Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >HTML select control beautification function
This article mainly introduces the beautification of HTML select controls and the steps to implement the select function in js. Has very good reference value. Let’s take a look with the editor below
.p-select { border: solid 1px #999; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; cursor: default; } .p-select-text { float: left; background-color: #fff; height: 100%; word-break: keep-all; overflow: hidden; cursor: default; } .p-select-text > p { padding: 3px; line-height: 34px; } .p-select-arrow { background-color: #fff; float: right; width: 40px; height: 100%; color: #999; cursor: default; } .p-select-arrow > p { border: solid 1px #999; margin: 2px; height: 34px; background-color: #f2f2f2; text-align: center; line-height: 34px; font-size: 22px; } .p-select-list { position: absolute; float: left; top: 100px; left: 100px; border: solid 1px #999; max-height: 300px; overflow: auto; background-color: #9f9; display: none; z-index: 9100; } .p-select-list .p-select-item:nth-child(2n+1) { background-color: #fff; } .p-select-item { height: 50px; line-height: 50px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; background-color: #f2f2f2; word-break: keep-all; overflow: hidden; cursor: default; } .p-select-item-hover { background-color: #3399ff!important; } .p-select-selected { background-color: #3399ff !important; }
//2015年2月8日 //select美化 var pSelectListIndex = 0; $(function () { initpSelect(); }); //初始化select美化插件 function initpSelect() { $(".p-select-target").each(function () { pSelectListIndex++; var select = $(this); if (select.css("display") == "none") { return; } else { select.css("display", "none") } if (select.next("p").find(".p-select-list").length == 0) { select.after('<p><p class="p-select"><p class="p-select-text"><p></p></p><p class="p-select-arrow"><p>∨</p></p></p></p>'); $("body").append('<p class="p-select-list p-select-list-' + pSelectListIndex + '"></p>'); } var p = select.next("p"); var pText = p.find(".p-select-text"); var pSelect = p.find(".p-select"); var pArrow = p.find(".p-select-arrow"); var list = $(".p-select-list-" + pSelectListIndex); function updateText(item) { pText.find("p").html(item.html()); } select.find("option").each(function () { var option = $(this); var text = option.html(); var value = option.attr("value"); list.append('<p class="p-select-item" value="' + value + '">' + text + '</p>'); list.find(".p-select-item:last").click(function () { var item = $(this); var value = item.attr("value"); select.val(value); select.change(); list.find(".p-select-selected").removeClass("p-select-selected"); item.addClass("p-select-selected"); updateText(item); list.hide(); }); list.find(".p-select-item:last").mouseenter(function () { var item = $(this); var selectedMark = list.find(".p-select-selected"); selectedMark.removeClass("p-select-selected"); selectedMark.addClass("p-select-selected-mark"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").removeClass("p-select-item-hover"); item.addClass("p-select-item-hover"); updateText(item); }); }); list.mouseleave(function () { var selectedMark = list.find(".p-select-selected-mark"); if (list.find(".p-select-selected").length == 0) { selectedMark.addClass("p-select-selected"); updateText(selectedMark); } selectedMark.removeClass("p-select-selected-mark"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").removeClass("p-select-item-hover"); }); if (select.attr("width")) { pSelect.width(select.attr("width") - 2); pText.width(pSelect.width() - pArrow.width()); if (select.attr("width") > list.width()) { list.width(pSelect.width()); } } p.keydown(function (e) { list.find(".p-select-selected-mark").removeClass("p-select-selected-mark"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").addClass("p-select-selected"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").removeClass("p-select-item-hover"); if (e.keyCode == 40) { var currentSelected = list.find(".p-select-selected"); var nextSelected = currentSelected.next(".p-select-item"); if (nextSelected.length == 0) { nextSelected = list.find(".p-select-item:first"); nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); list.scrollTop(0); } else { nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); var i = 0; while (nextSelected.position().top < 0 || nextSelected.position().top > list.height() - nextSelected.height()) { list.scrollTop(list.scrollTop() + nextSelected.height()); if (i++ > 100) break; } } updateText(nextSelected); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 38) { var currentSelected = list.find(".p-select-selected"); var nextSelected = currentSelected.prev(".p-select-item"); if (nextSelected.length == 0) { nextSelected = list.find(".p-select-item:last"); nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); list.scrollTop(list.find(".p-select-item").length * nextSelected.height()); } else { nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); var i = 0; while (nextSelected.position().top < 0 || nextSelected.position().top > list.height() - nextSelected.height()) { list.scrollTop(list.scrollTop() - nextSelected.height()); if (i++ > 100) break; } } updateText(nextSelected); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { var selectedItem = list.find(".p-select-selected"); var value = selectedItem.attr("value"); select.val(value); list.hide(); select.change(); } }); pSelect.click(function () { $("a").bind("click", function () { $("a").unbind("click"); list.hide(); }); if (list.css("display") == "none") { list.show(); } else { list.hide(); } list.css("top", pSelect.offset().top + pSelect.height() + 1); list.css("left", pSelect.offset().left); if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() < list.offset().top + list.height() + 2) { list.css("top", $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - list.height() - 2); } if (list.width() < pSelect.width()) { list.width(pSelect.width()); } var currentSelected = list.find(".p-select-selected"); if (currentSelected.position().top > list.height() - currentSelected.height()) { list.scrollTop(currentSelected.position().top - currentSelected.height() * 2); } return false; }); $("html,body").bind("click", function () { list.hide(); }); list.click(function () { return false; }); function initSelect() { list.find(".p-select-selected").removeClass("p-select-selected"); var matchItem = list.find(".p-select-item[value='" + select.val() + "']"); if (matchItem.length > 0) { matchItem.addClass("p-select-selected"); updateText(matchItem); } } initSelect(); select.change(function () { initSelect(); }); }); // $(".p-select-target").each }
How to use:
Step 1, quote CSS and JS:
<link type="text/css" href="~/scripts/pSelect/pSelect.css" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/pSelect/pSelect.js"></script>
Step 2, add class="p-select-target" width= to the select control "200", where class="p-select-target" is required and width="200" is optional. The complete HTML code is as follows:
<link type="text/css" href="~/scripts/pSelect/pSelect.css" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/pSelect/pSelect.js"></script>
Scroll bar beautified version:
.p-select { border: solid 1px #999; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; cursor: default; } .p-select-text { float: left; background-color: #fff; height: 100%; word-break: keep-all; overflow: hidden; cursor: default; font-size: 16px; font-family: 微软雅黑,雅黑; } .p-select-text > p { padding: 3px; line-height: 34px; } .p-select-arrow { background-color: #fff; float: right; width: 40px; height: 100%; color: #999; cursor: default; } .p-select-arrow > p { border: solid 1px #999; margin: 2px; height: 34px; background-color: #f2f2f2; text-align: center; line-height: 34px; font-size: 22px; } .p-select-list { position: absolute; float: left; top: 100px; left: 100px; border: solid 1px #999; max-height: 300px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #9f9; display: none; z-index: 9100; font-size: 16px; font-family: 微软雅黑,雅黑; } .p-select-list .p-select-item:nth-child(2n+1) { background-color: #fff; } .p-select-item { height: 50px; line-height: 50px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; background-color: #f2f2f2; word-break: keep-all; overflow: hidden; cursor: default; } .p-select-item-hover { background-color: #3399ff!important; } .p-select-selected { background-color: #3399ff !important; } .p-select-list-scrollbar { position: absolute; float: left; border: solid 1px #999; border-left: 0; background-color: #e8e8ec; width: 40px; height: 300px; display: none; cursor: default; z-index: 9101; } .p-select-scrollbar-up { border-bottom: solid 1px #fff; height: 39px; font-size: 22px; line-height: 39px; color: #999; background-color: #cdcdcd; text-align: center; } .p-select-scrollbar-pos { height: 220px; } .p-select-scrollbar-pos > p:last-child { width: 40px; height: 20px; background-color: #cdcdcd; } .p-select-scrollbar-down { border-top: solid 1px #fff; height: 39px; font-size: 22px; line-height: 39px; color: #999; background-color: #cdcdcd; text-align: center; }
