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Detailed explanation of script sharing for implementing network testing in Python

2017-05-28 11:13:142280browse

This article mainly introduces you to the method of using Python to implement network testing. The article provides detailed sample code for your reference and study. It has certain reference and learning value for everyone. It is needed Friends, let’s take a look together.


Recently, a classmate asked me to help write a tool for testing the network. Due to work matters, it took a long time to give a relatively complete version intermittently. In fact, I use Python relatively little, so I basically write programs while checking information.

The main logic of the program is as follows:

Read the IP list in an excel file, then use multi-threading to call ping to count the network parameters of each IP, and finally The results are output to an excel file.

The code is as follows:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# File: pingtest_test.py
# Date: 2008-09-28
# Author: Michael Field
# Modified By:intheworld
# Date: 2017-4-17
import sys
import os
import getopt
import commands
import subprocess
import re
import time
import threading
import xlrd
import xlwt

TEST = [
def usage():
 print "USEAGE:"
 print "\t%s -n TEST|excel name [-t times of ping] [-c concurrent number(thread nums)]" %sys.argv[0]
 print "\t TEST为简单测试的IP列表"
 print "\t-t times 测试次数;默认为1000;"
 print "\t-c concurrent number 并行线程数目:默认为10"
 print "\t-h|-?, 帮助信息"
 print "\t 输出为当前目录文件ping_result.txt 和 ping_result.xls"
 print "for example:"
 print "\t./ping_test.py -n TEST -t 1 -c 10"

def p_list(ls,n):
 if not isinstance(ls,list) or not isinstance(n,int):
  return []
 ls_len = len(ls)
 print 'ls length = %s' %ls_len
 if n<=0 or 0==ls_len:
  return []
 if n > ls_len:
  return []
 elif n == ls_len:
  return [[i] for i in ls]
  j = ls_len/n
  k = ls_len%n
  ### j,j,j,...(前面有n-1个j),j+k
  ls_return = []
  for i in xrange(0,(n-1)*j,j):
  return ls_return

def pin(IP):
  xpin=subprocess.check_output("ping -n 1 -w 100 %s" %IP, shell=True)
 except Exception:
  xpin = &#39;empty&#39;
 ms = &#39;=[0-9]+ms&#39;.decode("utf8")
 print "%s" %ms
 print "%s" %xpin
 if not mstime:
  return MS
  return MS.strip(&#39;ms&#39;)
def count(total_count,I):
 global RESULT
 nowsecond = int(time.time())
 nums = 0
 oknums = 0
 timeout = 0
 lostpacket = 0.0
 total_ms = 0.0
 avgms = 0.0
 maxms = -1
 while nums < total_count:
  nums += 1
  MS = pin(I)
  print &#39;pin output = %s&#39; %MS
  if MS == &#39;timeout&#39;:
   timeout += 1
   lostpacket = timeout*100.0 / nums
   oknums += 1
   total_ms = total_ms + float(MS)
   if oknums == 0:
    oknums = 1
    maxms = float(MS)
    avgms = total_ms / oknums
    avgms = total_ms / oknums
    maxms = max(maxms, float(MS))
  RESULT[I] = (I, avgms, maxms, lostpacket)

def thread_func(t, ipList):
 if not isinstance(ipList,list):
  for ip in ipList:
   count(t, ip)

def readIpsInFile(excelName):
 data = xlrd.open_workbook(excelName)
 table = data.sheets()[0]
 nrows = table.nrows
 print &#39;nrows %s&#39; %nrows
 ips = []
 for i in range(nrows):
  ips.append(table.cell_value(i, 0))
  print table.cell_value(i, 0)
 return ips

if name == &#39;main&#39;:
 file = &#39;ping_result.txt&#39;
 times = 10
 network = &#39;&#39;
 thread_num = 10
 args = sys.argv[1:]
  (opts, getopts) = getopt.getopt(args, &#39;n:t:c:h?&#39;)
  print "\nInvalid command line option detected."
 for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in (&#39;-n&#39;):
   network = arg
  if opt in (&#39;-h&#39;, &#39;-?&#39;):
  if opt in (&#39;-t&#39;):
   times = int(arg)
  if opt in (&#39;-c&#39;):
   thread_num = int(arg)
 f = open(file, &#39;w&#39;)
 workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
 sheet1 = workbook.add_sheet("sheet1", cell_overwrite_ok=True)
 if not isinstance(times,int):
 if network not in [&#39;TEST&#39;] and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), network)):
  print "The network is wrong or excel file does not exist. please check it."
  if network == &#39;TEST&#39;:
   ips = TEST
   ips = readIpsInFile(network)
  print &#39;Starting...&#39;
  threads = []
  nest_list = p_list(ips, thread_num)
  loops = range(len(nest_list))
  print &#39;Total %s Threads is working...&#39; %len(nest_list)
  for ipList in nest_list:
   t = threading.Thread(target=thread_func,args=(times,ipList))
  for i in loops:
  for i in loops:
  it = 0
  for line in RESULT:
   value = RESULT[line]
   sheet1.write(it, 0, line)
   sheet1.write(it, 1, str(&#39;%.2f&#39;%value[1]))
   sheet1.write(it, 2, str(&#39;%.2f&#39;%value[2]))
   sheet1.write(it, 3, str(&#39;%.2f&#39;%value[3]))
   f.write(line + &#39;\t&#39;+ str(&#39;%.2f&#39;%value[1]) + &#39;\t&#39;+ str(&#39;%.2f&#39;%value[2]) + &#39;\t&#39;+ str(&#39;%.2f&#39;%value[3]) + &#39;\n&#39;)
  print &#39;Work Done. please check result %s and ping_result.xls.&#39;%file

This code refers to other people’s implementation. Although it is not particularly complicated, I will briefly explain it here.

  • excel reads and writes using xlrd and xlwt, basically using some simple api.

  • Uses threading to achieve multi-thread concurrency, which is very similar to the POSIX standard Interface. thread_func is a thread processing function . Its input contains a List of IPs, so each IP is processed through a loop inside the function.

  • In addition, Python commands are not compatible under Windows, so the subprocess module is used.

So far, my understanding of the character set in Python is not in place, so the regular expression matching code is not strong enough , but it can barely work at the moment, and it may be necessary to change it in the future!


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