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The most complete collection of labels in history

2017-06-16 17:12:023555browse











, the start and end of the partition logo
align=|center|left|right|Horizontal alignment
The start and end of the dynamic logo, such as within the logo Placing the texture format can achieve image scrolling
scrollamount=1~60, scrolling speed
direction=|left|right|up|down|, scrolling direction
scrolldelay=scroll delay, Unit: millisecond

Paragraph mark,
Space character,
Image mark
src=../../Picture link address, picture mark Required attributes
filter: style sheet filter;
Alpha: transparency filter,
opacity: opacity 100(0 ~100);
style: Style 2 (0~3),
rules="none"Do not display the inner frame"
MultimediaFile identification
Set the path of the music file. In addition to playing .rm;.mp3;.wav and other audio files, the file type can also Can play .swf and .mov videos.
Whether you want the music file to be played automatically after it is transferred, TRUE is yes, FALSE is not, the default is FALSE
LOOP=, set Set the number of playback repetitions, LOOP=6 means repeat 6 times, true or -1 means infinite loop, false means play once and then stop.
Set the start playback time of the song, For example, when playing after 20 seconds, write STARTIME=00:20
Set the volume. If not set, use the system volume.
Set the size of the control panel, set it to 0 to hide the player
Hide the control panel
Set the appearance of the control panel,
, background music identification, can only be used in .wav and .mp3 formats.
LOOP=, set the number of playback repetitions, LOOP=6 means Repeat 6 times, true or -1 means infinite loop, false means play once and stop.

Form tag:

The start and end of the form identification, the content of the form Put them all here.
The following labels are placed in the form:

Attributes :
Multiple, multiple selection
, editing block for large amounts of text input 
Cols="", rows;
Rows="" , column;
,text box
,Password box
,submit button
,radio box
,Reset button
,Image button
,Hide Domain
,Browse file
Public properties:

Frame tag:
..., define the frame.
, put Within the frame tag, define the content of each frame.
src= ""
Scrolling="", scroll bar (No, Yes);
Noresize, the frame size is immutable;
Marginhight="", height free space;
Marginwidth="", width Free space;
Target="", target frame.

Other tags:
, background music;
Loop="", number of loops;
, media playback block;
Loop="", number of loops;
, scrolling part;
Behavior, setting or Get how the text scrolls in the subtitles.
Direction="", scrolling direction;
Loop="", number of loops;
scrollAmount=" ", sets or gets the number of text scrolling pixels between each subtitle drawing sequence.
scrollDelay="", sets or gets the speed of subtitle scrolling.
scrollHeight="", gets the scroll height of the object;
scrollLeft="", sets or gets the distance between the left edge of the object and the leftmost end of the currently visible content in the window.
scrollTop="", sets or gets the distance between the topmost edge of the object and the visible content in the window The distance between the tops.
trueSpeed="", sets or gets whether the position of the subtitle is calculated using the scrollDelay and scrollAmount properties. The actual elapsed time comes from the clock timing.

, comment mark, the content between "" will not be displayed in the browser.


Basic tags:
, create a HTML document;
, set the document title and other features that are not included in the web page Displayed information;
, set the title of the document;

