Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JS small demo of Han Xuedong carousel pictures and text examples
1 @charset "utf-8"; 2 /* CSS Document */ 3 4 * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } 5 li { list-style: none; } 6 img { border: none; } 7 body { background: #ececec; padding-top: 50px; } 8 9 #automatic { width: 970px; height: 344px; position: relative; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; }10 11 .prev_div { width: 130px; height: 72px; position: absolute; top: 128px; left: 92px; z-index: 5; background: red; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; cursor: pointer; }12 .next_div { width: 130px; height: 72px; position: absolute; top: 128px; right: 92px; z-index: 5; background: red; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; cursor: pointer; }13 14 #automatic .prev { width: 120px; height: 72px; position: absolute; top: 108px; left: 72px; z-index: 4; }15 #automatic .prev .ico { width: 76px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: url(images/prev.png); }16 #automatic .prev .ico1 { width: 76px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: url(images/prev_1.png); z-index: 2; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; }17 #automatic .prev .txt { width: 106px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 65px; background: url(images/prev_txt.png) no-repeat; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; }18 19 #automatic .next { width: 120px; height: 72px; position: absolute; top: 108px; right: 72px; z-index: 4; }20 #automatic .next .ico { width: 76px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; background: url(images/next.png) no-repeat; }21 #automatic .next .ico1 { width: 76px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0px; background: url(images/next_1.png) no-repeat; z-index: 2; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; }22 #automatic .next .txt { width: 106px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 65px; background: url(images/next_txt.png) no-repeat; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; }23 24 #automatic ul { width: 970px; height: 344px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1; }25 #automatic li { position: absolute; }26 27 #automatic .line { border: 4px solid #fff; width: 672px; height: 336px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -340px; z-index: 3; }28 29 #automatic .pos_0 { top: -104px; left: 0; z-index: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; }30 #automatic .pos_1 { top: 104px; left: 0; z-index: 2; filter: alpha(opacity=60); opacity: 0.6; }31 #automatic .pos_2 { top: 43px; left: 50px; z-index: 3; filter: alpha(opacity=80); opacity: 0.8; }32 #automatic .pos_3 { top: 0; left: 145px; z-index: 4; }33 #automatic .pos_4 { top: 43px; right: 50px; z-index: 3; filter: alpha(opacity=80); opacity: 0.8; }34 #automatic .pos_5 { top: 104px; right: 0; z-index: 2; filter: alpha(opacity=60); opacity: 0.6; }35 #automatic .pos_6 { top: -104px; right: 0; z-index: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; }36 37 #footer { width: 970px; height: 30px; text-align: center; padding-top: 50px; margin: 0 auto; }38 #footer a { color: #930; font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #930; }39 #footer a:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid #930; }
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 3 <head> 4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 5 <title>韩雪冬网站效果 - 妙味课堂 - www.miaov.com</title> 6 <!--[if lte IE 6]> 7 <script src="js/DD_belatedPNG_0.0.8a.js?1.1.11" type="text/javascript"></script> 8 <script type="text/javascript"> 9 DD_belatedPNG.fix('span'); 10 </script> 11 <![endif]--> 12 <link href="style.css?1.1.11" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 13 </head> 14 15 <body> 16 17 <div id="automatic"> 18 19 <div class="prev_div"></div> 20 <a class="prev" href="###"> 21 <span class="ico1"></span> 22 <span class="ico"></span> 23 <span class="txt"></span> 24 </a> 25 26 <div class="next_div"></div> 27 <a class="next" href="###"> 28 <span class="ico1"></span> 29 <span class="ico"></span> 30 <span class="txt"></span> 31 </a> 32 33 <div class="line"></div> 34 35 <ul class="picList"> 36 <li class="pos_0"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/8.jpg" width="100" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 37 <li class="pos_1"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/1.jpg" width="270" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 38 <li class="pos_2"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/2.jpg" width="510" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 39 <li class="pos_3"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/3.jpg" width="680" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 40 <li class="pos_4"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/4.jpg" width="510" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 41 <li