//2015年2月8日 //select美化 var pSelectListIndex = 0; $(function () { initpSelect(); }); //初始化select美化插件 function initpSelect() { $(".p-select-target").each(function () { pSelectListIndex++; var select = $(this); if (select.css("display") == "none") { return; } else { select.css("display", "none") } if (select.next("p").find(".p-select-list").length == 0) { select.after('<p><p class="p-select"><p class="p-select-text"><p></p></p><p class="p-select-arrow"><p>∨</p></p></p></p>'); $("body").append('<p class="p-select-list p-select-list-' + pSelectListIndex + '"></p>'); } var p = select.next("p"); var pText = p.find(".p-select-text"); var pSelect = p.find(".p-select"); var pArrow = p.find(".p-select-arrow"); var list = $(".p-select-list-" + pSelectListIndex); var scrollbar; var scrollbarPosTop; var scrollbarPos; var scrollbarScrollHeight; var scrollbarUp; var scrollbarDown; var itemHeight; var itemCount; var itemsHeight; var scrollFlag = false; function updateText(item) { pText.find("p").html(item.html()); } select.find("option").each(function () { var option = $(this); var text = option.html(); var value = option.attr("value"); list.append('<p class="p-select-item" value="' + value + '">' + text + '</p>'); list.find(".p-select-item:last").click(function () { var item = $(this); var value = item.attr("value"); select.val(value); select.change(); list.find(".p-select-selected").removeClass("p-select-selected"); item.addClass("p-select-selected"); updateText(item); list.hide(); if (scrollbar) scrollbar.hide(); }); list.find(".p-select-item:last").mouseenter(function () { var item = $(this); var selectedMark = list.find(".p-select-selected"); selectedMark.removeClass("p-select-selected"); selectedMark.addClass("p-select-selected-mark"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").removeClass("p-select-item-hover"); item.addClass("p-select-item-hover"); updateText(item); }); }); list.mouseleave(function () { var selectedMark = list.find(".p-select-selected-mark"); if (list.find(".p-select-selected").length == 0) { selectedMark.addClass("p-select-selected"); updateText(selectedMark); } selectedMark.removeClass("p-select-selected-mark"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").removeClass("p-select-item-hover"); }); if (select.attr("width")) { pSelect.width(select.attr("width") - 2); pText.width(pSelect.width() - pArrow.width()); } else { pText.width(list.width()); } p.keydown(function (e) { list.find(".p-select-selected-mark").removeClass("p-select-selected-mark"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").addClass("p-select-selected"); list.find(".p-select-item-hover").removeClass("p-select-item-hover"); if (e.keyCode == 40) { var currentSelected = list.find(".p-select-selected"); var nextSelected = currentSelected.next(".p-select-item"); if (nextSelected.length == 0) { nextSelected = list.find(".p-select-item:first"); nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); list.scrollTop(0); } else { nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); var i = 0; while (nextSelected.position().top < 0 || nextSelected.position().top > list.height() - nextSelected.height()) { list.scrollTop(list.scrollTop() + nextSelected.height()); if (i++ > 100) break; } } updateText(nextSelected); updateScrollbarPos(); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 38) { var currentSelected = list.find(".p-select-selected"); var nextSelected = currentSelected.prev(".p-select-item"); if (nextSelected.length == 0) { nextSelected = list.find(".p-select-item:last"); nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); list.scrollTop(list.find(".p-select-item").length * nextSelected.height()); } else { nextSelected.addClass("p-select-selected"); currentSelected.removeClass("p-select-selected"); var i = 0; while (nextSelected.position().top < 0 || nextSelected.position().top > list.height() - nextSelected.height()) { list.scrollTop(list.scrollTop() - nextSelected.height()); if (i++ > 100) break; } } updateText(nextSelected); updateScrollbarPos(); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { var selectedItem = list.find(".p-select-selected"); var value = selectedItem.attr("value"); select.val(value); list.hide(); if (scrollbar) scrollbar.hide(); select.change(); } }); itemHeight = list.find(".p-select-item:first").height(); itemCount = list.find(".p-select-item").length; itemsHeight = itemHeight * itemCount; if (itemsHeight > list.height()) { $("body").append('<p class="p-select-list-scrollbar p-select-list-scrollbar-' + pSelectListIndex + '"><p class="p-select-scrollbar-up">∧</p><p class="p-select-scrollbar-pos"><p></p><p></p></p><p class="p-select-scrollbar-down">∨</p></p>'); } scrollbar = $(".p-select-list-scrollbar-" + pSelectListIndex); scrollbarPosTop = scrollbar.find(".p-select-scrollbar-pos").find("p:first"); scrollbarPos = scrollbar.find(".p-select-scrollbar-pos").find("p:last"); scrollbarScrollHeight = scrollbarPos.parent().height() - scrollbarPos.height(); scrollbarUp = scrollbar.find(".p-select-scrollbar-up"); scrollbarDown = scrollbar.find(".p-select-scrollbar-down"); scrollbar.click(function () { return false; }); scrollbarUp.click(function () { list.scrollTop(list.scrollTop() - list.height()); updateScrollbarPos(); }); scrollbarDown.click(function () { list.scrollTop(list.scrollTop() + list.height()); updateScrollbarPos(); }); scrollbar.mousedown(function () { scrollFlag = true; }); scrollbar.mouseup(function () { scrollFlag = false; }); scrollbar.mousemove(function (e) { if (scrollFlag) { var pos = e.pageY - scrollbar.offset().top - 50; if (pos <= scrollbarScrollHeight) { scrollbarPosTop.height(pos); list.scrollTop(scrollbarPosTop.height() / scrollbarScrollHeight * (itemsHeight - list.height())); } } }); function updateScrollbarPos() { scrollbarPosTop.height(scrollbarScrollHeight * list.scrollTop() * 1.0 / (itemsHeight - list.height())); if (list.scrollTop() + list.height() == itemsHeight) { scrollbarPosTop.height(scrollbarScrollHeight); } } pSelect.click(function () { $("a").bind("click", function () { $("a").unbind("click"); list.hide(); scrollbar.hide(); }); if (list.css("display") == "none") { list.show(); scrollbar.show(); } else { list.hide(); scrollbar.hide(); } list.css("top", pSelect.offset().top + pSelect.height() + 1); list.css("left", pSelect.offset().left); var listOffsetTop = list.offset().top; if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() < list.offset().top + list.height() + 2) { list.css("top", $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - list.height() - 2); } if (list.width() < pSelect.width()) { if (!(itemsHeight > list.height())) { list.width(pSelect.width()); } else { list.width(pSelect.width() - scrollbar.width()); } } scrollbar.find(".p-select-scrollbar-pos").find("p:first").height(0); scrollbar.css("left", pSelect.offset().left + list.width() + 1); scrollbar.css("top", pSelect.offset().top + pSelect.height() + 1); if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() < listOffsetTop + list.height() + 2) { scrollbar.css("top", $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - list.height() - 2); } var currentSelected = list.find(".p-select-selected"); if (currentSelected.position().top > list.height() - currentSelected.height()) { list.scrollTop(currentSelected.position().top - currentSelected.height() * 2); } updateScrollbarPos(); return false; }); $("html,body").bind("click", function () { list.hide(); scrollbar.hide(); }); list.click(function () { return false; }); function initSelect() { list.find(".p-select-selected").removeClass("p-select-selected"); var matchItem = list.find(".p-select-item[value='" + select.val() + "']"); if (matchItem.length > 0) { matchItem.addClass("p-select-selected"); updateText(matchItem); } } initSelect(); select.change(function () { initSelect(); }); }); // $(".p-select-target").each }
The above is the detailed content of HTML select control beautification function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!