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Create apple TV poster parallax effect using CSS3 and jQuery

2017-06-26 15:17:381213browse

Use CSS and jQuery to implement it, try to look the same as the original effect.

Final rendering

In this tutorial, I will use CSS, HTML and jQuery to create an approximate Apple TV parallax effect. If you Reading this, I assume you have a basic understanding of the above three techniques.

Without further ado, let’s start the first part.

HTML page

Our page structure is as follows:

<div class="poster">  <div class="shine"></div>
  <div class="layer-1"></div>
  <div class="layer-2"></div>
  <div class="layer-3"></div>
  <div class="layer-4"></div>
  <div class="layer-5"></div>

First, we need a div# with the style class .poster ##, this div contains 5 other style layers div. On top of these five layers div there is a shine div to add some sparkle.

CSS Part

First, add the following code to ensure that the height of the

body part of the web page is the entire page height:

body, html { height: 100%; min-height: 100%; }

and then

body Some background gradient colors:

body { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f6f7fc 0%,#d5e1e8 40%); }

In order to give

.poster a 3D rotation effect, the parent container needs to set perspective and transformation effects. As we can see, the parent container of div is body itself, so add the following CSS code:

body {background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f6f7fc 0%,#d5e1e8 40%);transform-style: preserve-3d;transform: perspective(800px);

Now set the style and size of the card so that it fits on the page Center, add some rounded corners and shadow effects:

.poster {width: 320px;height: 500px;position: absolute;top: 50%; left: 50%;margin: -250px 0 0 -160px;border-radius: 5px;box-shadow: 0 45px 100px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);overflow:hidden;

In order to center the poster, you need to set the value of

position to absolute, top:50% , 'left:50%', the upper margin value is a negative number that is half the height of div, and the left margin value is div A negative number that is half the width. What needs to be remembered is that the center of .poster is also the center of the entire page.

Shadow effect
We can use the following CSS selector to select all layers:

div[class *= &#39;layer-&#39;]

.poster has been designed, let’s see the effect.

So, CSS selects all

div that contain "layer-" in their class names.

Now, set the

position value of all layers to absolute, and the background-repeat value to no-repeat , background-position is top left, and the size of the layer background is 100% width and automatic height.

div[class*="layer-"] {position: absolute;top: -10px; left: -10px;right: -10px; bottom: -10px;background-size: 100% auto;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 0 0;transition:0.1s;

noticed that the values ​​​​of

top,left,right,bottom are all -10px, the purpose is to make The size of the layer is 20px larger than poster, so that when inspecting the effects of each layer, the edges of the layer will not be visible.

The following is to add a background to each layer:

.layer-1 {background-image: url(&#39;http://designmodo.com/demo/apple-tv-parallax/images/1.png&#39;);
}.layer-2 {background-image: url(&#39;http://designmodo.com/demo/apple-tv-parallax/images/2.png&#39;);
}.layer-3 {top: 0; bottom: 0;left: 0; right: 0;background-image: url(&#39;http://designmodo.com/demo/apple-tv-parallax/images/3.png&#39;);
}.layer-4 {background-image: url(&#39;http://designmodo.com/demo/apple-tv-parallax/images/4.png&#39;);
}.layer-5 {background-image: url(&#39;http://designmodo.com/demo/apple-tv-parallax/images/5.png&#39;);

In the

layer-3 part, the layer will not move, so the size does not need to be too large.

Complete static effect



视差效果的逻辑是这样的,每当鼠标移动的时候,根据光标的位置,.poster 的 transforms:translateY,rotate,rotateY 属性将会改变。光标距离页面左上角越远,动画的效果越明显。


为了每个元素的值都不一样,将给每一个光标公式返回的值乘以一个自定义的值,返回HTML的代码给每个会有动画的层元素添加 data-offset=数字 的属性。

<div data-offset="15" class="poster">
    <div class="shine"></div>
    <div data-offset="-2" class="layer-1"></div>
    <div class="layer-2"></div>
    <div data-offset="1" class="layer-3"></div>
    <div data-offset="3" class="layer-4"></div>
    <div data-offset="10" class="layer-5"></div>

每一个 .layers 的规则都相同,但是我们给他们应用到 translateY 和 translateX 属性上。

data-offset 属性的值越大,动画的效果越明显,可以改变这些值体验下。

为了代码可读性,我们在JavaScript里给 .poster 赋值给 $poster 变量,.shine 给 $shine 变量,$layer 变量代表所有层,w,h代表页面的宽度和高度。

var $poster = $(&#39;.poster&#39;),$shine = $(&#39;.shine&#39;),$layer = $(&#39;div[class*="layer-"]’);