, the largest title;
</pre&gt ;,Preformatted text; <br/><u></u>,Underline <br><b></b>,Boldface; <br><i></i>, italics; <br><tt></tt>, typewriter style font; <br><cite></cite>, quotations, usually italics; <br><em></ em>, emphasize text (usually italics and boldface); <br><strong></strong>, emphasize text (usually italics and boldface); <br><font,size="",color= ""></font>, set the font size from 1 to 7, the color uses the name or the hexadecimal value of RGB; <br><BASEFONT></BASEFONT>, the base font mark; <br> <big></big>, increase the font size; <br><SMALL></SMALL>, reduce the font size; <br><STRIKE></STRIKE>, add a strikethrough; <br> <CODE></CODE>,program code; <br><KBD></KBD>,keyboard text; <br><SAMP></SAMP>,example; <br><VAR&gt ;</VAR>, variable; <br><BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>, indent to the right; <br><DFN></DFN>, predicate definition; <br><ADDRESS&gt ;</ADDRESS>, address mark; <br><sup></SUP>, superscript; <br><SUB></SUB>, subscript; <br><xmp&gt ;...</xmp>Fixed-width font (valid for blanks, line breaks, and positioning functions in files) <br><plaintext>...</plaintext>Fixed-width font (does not implement markup symbols); <br><listing>...</listing>, fixed-width small font; <br><font,color=00ff00>...</font>Font color; <br><font,size =1>...</font>Minimum font; <br><font,style,='font-size:100,px'>...</font>Infinitely increase.</p> <p>Format tag:</p>
<p><p></p>, create a paragraph; <br><p,align="">, align the paragraph to the left, center, or right; <br><br>, line break, insert a carriage return and line feed; <br><blockquote></blockquote>, indent text from both sides; </p>
<p><dl></dl&gt ;, list label, define list; <br/><dt>, define list title; <br><dd>, define list content; <br>Example: <br><dl> <br><dt&gt ;Title 1</dt> <br><dd>Content 11</dd> <br><dd>Content 12</dd> <br><dt>Title 2</dt> <br>&lt ;dd>Content21</dd> <br><dd>Content22</dd> <br></dl></p>
<p><ol></ol>, list label, definition A numbered list;</p>
<p><ul></ul>,列表标签,定义一个标有圆点的列表; <br><li>,放在每个列表项之前; <br>放在<ol></ol>之间则每个列表项加上一个数字,放在<ul></ul>之间则每个列表项加上一个圆点;</p>
<p><div,align=""></div>, Partition tag, used to format large HTML paragraphs, and also used to format tables; <br><MENU>, option list; <br><DIR>, directory list; <br><nobr>&lt ;/nobr>, force no line breaks; <br><hr,size='9',width='80%',color='ff0000'>Horizontal line (set width); <br><center> </center>, horizontally centered. </p>
<p>Link tag: <br><a,href="URL"></a>, create a hypertext link; <br><a, href="mailtEMAIL"> <br></a>,Create a link to automatically send an email; <br><a,name="name"></a>,Create a bookmark located inside the document ; <br><a,href="#name"></a>, creates links to bookmarks located inside the document; <br><BASE>, all other links in the document that are not recognized by this site Source URL; <br><LINK>, defines the relationship between a link and the source; </p>
<p>Link tag annotation: <br>target="...", determines where the link source is Display (user-defined name, _blank, _parent, _self, _top); <br>rel="...", the type of link to send; <br>rev="...", the type of link to save; <br>accesskey="...", specifies the hotkey of the element; <br>shape="...", allows us to use the defined shape to define the client's graphic mirror (default, rect, circle, poly); <br>coord="...", use pixels or length percentage to define the size of the shape; <br>tabindex="...", use the defined tabindex element to set the focus acquisition order between each element ( Use the tab key to focus the element). </p>
<p>Table tag: <br><table></table>, create a table; <br><tr></tr>, in the table Each row of ##<table,cellspacing="">, set the size of the space between table cells; <br><table,border="">, set the width of the border; <br><table,cellpadding= "">, set the size of the space between the table grid border and its internal content; <br><table,width="">, set the width of the table. Use absolute pixel value or percentage of the total width; <br> <table,align="">, Set the horizontal alignment of the table grid (left, center, right, justify); <br><tr,align="">, Set the horizontal alignment of the table grid ( left,center,right,justify); <br><tr,valign="">,Set the vertical alignment of the table grid (baseline,bottom,middle,top); <br><td,colspan=" ">, Set the number of columns that a table grid spans (the default value is 1); <br><td,rowspan="">, Set the number of rows that a table grid spans (the default value is 1) ; , define multiple columns and a group of columns; <br><TABLE></TABLE>, create a table; <br><THEAD></THEAD>, define the header of the table; <br>&lt ;COL>, defines the columns in a column group so that relevant properties can be set for them at the same time; <br><TBODY></TBODY>, defines the entity of a table; <br><TFOOT></ TFOOT>, define the footer of a table;<br></p>
<p>Form tag: <br><form></form>, create a form; <br>action="...", the URL of the server that receives data; <br>method="..." , HTTP methods (get,,post), of which get is prohibited; <br>enctype="...", specifies MIME (Internet media type); <br>onsubmit="...", when Internal event that occurs when the form is submitted; <br>noreset="...", internal event that occurs when the form is reset; <br>target="...", determines where to display the content (_blank, _parent,_self,_top) <br><select,multiple,name="name",size=""></select>, create a scrolling menu, size sets the number of form items that can be seen before scrolling is required ; <br><option>, set the content of each form item; <br><select,name="name"></select>, create a <a href="http://www.php.cn/code/6140.html" target="_blank"> drop-down menu</a>; <br> <pre,name="name",cols=40,rows=8>
, create a text box area, the number of columns sets the width, and the number of rows sets the height;
, Create a checkbox with the text behind the label;
, Create a radio button with the text behind the logo;
, create a single-line text input area, the size is set to the width of the string;
,Create a submit button;
, creates a submit button using an image;
, creates a reset button;
, create a button;
disabled="...", set the status of the button to disabled;
name="...", the control name of the button, value=". ..", the value of the button;
type="...", the type of the button (button,,submit,,reset);
, put the related controls Combined into a group;
, prompts user input;
, provides a label for a control;
, is FIELDSET The element specifies a title;
, creates various options for the user to make choices;
, creates an area that allows the user to enter multiple lines.

