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Summary of commonly used tags in HTML5

2017-06-16 17:15:081480browse

1. Tag:
Function: The statement is the first component in the document, located before the tag.

2. Tag:
Function: This element can tell the browser that it is an HTML document.
Attributes: manifest: value (url) defines cache information for offline use.

3. Tag:
Function: The tag is used to define the head of the document. It is a container for all head elements.
Attribute: profile: value (URL) A space-separated list of URLs that contain metadata information about the page.

4. Tag: <br>Function: The element can define the title of the document. <br>Attribute: dir: value (rtl,ltr) specifies the text direction of the content in the element. <br>lang: The value (language_code) specifies the language code of the content in the element. <br>xml:lang: value (language_code) specifies the language code of the element content in the XHTML document. </p> <p>5. Tag: <body><br>Function: The element defines the body of the document. <br>Attribute:alink:value(rgb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated, please use style to replace it. Specifies the color of active links in the document. <br>background: value(URL) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/8294.html" target="_blank">background image</a> of the document. <br>bgcolor: value(reb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the background color in the document. <br>link: value(reb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the default color for unvisited links in the document. <br>text: value(reb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the color of all text in the document. <br>vlink: value(reb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the color of visited links in the document. </p> <p>6. Tags: <h1> to <h6> Tags <br>Function: <h1>-<h6> tags define titles. <h1> defines the largest title, <h6> defines the smallest title. <br>Attribute:align:value(left,center,right,justify) is not recommended. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the arrangement of text in titles. </p> <p>7. Tag:<p><br>Function: Tag defines paragraph. <br>Attribute:align:value(left,center,right,justify) is not recommended. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the arrangement of text in the title. </p> <p>8. Tag:<br><br>Function: A simple line break can be inserted. <br>Attributes: No optional attributes. </p> <p>9. Tag: <hr><br>Function: The tag creates a horizontal line in the HTML page. <br>Attribute:align:value(center,left,right) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the alignment of the hr element. <br>noshade: value (noshade) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies that the color of the hr element is rendered as a solid color. <br>size:value(pixels) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the height (thickness) of the hr element. <br>width: value (pixels %) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the width of the hr element. </p> <p>10. Tag <!-- --><br>Function: The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source document. <br>Attributes: No optional attributes. </p> <p>11. Tag: <ul><br>Function: Tag defines an unordered list. <br>Attribute:compact:value(compact) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies that the list should be rendered smaller than normal. <br>type: value (disc, square, circle) is deprecated. Please replace it with a style. Specifies the type of bullets for the list. </p> <p>12. Tag:<ol><br>Function: Tag defines an ordered list. <br>Attribute: compact: value (compact) Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML4.01. Specifies that the list should be rendered smaller than normal. <br>reversed: The value (reversed) specifies that the order of the list is descending order. (9,8,7...)<br>start: The value (number) specifies the starting value of the ordered list. <br>type: value (1,A,a,I,i) specifies the type of tag used in the list. </p> <p>13. Tag:<li><br>Function: Tag defines list items. The <li> tag can be used in ordered lists (<ol>) and unordered lists (<ul>). <br>Attribute:type:value(A,a,I,i,1,disc,square,circle) is deprecated. Please use a style instead. Specify which bullet points to use. <br>value: value (number) is deprecated. Please use a style instead. Specifies the number of list items. </p> <p>14. Tag: <dl><br>Function: The tag defines the definition list. Tags are used to combine <dt> (defines the item in the list) and <dd> (describes the item in the list). <br>Attributes: No optional attributes. </p> <p>15. Tag:<dt><br>Function: Tag defines the items in the definition list. <br>Attributes: No optional attributes. </p> <p>16. Tag: <dd><br>Function: Define the definition part of the entry in the definition list. <br>Attributes: No optional attributes. </p> <p>17. Tag:<a><br>Function: Tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the target of the link. <br>Attribute: charset: value (char_encoding) is not supported in HTML5. Specifies the character set of the linked