现在,需要考虑下当光标移动的时候获取到光标位置的问题。我们可以用 $(window) 的 mousemove 事件来实现,这个事件会返回一个JavaScript对象,含有我们需要的位置信息和其他一些我们暂时还用不到的变量。

$(window).on(&#39;mousemove&#39;, function(e) {var w=e.currentTarget.innerWidth,h=e.currentTarget.innerHeight;var offsetX = 0.5 - e.pageX / w, /* where e.pageX is our cursor X coordinate */
    offsetY = 0.5 - e.pageY / h,
    offsetPoster = $poster.data(&#39;offset&#39;), /* custom value for animation depth */
    transformPoster = &#39;translateY(&#39; + -offsetX * offsetPoster + &#39;px) rotateX(&#39; + (-offsetY * offsetPoster) + &#39;deg) rotateY(&#39; + (offsetX * (offsetPoster * 2)) + &#39;deg)&#39;;/* apply transform to $poster */
    $poster.css(&#39;transform&#39;, transformPoster);/* parallax foreach layer *//* loop thought each layer *//* get custom parallax value *//* apply transform */
    $layer.each(function() {var $this = $(this);var offsetLayer = $this.data(&#39;offset&#39;) || 0; /* get custom parallax value, if element docent have data-offset, then its 0 */var transformLayer = &#39;translateX(&#39; + offsetX * offsetLayer + &#39;px) translateY(&#39; + offsetY * offsetLayer + &#39;px)&#39;;

        $this.css(&#39;transform&#39;, transformLayer);





现在回到CSS部分,给.shine div 绝对定位,添加一个渐变颜色效果,设置z-index属性值为100,让它在所有层的上面。

.shine {position: absolute;top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,.5) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 60%);z-index: 100;







然后用 Math.atan2() 函数得到中心点的角度值。注意这个函数的返回值使用弧度值来表示的,所以我们得在CSS中转换成角的度数,用以下公式:

弧度值*180/pi = 角度值

var $poster = $(&#39;.poster&#39;);var $shine = $(&#39;.shine&#39;);var $layer = $(&#39;div[class *= "layer-"]&#39;);


    $(window).on(&#39;mousemove&#39;, function(e) {var w=e.currentTarget.innerWidth,h=e.currentTarget.innerHeight;var offsetX = 0.5 - e.pageX / w, /* where e.pageX is our cursor X coordinate */
        offsetY = 0.5 - e.pageY / h,
        offsetPoster = $poster.data(&#39;offset&#39;), /* custom value for animation depth */
        transformPoster = &#39;translateY(&#39; + -offsetX * offsetPoster + &#39;px) rotateX(&#39; + (-offsetY * offsetPoster) + &#39;deg) rotateY(&#39; + (offsetX * (offsetPoster * 2)) + &#39;deg)&#39;;

        dy = e.pageY - h / 2,
        dx = e.pageX - w / 2,
        theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx), /* get angle in radians */
        angle = theta * 180 / Math.PI; /* convert rad in degrees *//* apply transform to $poster */
        $poster.css(&#39;transform&#39;, transformPoster);/* parallax foreach layer *//* loop thought each layer *//* get custom parallax value *//* apply transform */
        $layer.each(function() {var $this = $(this);var offsetLayer = $this.data(&#39;offset&#39;) || 0; /* get custom parallax value, if element docent have data-offset, then its 0 */var transformLayer = &#39;translateX(&#39; + offsetX * offsetLayer + &#39;px) translateY(&#39; + offsetY * offsetLayer + &#39;px)&#39;;

            $this.css(&#39;transform&#39;, transformLayer);


if (angle < 0) {angle = angle + 360;


<code class="lsl">$shine.css(&#39;background&#39;, &#39;linear-gradient(&#39; + (angle - <span class="hljs-number">90) + &#39;deg, rgba(<span class="hljs-number">255,<span class="hljs-number">255,<span class="hljs-number">255,&#39; + e.pageY / h + &#39;) <span class="hljs-number">0%,rgba(<span class="hljs-number">255,<span class="hljs-number">255,<span class="hljs-number">255,<span class="hljs-number">0) <span class="hljs-number">80%)&#39;);<br/><br/></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></code>


注意 :减去90度的原因是 linear-gradient 属性的需要,如果你使用 -webkit-linear-gradient,-moz-linear-gradient属性就没有必要。


The above is the detailed content of Create apple TV poster parallax effect using CSS3 and jQuery. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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