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animation IE10
The six major attributes of animation
animation-name specifies the keyframe name that needs to be bound to the selector
animation-duration specifies the time it takes to complete the animation s ms
animation-timing-function animation speed curve
Default value ease
Syntax animation-timing-function: value
animation-timing-function uses a mathematical function called the Cubic Bezier Bezier curve function to generate the speed curve. You can use your own values or
Defined value
Value: linear at the same speed from beginning to end
ease defaults to speed up from low speed and slow down before the end
ease-in animation starts at low speed
ease-out animation at low speed End
ease-in-out animation starts and ends at low speed
cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) its own value in the cubic-bezier function. Possible values are numeric values from 0 to 1
animation-deplay Delay before animation starts
animation-delay: time;
JavaScript Syntax :object.style.animationDelay="2s"
animation-delay value is in seconds or milliseconds.
Negative values are allowed, -2s causes the animation to start immediately, but skips 2 seconds to enter the animation
animation-iteration-countThe number of times the animation is played IE10
animation-iteration- count: n|infinite
JavaScript syntax: object.style.animationIterationCount=3
animation-directionWhether the animation should be played in reverse in turn
animation-direction value is "alternate ", the animation will play normally in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, etc.), and play backwards in even numbers (2, 4, 6, etc.
animation-direction: normal|alternate;
JavaScript syntax: object.style.animationDirection="alternate"
Default value none 0 ease 0 1 normal
javascript syntax object.style.animation="mymove 5s infinite"
Transition The four major properties of transition IE10
transiont-property attribute specifies the name of the transition css property
transition-property: none|all |propertyCSS property name list, separated by commas;
JavaScript syntax: object.style.transitionProperty="width,height"
transition-duration CompleteTransition effectHow many seconds or milliseconds it takes
transition-duration: time;
JavaScript syntax: object.style.transitionDuration="5s"
transition-timing-function: linear|ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out|cubic-
JavaScript syntax: object. style.transitionTimingFunction="linear"
JavaScript syntax: object.style.transitionDelay="2s"
transition-delay: time;
Default Value all 0 ease 0
transition:property duration timing-function delay
javascript syntax:object.style.transition="width 2s"
transform IE10
transform allows us to rotate, scale, move, or tilt elements
Default none
javascript syntax object.style.transform="rotate(7deg)"
transform: none|transform-functions;
none does not perform conversion
matrix(n,n,n,n,n,n) uses a matrix of six values
matrix3d(n,n,n, n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n) 4x4 matrix using 16 values
translate(x,y)2D transformation
translate3d(x ,y,z)3D conversion
translateX(x) just uses the value of the X axis
translateY(y) just uses the value of the Y axis
translateZ(z) just uses the value of the Z axis
scale (x,y)2D scaling
scale3d(x,y,z)3D scaling
rotate(angle) 2D rotation, in parameters Specify angle
rotate3d(x,y,z,angle)3D rotation
skew(x-angle,y-angle) Define along 2D skew transformation of X and Y axes
skewX(angle) skewY(angle) perspective(n)
Newcss3 selector
1 E:nth-last-child(n) 2 E:nth-of-type(n) 3 E:nth-last-of-type(n) 4 E:last-child 5 E:first-of-type 6 E:only-child 7 E:only-of-type 8 E:empty 9 E:checked 10 E:enabled 11 E:disabled 12 E::selection 13 E:not(s) 14 E::not(.s) 15 body: nth-child(even), nth-child(odd)/*:此处他们分别代表了表格(tbody)下面的偶数行和奇数行(tr)*/等等......