document. <br>coords: Values ​​(coordinates) are not supported in HTML5. Specifies the coordinates of the link. <br>download: The value (filename) specifies the hyperlink target to be downloaded. <br>href: value (URL) specifies the URL of the page to which the link points. <br>hreflang: The value (language_code) specifies the language of the linked document. <br>media: The value (media_query) specifies the media/device for which the linked document is optimized. <br>name: value (section_name) is not supported in HTML5. Specifies the name of the anchor. <br>rel: value (text) specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. <br>rev: value (text) is not supported in HTML5. Specifies the relationship between the linked document and the current document. <br>shape: value (default, rect, circle, poly) is not supported in HTML5. Specifies the shape of the link. <br>target: Value (_blank, _parent, _self, _top, framename) specifies where to open the linked document. <br>type: value (MIME type) specifies the MIME type of the linked document. </p> <p>18. Tag:<nav><br>Function: The tag defines the part of the navigation link. <br>Attributes: No optional attributes. </p> <p>19. Tag: <table><br>Function: Tag defines HTML table. <br>Attribute:align:value(left,center,right) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the alignment of the table relative to surrounding elements. <br>bgcolor: value(rgb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the background color of the table. <br>border: value (pixels) specifies the width of the table border. <br>cellpadding: value (pixels %) specifies the space between the edge of the cell and its content. <br>cellspacing: value (pixels %) specifies the space between cells. <br>frame: Value (void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, border) specifies which part of the outer border is visible. <br>rules: Value (none, groups, rows, cols, all) specifies which part of the inner border is visible. <br>summar: The value (text) specifies the summary of the table. <br>width: value (% pixels) specifies the width of the table. </p> <p>20. Label:<caption><br>Function: The label defines the title of the table. The <caption> tag must be placed directly after the <table> tag. <br>Attribute:align:value(left,right,top,bottom) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the alignment of the title. </p> <p>21. Tag:<th>Column<br>Function: Define the header cell in the table. Text inside the <th> element will be rendered as centered, bold text. <br>Attributes: abbr: value (text) specifies the abbreviated version of the content in the cell. <br>align: Value (left, right, center, justify, char) specifies the horizontal alignment of cell content. <br>axis: value (category_name) classifies the cell. <br>bgcolor: value(rgb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is not recommended. Please use a style instead. Specifies the background color of table cells. <br>char: value (character) specifies which character according to which content is aligned. <br>charoff: value (number) specifies the offset of the alignment character. <br>colspan: value (number) sets the number of columns that the cell can span. <br>headers: Value (idrefs) has a space-separated list of header cell IDs, providing header information for data cells. <br>height: value (pixels %) is not recommended. Please use a style instead. Specifies the height of table cells. <br>nowrap: value (nowrap) is not recommended. Please use a style instead. Specifies whether the content in the cell should be wrapped. <br>rowspan: The value (number) specifies the number of rows that the cell can span. <br>scope: value (col, colgroup, row, rowgroup) defines the method of associating header data with cell data. <br>valign: Value (top, middle, bottom, baseline) specifies the vertical arrangement of cell content. <br>width: value (pixels %) is not recommended. Please use styles instead. Specifies the width of table cells. </p> <p>22. Tag: <tr>Row<br>Function: Tag defines rows in the HTML table. <br>Attributes: align: value (right, left, center, justify, char) defines the content alignment of table rows. <br>bgcolor: value(rgb(x,x,x)#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the background color of table rows. <br>char: value (character) specifies which character to use for text alignment. <br>charoff: value (number) specifies the offset of the first alignment character. <br>valign: Value (top, middle, bottom, baseline) specifies table row content. </p> <p>23. Label: <td> Ordinary column <br>Function: Label defines the items in the definition list. Text within td elements is usually left aligned. <br>Attributes: abbr: value (text) specifies the abbreviated version of the content in the cell. <br>align: Value (left, right, center, justify, char) specifies the horizontal alignment of cell content. <br>axis: value (category_name) classifies the unit. <br>bgcolor: value(rgb(x,x,x),#xxxxxx,colorname) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the background color of the cell. <br>char: value (character) specifies which