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phpinfo()10 recommended content

2017-06-15 10:09:563235browse

window下安装php_curl扩展支持 1.找到php.ini 修改extension=php_curl.dll 把前面的分号去掉; 注意phpinfo()信息中php.ini 的path ubuntu linux 下php_curl扩展支持 1.在web服务器目录( Ubuntu下的通常为 /var/www )新建test.php文件   2.编辑文件,键入下面一行代码:phpinfo();   3.保存文件   4.打开浏览器,浏览该网页。(例如:http://localhost/test.php)   5.搜索"curl",看看是否已经安装了curl。没搜到的话肯定是没装了,要装的请看下面。   安装方法很简单,只需要一条命令。(这里选择直接apt-get安装,

1. php curl扩展开启

phpinfo()10 recommended content

简介:window下安装php_curl扩展支持 1.找到php.ini 修改extension=php_curl.dll 把前面的分号去掉; 注意phpinfo()信息中php.ini 的path ubuntu linux 下php_curl扩展支持 1.在web服务器目录( Ubuntu下的通常为 /var/www )新建test.php文件   2.编辑文件,键入下面一行代码:phpinfo();  ...

2. PHP 读取 AD 用户

phpinfo()10 recommended content

简介:<?php  //phpinfo();    $host = "******:389";  $user = "**@**";  $pswd = "*****";    $ad = ldap_connect($host) or die( "Could not connect!" );  if($ad){    ...

3. ubuntu - 请问修改了php.ini但是phpinfo();却没变化为什么

简介:请问修改了php.ini但是phpinfo();里的信息却没变化是为什么,我查看了地址是/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini,并且也修改保存了,然后重启apache了,还是没用 这是为什么??

4. 使用PHP,当curl初始化时产生解析错误

简介:<?php$arr = array( {代码...} echo json_encode($arr);echo "<br/>";echo 1234;phpinfo();?> <?php  $ch = curl_init();//初始化//   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://localhost/info...

5. 为什么Nginx下PHP-FPM错误日志不显示

简介:我在Ubuntu下配置了LNMP环境,其中Nginx配置了错误日志和访问日志,一切正常. 同时PHP-FPM在pool/www.conf中配置了error_log. {代码...} 于此同时,我打印phpinfo();如下图: 但是我的php-error.log就是没有错误日...

6. childhood memory 修改PHP的memory_limit限制的方法分享

phpinfo()10 recommended content

简介:childhood memory:childhood memory 修改PHP的memory_limit限制的方法分享:解决这个问题,首先需要查看你的程序是否分配了过多的内存,在程序没有问题的情况下,你可以通过一下方法来增加PHP的内存限制(memory_limit)。 检查php的内存限制值为了查看这个值,你需要建立一个空的php文件,比如view-php-info.php。然后将一下代码贴到里面。将这个脚本放到你的Web服务器上,然后在浏览器

7. www.letian163.com PHPMailer邮件类利用smtp163com发送邮件方法

Introduction: www.letian163.com:www.letian163.com PHPMailer mail class uses smtp163com to send emails: Step 1: You need to download the PHPMailer file package phpmailer-1.73.tar.gz from the open source community: http: //phpmailer.sourceforge.net/ Step 2: Confirm that your server system supports sockets. As shown below, use phpinfo(); to check whether sockets are supported. If this item is not available, please note: socket is a PHP extension part. When compiling, One must be given for.

8. Nine Million Bicycles php summary of several methods to get the mysql version

Introduction: Nine Million Bicycles: Nine Million Bicycles php summary of several methods to get the mysql version: select VERSION() current $res=mysql_query("select VERSION()");$row=mysql_fetch_row($res); this form Call a SQL query to get it. If you query the version of the MYSQL support library (CLIENT) installed by PHP itself, you can use A simpler method is to use PHP's own function mysql_ge

9. XML escape characters are migrated from C/C++ to PHP - function to determine character type

Introduction: XML escape characters: XML escape characters Migrating from C/C++ to PHP - function to determine character type: In C/C++, the header file ctype.h defines a set of macros about character types, which can get the type of a given character. There are no related functions in PHP. A few days ago, I found that the PHP downloaded from www.mm4.de provides an extension library named php_ctype.dll. After loading, I found that some such functions are provided, and I have compiled them for your reference. After loading the php_ctype.dll file correctly in PHP, use to see the following information:

10. dota6.69 Easter Egg php4 Easter Egg

Introduction: dota6.69 Easter Egg: dota6.69 Easter Egg php4 Easter Egg: I read some code today and saw a small Easter egg. Use a browser to visit http://ipaddress/dirname/env.php?=PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 and you will see! A fat man is holding two cigarettes in his mouth! :-) The secret is the image data defined by an array in logos.h. unsigned char p

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