with others. I use this too and it feels good.


I feel that the reason why learning js is "miscellaneous and messy" is because you are too "smart" and take too broad control at the beginning, and there are no benefits or losses. The calculation is too precise. If you require too much perfection, your mental endurance will decrease, and "obstacles" will easily occur. At this time, you should be "stupid" and don't think so long-term. "Foolish people are blessed". Just do well today. Some unreasonable learning methods and mentality can also cause you to lose yourself, such as: being impatient, having high ambitions, and being too ambitious. These will make you deeply confused and unable to extricate yourself in front of the "messy" js. At this time, you should reposition yourself, get to know js again, and put down your baggage before you can go into battle easily. Empty the cup first before you can fill it with new water... In fact, js is the core of the front-end. The increasingly influential Internet+ will crave more and more js talents. Only by experiencing truly unforgettable learning experiences can we create real elites who will win the future.

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