character according to which content is aligned. <br>charoff: value (number) specifies the offset of the alignment character. <br>colspan: value (number) specifies the number of columns that the cell can span. <br>headers: The value (header_cells'_id) specifies the header related to the cell. <br>height: value (pixels %) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the height of table cells. <br>nowrap: value (nowrap) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies whether the content in the cell should be wrapped. <br>rowspan: The value (number) specifies the number of rows that the cell can span. <br>scope: value (col, colgroup, row, rowgroup) defines the method of associating header data with cell data. <br>valign: Value (top, middle, bottom, baseline) specifies the vertical arrangement of cell content. <br>width: value (pixels %) is deprecated. Please use styles instead. Specifies the width of table cells. </p> <p>24. Tag: <img><br>Function: The img element embeds an image into the web page. <br>Attributes: Required attributes: src attribute: value (URL) specifies the URL of the displayed image and alt attribute: value (text) specifies the alternative text of the image. <br> Optional attributes: align: value (top, bottom, middle, left, right) is not recommended. Specifies how images are arranged relative to surrounding text. <br>border:value(pixels) is not recommended. Defines the border around the image. <br>height: value (pixels %) defines the height of the image. <br>hspace: value (pixels) is deprecated and defines the space on the left and right sides of the image. <br>ismap: value (URL) defines the image as a server-side image map. <br>longdesc: The value (URL) points to the URL containing the long image description document. <br>usemap: value (URL) defines the image as a client-side image map. <br>vspace: values ​​(pixels) are not recommended. Defines the whitespace at the top and bottom of the image. <br>width: value (pixels %) sets the width of the image. </p> <p>25. Tag:<audio><br>Function: The element can play sound files or audio streams. <br>Attribute: autoplay: value (autoplay) If this attribute appears, the audio will be played as soon as it is ready. <br>controls: value (controls) If this attribute appears, controls are displayed to the user, such as a play button. <br>loop: value (loop) If this attribute appears, playback will restart whenever the audio ends. <br>muted: The value (muted) specifies that the video output should be muted. <br>preload: value (preload) If this attribute appears, the audio will be loaded when the page is loaded and prepared for playback. If "autoplay" is used, this attribute will be ignored. <br>src: value (url) The audio URL to be played. </p> <p>26. Tag <video><br>Function: HTML5 specifies a standard way to include videos through the video element. <br>Attribute: autoplay: value (autoplay) If this attribute appears, the video will be played immediately after it is ready. <br>controls: value (controls) If this attribute appears, controls are displayed to the user, such as a play button. <br>height: value (pixels) sets the height of the video player. <br>loop: value (loop) If this attribute appears, playback will start again after the media file completes playback. <br>preload: value (preload) If this attribute appears, the video will be loaded when the page loads and is ready to be played. If "autoplay" is used, this attribute is ignored. <br>src: value (url) The url of the video to be played. <br>width: value (pixels) sets the width of the video player. </p> <p>27. Tag<source><br>Function: The tag is a media element that defines media resources. <br>Attribute: media: value (media query) specifies the type of media resource. <br>src: value (url) specifies the URL of the media file. <br>type: value (numeric value) specifies the MIME type of the media resource. </p> <p>28. Tag:<form><br>Function: Tag is used to create HTML forms for user input. <br>Attribute:accept:value(MIME_type) is not supported in HTML5. <br>accept-charset: The value (charset_list) specifies the form data character set that the server can process. <br>action: value (URL) specifies where to send form data when the form is submitted. <br>autocomplete: The value (on, off) specifies whether to enable the <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/6615.html" target="_blank">autocomplete</a> function of the form. <br>method: value (get, post) specifies the http method used to send form-data. <br>name: The value (form_name) specifies the name of the form. <br>target: value (_blank, _self, _parent, _top, foamname) specifies where to open the action URL. </p> <p>29. Tag:<input><br>Function: Tag is used to collect user information. <br>Attribute:accept:value(mime_type) specifies the type of file submitted via <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/6649.html" target="_blank">file upload</a>. <br>align: The value (left, right, top, middle, bottom) is deprecated. Specifies the alignment of the image input. <br>alt: value (text) defines the alternative text for the image input. <br>autocomplete: