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Detailed explanation of the steps for scanning code login processing developed by WeChat

2018-05-19 14:14:5745043browse

Many websites today use the WeChat open platform's code scanning login authentication process. This is equivalent to handing over identity authentication to a more authoritative third party for authentication. There is no need to store the user's password in the application website. . This article introduces how to log in to the website based on QR code scanning on the WeChat open platform.

1. Open platform certification

To use the website's QR code login process, you need to first conduct the developer qualification certification of the WeChat open platform account, submit relevant information, and deliver 300 per year Yuan certification fee.

After authentication and establishing relevant website applications, there will be relevant APPID and APPSecret. These key parameters can be used to obtain relevant user information.

The application details interface of the website application is as follows.

The entire open platform feels like there isn’t much, but it requires paid authentication to use these functions, which doesn’t feel very good.

The scan code login we use needs to obtain user information through an open platform, so it is also necessary to set the domain name of the interface for obtaining basic user information, otherwise the information cannot be obtained, which will cause redirection errors.

Set the domain name in the modification entry of [Interface Permissions] [Web Page Account] [Web Page Authorization to Obtain User Basic Information], as shown in the figure below.

#Then enter the domain name of the authorization callback in the pop-up dialog box.

# This setting ensures that user information is obtained.

2. Instructions and specific usage of scanning QR code to log in

Website application WeChat login is a WeChat OAuth2.0 authorized login system built based on the OAuth2.0 protocol standard.

Before performing WeChat OAuth2. Before performing WeChat OAuth2.0 authorized login and access, register a developer account on the WeChat open platform, have an approved website application, and obtain the corresponding AppID and AppSecret. After applying for WeChat login and passing the review, you can start the access process.

WeChat OAuth2.0 authorized login allows WeChat users to use WeChat identities to securely log in to third-party applications or websites. After WeChat users authorize login to third-party applications that have accessed WeChat OAuth2.0, the third party can obtain the user The interface call certificate (access_token) can be used to call the WeChat open platform authorization relationship interface through access_token, so as to obtain the basic open information of WeChat users and help users realize basic open functions.

WeChat OAuth2.0 authorized login currently supports authorization_code mode, which is suitable for application authorization with server side. The overall process of this model is:

1. A third party initiates a WeChat authorization login request. After the WeChat user allows authorization of the third-party application, WeChat will launch the application or redirect to the third-party website, and bring the authorization temporary ticket. code parameter; 2. Use the code parameter plus AppID and AppSecret, etc., to exchange for access_token through the API; 3. Make an interface call through access_token to obtain the user's basic data resources or help the user implement basic operations.

Get the access_token sequence diagram:

From the above figure we can have a general understanding of the entire scan code login process.

3. Processing of each step of scanning QR code to log in

1) Binding of user identity

In order to realize QR code scanning login, we The user's WeChat needs to be bound to the existing system so that when the user scans the QR code, the user's identity can be determined and the automatic login process can be realized.

We can make unified settings in user management, or we can set them after regular user login (username + password). This mainly depends on whether we need to retain the username and password to log in.

For example, you can bind them uniformly in user management, that is, when creating a user, let the user bind to WeChat and obtain the unique identifier of WeChat.

In addition to the login method of retaining the username and password, users can also bind WeChat by themselves after logging in to the system.

#The above interface is to pop up a layer in a page and then request the QR code to be displayed, as shown in the following interface code.

        <p id="pWechat" class="easyui-dialog" style="width:450px;height:350px;padding:10px 20px"
             closed="true" resizable="true" modal="true" iconcls="icon-setting">
            <p align="center">
                <img id="imgQRcode" alt="使用微信扫码进行绑定" style="height:200px;width:auto" />

            <p align="right">
                <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-cancel" onclick="javascript: $(&#39;#pWechat&#39;).dialog(&#39;close&#39;)">关闭</a>

When the above layer is opened, we use JS to dynamically obtain the QR code for display. The specific JS code is as follows.