Form label annotations:
type="...", the type used for input controls (text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, file, hidden, image, button);
name="...", the control name of the control (required to be any name except submit and reset);
value="...", the initial value of the control;
checked=". ..", sets a radio button to the selected state;
disabled="...", sets the state of the control to unusable;
readonly="...", only for entering a password The text box uses;
size="...", which represents the width in pixels of other controls except the text box and password box controls. It is used to specify the number of characters;
src ="...", the URL of an image control;
maxlength="...", specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered;
alt="...", another text description;
usemap="...", URL to client graphics image;
align="...", objected. Control alignment (left,,center,,right,,justify);
tabindex="...", determine the order in which different elements get focus through the defined tabindex value;
onfocus="...", the event that occurs when an element gets focus;
onblur ="...", the event that occurs when the element loses focus;
onselect="...", the event that occurs when the element is selected;
onchang="...", when the element status Event that occurs when it is changed;
accept="...", the file type allowed to be uploaded.

Frame tag (frame tag):
, placed before the tag of a frame document, can also be embedded in other frame documents;
< frameset,rows="value,value">, defines the number of rows in a frame, available pixel value or height percentage;
, defines the columns in a frame Number, available pixel value or width percentage;
, defines a single window or window area within a frame;
, defined in browsers that do not support frames What prompt to display;
, specifies the HTML document displayed in the frame;
, names the frame or area for other frames You can point to it;
, defines the margin size of the left and right edges of the frame, which must be greater than or equal to 1;
, defines the size of the upper and lower edges of the frame Blank size, must be greater than or equal to 1;
, set whether the frame has a scroll bar, the value can be "yes", "no", or "auto";
< ;frame,noresize>, prohibits users from adjusting the size of a frame;
, creates an inline frame;
scr="...", defines display in the frame The source of the content;
frameborder="...", defines the border between frames (0 or 1);
align="...", is opposed, controls the alignment (left,,center ,,right,,justify);
height="...",The height of the frame,width="..."The width of the frame;
..., Normal scroll;
..., slide;
..., default scroll ;
..., scroll back and forth;
..., scroll down;
...,scroll up;
,scroll right;
< ;marquee,direction='left'>,scroll to the left;
...,number of scrolls;
< marquee,width=180>..., set the width;
..., set the height;
..., set the background color;
..., set the scroll distance;
..., set the scroll time;
, insert the picture, the parameters are: width="width", alt="Description Text",height="high",boder="border".

Document overall attribute tag:
, set the background color. Use name or RGB Hexadecimal value;
, set the background image;
, set the background music;
, Fixed background image (applicable to IE);
, Set text color. Use name or RGB hexadecimal value;
, Set the link color. Use the hexadecimal value of name, word or RGB;
, Set the color of the used link. Use the name or RGB The hexadecimal value;
, sets the color of the link being hit. Use the name or RGB hexadecimal value;
, set the top margin of the page;
, set the left margin of the page.


The above is the detailed content of The most complete collection of labels in history. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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