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Examples of multi-process and multi-threading in Python (1)

2017-06-01 10:02:441924browse



  最开始的想法是在一个azkaban project下循环调用10000次create job接口(每个Flow只包含一个job)。由于azkaban它本身没有增加/删除作业流的接口,所有的作业流修改、增加、删除其实都是通过重新上传项目zip包实现的,相应地每次调猛犸前端的create job接口,实际上是在猛犸端对zip包的内容进行了重新的整合后再重新上传zip包到azkaban,整个过程可以拆解成如下过程:解压zip包获得zip包内容,变更zip包内的文件内容,重新打包zip包,上传到azkaban。因此,随着循环次数越往后,zip包包含的内容会越多,接口执行一次的时间就越长。实践发现,第一次调该接口的时间大致不到1秒,到循环1000次的时候接口调用一次的时间就达到了将近3秒。因此,如果指望一个循环10000次来构造该场景,显然要耗费巨大的时间。

  在此背景下, 自然而然地就想到用多进程/多线程的方式来处理该问题。








  1. multiprocessing

  multiprocessing是Python提供的一个跨平台的多进程模块,通过它可以很方便地编写多进程程序,在不同的平台(Unix/Linux, Windows)都可以执行。


#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*author = 'zni.feng'import  sys
reload (sys)
sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')from multiprocessing import Processimport osimport time#子进程fundef child_projcess_fun(name):    print 'Child process %s with processId %s starts.' % (name, os.getpid())
    time.sleep(3)    print 'Child process %s with processId %s ends.' % (name, os.getpid())if name == "main":    print 'Parent processId is: %s.' % os.getpid()
    p = Process(target = child_projcess_fun, args=('zni',))    print 'Process starts'
    p.start() #开始进程
    p.join() #等待子进程结束后再继续往下执行
    print 'Process ends.'


Parent processId is: 11076.
Process starts
Child process zni with processId 11077 starts.
Child process zni with processId 11077 ends.
Process ends.
[Finished in 3.1s]

  2. Pool 


 1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* 3 author = 'zni.feng' 4 import  sys 5 reload (sys) 6 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') 7  8 from multiprocessing import Pool 9 import os, time10 11 def child_process_test(name, sleep_time):12     print 'Child process %s with processId %s starts.' % (name, os.getpid())13     time.sleep(sleep_time)14     print 'Child process %s with processId %s ends.' % (name, os.getpid())15 16 if name == "main":17     print 'Parent processId is: %s.' % os.getpid()18     p = Pool()  #进程池默认大小是cpu的核数19     #p = Pool(10) #生成一个容量为10的进程池,即最大同时执行10个子进程20     for i in range(5):21         p.apply_async(child_process_test, args=('zni_'+str(i), i+1,)) #p.apply_async向进程池提交目标请求22 23     print 'Child processes are running.'24     p.close()25     p.join() #用来等待进程池中的所有子进程结束再向下执行代码,必须在p.close()或者p.terminate()之后执行26     print 'All Processes end.'


Parent processId is: 5050.
Child processes are running.
Child process zni_0 with processId 5052 starts.
Child process zni_1 with processId 5053 starts.
Child process zni_2 with processId 5054 starts.
Child process zni_3 with processId 5055 starts.
Child process zni_0 with processId 5052 ends.
Child process zni_4 with processId 5052 starts.
Child process zni_1 with processId 5053 ends.
Child process zni_2 with processId 5054 ends.
Child process zni_3 with processId 5055 ends.
Child process zni_4 with processId 5052 ends.
All Processes end.
[Finished in 6.2s]




  3. 进程间通信 


  3.1 Queue、Lock

  Queue是multiprocessing提供的一个模块,它的数据结构就是"FIFO——first in first out"的队列,常用的方法有:put(object)入队;get()出队;empty()判断队列是否为空。



 1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* 3 author = 'zni.feng' 4 import  sys 5 reload (sys) 6 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') 7 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Lock 8 import os, time, random 9 #写数据进程10 def write(q, lock, name):11     print 'Child Process %s starts' % name12     #获得锁13     lock.acquire()14     for value in ['A' , 'B', 'C']:15         print 'Put %s to queue...' % value16         q.put(value)17         time.sleep(random.random())18     #释放锁19     lock.release()20     print 'Child Process %s ends' % name21 22 #读数据进程23 def read(q, lock, name):24     print 'Child Process %s starts' % name25     while True: #持续地读取q中的数据26         value =q.get()27         print 'Get %s from queue.' % value28     print 'Child Process %s ends' % name29 30 if name == "main":31     #父进程创建queue,并共享给各个子进程32     q= Queue()33     #创建锁34     lock = Lock()35     #创建第一个“写”子进程36     pw = Process(target = write , args=(q, lock, 'WRITE', ))37     #创建“读”进程38     pr = Process(target = read, args=(q,lock, 'READ',))39     #启动子进程pw,写入:40     pw.start()41     #启动子进程pr,读取:42     pr.start()43     #等待pw结束:44     pw.join()45     #pr是个死循环,通过terminate杀死:46     pr.terminate()47     print 'Test finish.'


Child Process WRITE starts
Put A to queue...
Child Process READ starts
Get A from queue.
Put B to queue...
Get B from queue.
Put C to queue...
Get C from queue.
Child Process WRITE ends
Test finish.
[Finished in 2.0s]

  3.2 Pipe


 1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* 3 author = 'zni.feng' 4 import  sys 5 reload (sys) 6 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') 7 from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe 8 import os, time, random 9 10 #发送数据进程11 def send(child_pipe, name):12     print 'Child Process %s starts' % name13     child_pipe.send('This is Mr.Ni')14     child_pipe.close()15     time.sleep(random.random())16     print 'Child Process %s ends' % name17 18 #接收数据进程19 def recv(parent_pipe, name):20     print 'Child Process %s starts' % name21     print parent_pipe.recv()22     time.sleep(random.random())23     print 'Child Process %s ends' % name24 25 if name == "main":26     #创建管道27     parent,child = Pipe()28     #创建send进程29     ps = Process(target=send, args=(child, 'SEND'))30     #创建recv进程31     pr = Process(target=recv, args=(parent, 'RECEIVE'))32     #启动send进程33     ps.start()34     #等待send进程结束35     ps.join()36     #启动recv进程37     pr.start()38     #等待recv进程结束39     pr.join()40     print 'Test finish.'


Child Process SEND starts
Child Process SEND ends
Child Process RECEIVE starts
This is Mr.Ni
Child Process RECEIVE ends
Test finish.
[Finished in 1.8s]


1. Python中多进程与多线程实例(二)编程方法

2. Python中推荐使用多进程而不是多线程?分享推荐使用多进程的原因

3. python多进程快还是多线程快?

4. 关于Python进程、线程、协程详细介绍

5. Python 并发编程之线程池/进程池

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