class="pos_5"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/5.jpg" width="270" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 42 <li class="pos_6"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/6.jpg" width="270" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 43 <li class="pos_6"><a href="http://www.miaov.com"><img src="images/7.jpg" width="270" alt="妙味课堂 www.miaov.com" longdesc="http://www.miaov.com" /></a></li> 44 </ul> 45 </div> 46 <p id="footer"><a href="http://www.miaov.com">妙味课堂 - www.miaov.com</a></p> 47 </body> 48 </html> 49 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../startmove.js?1.1.11"></script> 50 <script type="text/javascript"> 51 /*初始宽度*/ 52 // 使用函数自执行写法,防止全局污染 53 (function(){ 54 var picList = document.querySelectorAll('.picList>li'); 55 for(var i = 0; i <picList.length;i++){ 56 // 为什么要加个[0]? 57 var img = picList[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; 58 css(picList[i],"width",img.width); 59 img.style.width = "100%"; 60 } 61 })(); 62 /* 左侧按钮的鼠标移入移出动画 */ 63 (function(){ 64 // 由于prev内部的元素层级都比它自身高,盖在它上面,所以如果在prev上加onmouseover或者onmouseout,实际上鼠标根本移动不到prev上,所以添加一个层级较高的prevBtn来防止干扰,nextBtn同理 65 var prevBtn = document.querySelector('.prev_div'); 66 var prev = document.querySelector('.prev'); 67 var prevSpan = prev.querySelectorAll('span'); 68 prevBtn.onmouseover = function(){ 69 startMove({ 70 el: prevSpan[1], 71 target: { 72 left: 12 73 }, 74 time: 300, 75 type: "easeBoth" 76 }); 77 startMove({ 78 el: prevSpan[0], 79 target: { 80 opacity:1, 81 left: 12 82 }, 83 time: 300, 84 type: "easeBoth" 85 }); 86 startMove({ 87 el: prevSpan[2], 88 target: { 89 opacity:1, 90 left: 53 91 }, 92 time: 300, 93 type: "easeBoth" 94 }); 95 }; 96 prevBtn.onmouseout = function(){ 97 startMove({ 98 el: prevSpan[1], 99 target: {100 left: 0101 },102 time: 300,103 type: "easeBoth"104 });105 startMove({106 el: prevSpan[0],107 target: {108 opacity:0,109 left: 0110 },111 time: 300,112 type: "easeBoth"113 });114 startMove({115 el: prevSpan[2],116 target: {117 opacity:0,118 left: 65119 },120 time: 300,121 type: "easeBoth"122 });123 };124 })();125 /* 右侧按钮的鼠标移入移出动画 */126 (function(){127 var nextBtn = document.querySelector('.next_div');128 var next = document.querySelector('.next');129 var nextSpan = next.querySelectorAll('span');130 nextBtn.onmouseover = function(){131 startMove({132 el: nextSpan[1],133 target: {134 right: 12135 },136 time: 300,137 type: "easeBoth"138 });139 startMove({140 el: nextSpan[0],141 target: {142 opacity:1,143 right: 12144 },145 time: 300,146 type: "easeBoth"147 });148 startMove({149 el: nextSpan[2],150 target: {151 opacity:1,152 right: 53153 },154 time: 300,155 type: "easeBoth"156 });157 };158 nextBtn.onmouseout = function(){159 startMove({160 el: nextSpan[1],161 target: {162 right: 0163 },164 time: 300,165 type: "easeBoth"166 });167 startMove({168 el: nextSpan[0],169 target: {170 opacity:0,171 right: 0172 },173 time: 300,174 type: "easeBoth"175 });176 startMove({177 el: nextSpan[2],178 target: {179 opacity:0,180 right: 65181 },182 time: 300,183 type: "easeBoth"184 });185 };186 })();187 /*188 点击切换动画189 */190 (function(){191 var wrap = document.querySelector('#automatic');192 var prevBtn = document.querySelector('.prev_div');193 var nextBtn = document.querySelector('.next_div');194 var picList = document.querySelectorAll('.picList>li');195 var line = document.querySelector('.line');196 var attrs = [];197 var timer = 0;198 for(var i = 0; i <picList.length; i++){199 // 先给li在数组中对应的空间内添加一个对象,用于存储它的各项属性数据200 attrs[i] = {};201 attrs[i].width = css(picList[i],"width");202 attrs[i].left = css(picList[i],"left");203 attrs[i].top = css(picList[i],"top");204 attrs[i].opacity = css(picList[i],"opacity");205 attrs[i].zIndex = css(picList[i],"zIndex");206 }207 prevBtn.onclick = function(){208 attrs.push(attrs.shift());209 setStyle();210 };211 nextBtn.onclick = function(){212 attrs.unshift(attrs.pop());213 setStyle();214 };215 function setStyle(){216 css(line,"opacity",0);217 for(var i = 0; i <picList.length; i++){218 // css(picList[i],"left",attrs[i].left);219 // css(picList[i],"top",attrs[i].top);220 // css(picList[i],"opacity",attrs[i].opacity);221 // css(picList[i],"zIndex",attrs[i].zIndex);222 // 让图片提前显示出来再变化样式223 css(picList[i],"zIndex",attrs[i].zIndex);224 startMove({225 el: picList[i],226 target: attrs[i],227 time: 500,228 type: "easeOut",229 callBack: function(){230 startMove({231 el:line,232 target:{opacity:1},233 time: 200,234 type: "easeOut",235 callBack:function(){236 console.log(1);237 }238 });239 }240 });241 }242 }243 timer = setInterval(function(){244 nextBtn.onclick();245 },3000);246 wrap.onmouseover = function(){247 clearInterval(timer);248 }249 wrap.onmouseout = function(){250 timer = setInterval(function(){251 nextBtn.onclick();252 },3000);253 }254 })();255 </script>
The above is the detailed content of JS small demo of Han Xuedong carousel pictures and text examples. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!