The value (on, off) specifies whether to use the autocomplete function of the input field. <br>autofocus: The value (autofocus) specifies whether the input field gets focus when the page loads. <br>checked: The value (checked) specifies that this input element should be selected when it is first loaded. <br>disabled: value (disabled) disables this element when the input element is loaded. <br>form: The value (formname) specifies one or more forms to which the input field belongs. <br>formaction: The value (url) overrides the action attribute of the form. <br>height: value (pixels %) defines the height of the input field. <br>list: value(datalist-id) refers to a datalist containing predefined options for the input field. <br>max: value (number, date) specifies the maximum value of the input field. <br>maxlength: The value (number) specifies the maximum length of characters in the input field. <br>min: value (number, date) specifies the minimum value of the input field. <br>name: value (field_name) defines the name of the input element. <br>readonly: The value (readonly) specifies that the input field is read-only. <br>size: value (number_of_char) defines the width of the input field. <br>type: value (button, checkbox, file, hidden, image, password, radio, reset, submit, text) specifies the type of input element. <br>value: Value (value) specifies the value of the input element. <br>width: value (pixels,%) defines the width of the input field. </p> <p>30. Label:<textarea><br>Function: Label defines a multi-line text input control. <br>Attribute:autofocus:The value (autofocus) specifies that the text area automatically gains focus after the page is loaded. <br>cols: value (number) specifies the visible width within the text area. <br>disabled: The value (disabled) specifies that the text area is disabled. <br>form: The value (form_id) specifies one or more forms to which the text area belongs. <br>maxlength: value (number) specifies the maximum number of characters in the text area. <br>name: value (name_of_textarea) specifies the name of the text area. <br>placeholder: value (text) specifies a short hint describing the expected value of the text area. <br>readonly: The value (readonly) specifies that the text area is read-only. <br>rows: value (number) specifies the number of visible rows in the text area. </p> <p>31. Label:<button><br>Function: The label defines a button. <br>Attribute: disabled: value (disabled) specifies that the button should be disabled. <br>form: The value (form_name) specifies that the button belongs to one or more forms. <br>name: value (button_name) specifies the name of the button. <br>type: value (button, reset, submit) specifies the type of button. <br>value: Value (text) specifies the initial value of the button. </p> <p>32. Tag:<select><br>Function: The element can create a single-select or multi-select menu. <br>Attribute:data:value(url) is used to automatically <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/5336.html" target="_blank">insert data</a>. <br>disabled: value (true, false) When this property is true, the menu will be disabled. <br>form: value (true, false) defines one or more forms to which the select field belongs. <br>multiple: value (true, false) When this attribute is true, it specifies that multiple items can be selected at one time. <br>name: value (unique_name) defines the <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/7266.html" target="_blank"> unique identifier for the drop-down list </a>. <br>size: value (number) defines the number of visible items in the menu. Not supported</p> <p>33. Label:<optgroup><br>Function: Label defines option group. <br>Attribute: label: value (text) specifies a description for the option group. <br>disabled: The value (disabled) specifies that this option group is disabled. </p> <p>34. Tag: <option><br>Function: The element defines an option in the drop-down list. <br>Attribute: disabled: value (disabled) specifies that the secondary option should be disabled when first loaded. <br>label: value (text) defines the label used when using <optgroup>. <br>selected: The value (selected) specifies that the option appears in the selected state. <br>value: Value (text) defines the option value sent to the server. </p> <p>35. Tag: form field<br>{<br> Single-line text field: <input type="text" /><br> Password text field: <input type="password" / ><br> <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/5979.html" target="_blank">Radio button</a>: <input type="radio" /><br> Multi-select button: <input type="checkbox" /><br> Hidden field: <input type="hidden" /><br> Submit button: <input type="submit" /><br> Reset button: <input type="reset" /><br> Since Define button: <input type="button" /><br> File upload: <input type="file"/><br> Multi-line text area: <textarea /><br> Drop-down list Domain: <select /><br>}</p> <p> </p> <p> Note: It may not be complete, but it is basically some commonly used ones. </p><p>The above is the detailed content of Summary of commonly used tags in HTML5. 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