Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >js implements sharing selected content to Sina or Tencent Weibo_javascript skills
Weibo is in full swing. Everyone chooses to use Weibo to bring social traffic and promote products and websites. Almost all websites have shared code, but there is a faster way to share it. JavaScript can realize it. The selected content can be easily shared to Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo. The rendering is as follows:
Share the selected content to Sina Weibo. The js code implemented by Tencent Weibo is as follows:
<STYLE> .img_sina_share { DISPLAY: none; CURSOR: pointer; POSITION: absolute } .img_qq_share { DISPLAY: none; CURSOR: pointer; POSITION: absolute } </STYLE> <IMG class=img_sina_share id=imgSinaShare title=将选中内容分享到新浪微博 src="http://www.phpddt.com/usr/themes/dddefault/images/sina.gif"> <IMG class=img_qq_share id=imgQqShare title=将选中内容分享到腾讯微博 src="http://www.phpddt.com/usr/themes/dddefault/images/qq.gif"> <SCRIPT> var eleImgShare = document.getElementById("imgSinaShare"); / var eleImgShare2 = document.getElementById("imgQqShare"); var $miniBlogShare = function(eleShare,eleShare2,eleContainer) { //实现方法 var eleTitle = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; eleContainer = eleContainer || document; var funGetSelectTxt = function() { //获取选中文字 var txt = ""; if(document.selection) { txt = document.selection.createRange().text; // IE } else { txt = document.getSelection(); } return txt.toString(); }; eleContainer.onmouseup = function(e) { //限定容器若有文字被选中 e = e || window.event; var txt = funGetSelectTxt(), sh = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0; var left = (e.clientX - 40 < 0) ? e.clientX + 20 : e.clientX - 40, top = (e.clientY - 40 < 0) ? e.clientY + sh + 20 : e.clientY + sh - 40; if (txt) { eleShare.style.display = "inline"; eleShare.style.left = left + "px"; eleShare.style.top = top + "px"; eleShare2.style.display = "inline"; eleShare2.style.left = left + 30 + "px"; eleShare2.style.top = top + "px"; } else { eleShare.style.display = "none"; eleShare2.style.display = "none"; } }; eleShare.onclick = function() { //点击新浪微博图标 var txt = funGetSelectTxt(), title = (eleTitle && eleTitle.innerHTML)? eleTitle.innerHTML : "未命名页面"; if (txt) { window.open('http://v.t.sina.com.cn/share/share.php?title=' + txt + ' ' + title + '&url=' + window.location.href + '','微博分享','width=700, height=580, top=320, left=180, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, location=yes, resizable=no, status=no'); } }; eleShare2.onclick = function() { //点击腾讯微博图标 var txt = funGetSelectTxt(), title = (eleTitle && eleTitle.innerHTML)? eleTitle.innerHTML : "未命名页面"; if (txt) { window.open( 'http://v.t.qq.com/share/share.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(txt + ' ' + title + ' ') + '&url=' + window.location.href + '','微博分享','width=700, height=580, top=320, left=180, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, location=yes, resizable=no, status=no'); } }; }(eleImgShare,eleImgShare2); </SCRIPT>
Paste the above code to the page where you want to share content. Note that it is best not to put it in header.php or footer.php so that all the content of the website can be shared. I just put it in the article. page!
The above is the detailed code for JS to share the selected content to Sina or Tencent Weibo. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to learn JavaScript programming.