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Teach you how to publish WeChat mini program applications

2017-05-02 10:53:263051browse

Teach you how to publish WeChat mini program applications

This article answers questions and answers about WeChat mini programs and technical questions that people are concerned about, and how to publish mini program applications. After mini programs are developed, they cannot be published directly and need to be reviewed, similar to the App Store. . This is a good thing.

WeChat Mini Program Q&A

Q: What is a Mini Program? What functions does it have?

Answer: A mini program is an application that does not require downloading and installation. It realizes the dream of having an application "at your fingertips". Users can open the application by scanning or searching. It also embodies the concept of “use and go”, and users do not need to worry about installing too many applications. Applications will be everywhere and available at any time, but there will be no need to install or uninstall them.

Q: I am a developer and have not yet received a test invitation for the mini program. Is there any channel through which I can apply to register for the mini program?

Answer: At present, the mini program is still in the internal testing stage. After the application is fully open, developers who are individuals, enterprises, governments, media or other organizations can apply to register mini programs.

Q: Some accounts have already received invitations to the internal testing of the mini program. Will the invitations to the internal testing continue to be open in the future?

Answer: Regarding the launch rhythm of the mini program: This internal test adopts an invitation system, and its content client is temporarily invisible to users. After that, the mini program will be fully open for application, and all mini programs will be open to users at the same time.

Q: Can the mini program be connected with the existing app?

Answer: Mini programs can use WeChat joint login to connect with the user data in the developer's existing App backend, but direct jumps between mini programs and Apps will not be supported.

Q: WeChat already has a subscription account, service account, and enterprise account. What is the difference between mini programs and these three?

Answer: Mini programs, subscription accounts, service accounts, and enterprise accounts are currently parallel systems.

Q: There are rumors that the launch of mini programs means that WeChat will become an application distribution market. Is this true?

Answer: WeChat launches mini programs not to become an application distribution market, but to provide an open platform for some high-quality services.

WeChat Mini Program Technology and How to Release Questions

1. The development documentation of the mini program is the most detailed and richest among all the development documents provided by WeChat.

2. WeChat not only provides rich APIs, but also provides enough frameworks and components.

3. The interfaces and frameworks are extremely rich, including: views, content, buttons, navigation, multimedia, network capabilities, compass, gravity sensor, drawing board, etc.

4. With this framework and rich components, the startup and running speed of the mini program will be comparable to that of native apps. The functions that can be realized will also be much more than those of pure web service accounts.

5. WeChat not only provides detailed documentation, but also provides development tools for multiple platforms, including Mac, Linux, and Windows.

6. After the mini program is developed, it cannot be released directly and needs to be reviewed, similar to the App Store. This is a good thing.

7. In addition to providing development documents, WeChat also provides more detailed design specifications than service accounts, as well as controls used in layout.

8. Unlike service accounts that are completely based on web pages, mini programs will have caching capabilities. Imagine how wonderful this is.

9. Engineers who know avascript will become the main force in the development of WeChat mini programs

The above is the detailed content of Teach you how to publish WeChat mini program applications. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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