@ Font-face feature
Font-face can be used to load font styles, and it can also load server-side font files, allowing the client to display fonts that the client does not
<p><font face="arial">arial courier verdana</font></p>Font-face server font caseWord-wrap### Settings Or retrieve whether to break the line when the current line exceeds the boundary of the specified container, and the text has been scattered###
Text-overflow它与 word-wrap 是协同工作
word-wrap 设置或检索当当前行超过指定容器的边界时是否断开转行,而 text-overflow 则设置或检索当当前行超过指定容
1 .clip{text-overflow:clip; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; 2 width:200px;background:#ccc;} 3 .ellipsis{text-overflow:ellipsis; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; 4 width:200px; background:#ccc;}
1 d0435d2b2e055c11b673eee7d0204ab9 不显示省略标记,而是简单的裁切条94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a32 3 0d1f0cdb484413c5c94d20f08feb90c5 当对象内文本溢出时显示省略标记94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3
1 p { 2 -webkit-text-fill-color: black; 3 -webkit-text-stroke-color: red; 4 -webkit-text-stroke-width: 2.75px; 5 }
Text-fill-color: 文字内部填充颜色
Text-stroke-color: 文字边界填充颜色
Text-stroke-width: 文字边界宽度
1 p { 2 -webkit-text-fill-color: black; 3 -webkit-text-stroke-color: red; 4 -webkit-text-stroke-width: 2.75px; 5 }
Text-fill-color: 文字内部填充颜色
Text-stroke-color: 文字边界填充颜色
Text-stroke-width: 文字边界宽度
gradient 渐变效果
线性渐变 linear左上(0% 0%)到右上(0% 100%)
background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,100% 0%,form(red),to(balck))
background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,100% 0%,from(#2A8BBE),
background:-weblit-gradient(radial,50 50,50,50 50,0,form(black),color-stop(0.5,red),to(blue));
background-origin 用于确定背景的位置 通常与background-positon联合使用
background-size来调整背景图片的大小,注意别和 clip 弄混,这个主要用于设定图片本身
background-size: contain; 缩小图片以适合元素(维持像素长宽比)
background-size: cover; 扩展元素以填补元素(维持像素长宽比)
background-size: 100px 100px; 缩小图片至指定的大小 .
background-size: 50% 100%; 缩小图片至指定的大小,百分比是相对包 含元素的尺寸
background-break: continuous; 默认值。忽略盒之间的距离(也就是像元 素没有分成多个盒子,依然是
一个整体一 样)
background-break: bounding-box; 把盒之间的距离计算在内;
background-break: each-box; 为每个盒子单独重绘背景
counter()=[counter(name) | counters(name,list-style-type)]{1,}
counter-reset IE8
counter-reset 属性设置某个选择器出现次数的计数器的值。默认为 0。
利用这个属性,计数器可以设置或重置为任何值,可以是正值或负值。如果没有提供 number,则默认为 0。
注释:如果使用 "display: none",则无法重置计数器。如果使用 "visibility: hidden",则可以重置计数器
JavaScript 语法: object.style.counterReset="subsection"
counter-reset的值none id number inherit
attr()=attr(attr-name)插入元素的属性值 IE8
calc() =calc(四则运算) 动态计算长度值 IE9
需要注意的是,运算符前后都需要保留一个空格,例如:width: calc(100% - 10px);
calc()函数支持 "+", "-", "*", "/" 运算;
initial属于css-wide关键字,这表示所有的属性都可以接受该值 IE11
unset 擦除属性声明
color color的颜色名称,HEX,RGB,RGBA,HSL,HSLA,transparent,currentColor
频率单位包括有: dpi, dpcm, dppx
角度值 angle角度值的正常范围应在[0-360deg]内,例如:-10deg与350deg是等价的
角度单位包括有: deg, grad一个圆共400梯度, rad 一个圆共2π弧度, turn
90deg = 100grad = 0.25turn ≈ 1.570796326794897rad
ch 数字“0”的宽度 ie9
rem 相对长度单位。相对于根元素(即html元素)font-size计算值的倍数
vw相对于视口的宽度。视口被均分为100单位的vw ie9
vh 相对于视口的高度。视口被均分为100单位的vh
vmax 相对于视口的宽度或高度中较大的那个。其中最大的那个被均分为100单位的vmax
q 1/4毫米(quarter-millimeters)。绝对长度单位。
1in = 2.54cm = 25.4 mm = 101.6q = 72pt = 6pc = 96px
E:first-letter/E::first-letter E:first-line/E::first-line E:before/E::before E:after/E::after E::placeholderE::selection
E:not(s) E:root E:last-child E:only-child E:nth-child(n) E:nth-last-child(n) E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:empty E:checked E:enabled E:disabled E:target
1. CSS3免费视频教程
2. 分享一个CSS3的动画库
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