    function BindWechat() {        var url = "http://www.iqidi.com/H5/BindWechat?id=@Session["UserID"]";
        url = encodeURIComponent(url);        $("#imgQRcode").attr("src", "/H5/QR?url=" + url);        //打开绑定窗口
        $("#pWechat").dialog(&#39;open&#39;).dialog(&#39;setTitle&#39;, &#39;使用微信扫码进行绑定&#39;);


        /// <summary>
        /// 转换二维码连接为图片格式        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">二维码连接</param>
        /// <returns></returns>        [HttpGet]        public ActionResult QR(string url)
        {            //初始化二维码生成工具
            QRCodeEncoder qrCodeEncoder = new QRCodeEncoder();
            qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeEncodeMode = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE;
            qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeErrorCorrect = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M;
            qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeVersion = 0;
            qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeScale = 4;            //将字符串生成二维码图片
            var image = qrCodeEncoder.Encode(url, Encoding.Default);            //保存为PNG到内存流  
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            image.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
            image.Dispose();            return File(ms.ToArray(), "image/Png");


        /// <summary>
        /// 生成绑定微信的地址        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult BindWechat()





        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定用户微信号        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">账号ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult BindAccount()
            WebAppInfo appInfo = GetWebApp(ConfigData.WebAppId);
            AccountInfo accountInfo = GetAccount(appInfo.AccountNo);            var htResult = GetOpenIdAndUnionId(accountInfo.UniteAppId, accountInfo.UniteAppSecret);//存储openid方便使用
            string openid = htResult["openid"].ToString();            var unionid = htResult["unionid"].ToString();            var userid = Request.QueryString["id"];            var state = Request.QueryString["state"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid))
                CommonResult result = BLLFactory<User>.Instance.BindUser(openid, unionid, userid.ToInt32());                if (result.Success)
                {                    return BindSuccess();
                }                else
                {                    return BindFail();
            }            else
            {                throw new WeixinException("无法获取openid" + string.Format(", openid:{0}, userid:{1}", openid, userid));









    <p id="pWechat" class="easyui-dialog" style="width:550px;height:500px;padding:10px 20px"
         closed="true" resizable="true" modal="true" iconcls="icon-setting">
        <p id="login_container" align="center">

        <p align="right">
            <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-cancel" onclick="javascript: $(&#39;#pWechat&#39;).dialog(&#39;close&#39;)">关闭</a>


    <script src="http://res.wx.qq.com/connect/zh_CN/htmledition/js/wxLogin.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript">

        function OpenJSLogin() {            var obj = new WxLogin({
                id: "login_container",
                appid: "@ViewBag.appid",
                scope: "snsapi_login",
                redirect_uri: "@ViewBag.redirect_uri",
                state: "@ViewBag.state",
                style: "black",
                href: ".impowerBox .qrcode {width: 200px;}"
            });            //打开绑定窗口            $("#pWechat").dialog(&#39;open&#39;).dialog(&#39;setTitle&#39;, &#39;使用微信扫码进行登陆&#39;);
        }    </script>



            WebAppInfo appInfo = BLLFactory<WebApp>.Instance.FindByID(ConfigData.WebAppId);
            ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference(appInfo, "Web应用程序appInfo");            if (appInfo != null)
                ViewBag.appid = appInfo.OpenAppID;
                ViewBag.redirect_uri = appInfo.LoginCallBackUrl;
                ViewBag.state = ConfigData.AuthState;




                var result = baseApi.GetAuthToken(appid, appsecret, code);                if (result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.openid))
                    openid = result.openid;                    var unionResult = baseApi.GetSnsapiUserInfo(result.access_token, result.openid);

                    ht.Add("openid", openid);
                    ht.Add("unionid", unionResult != null ? unionResult.unionid : "");


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(unionid))
                UserInfo userInfo = BLLFactory<User>.Instance.FindByUnionId(unionid);


                if (userInfo != null)
                    CommonResult loginResult = CheckLogin(userInfo.Name);                    if (!loginResult.Success)
                        LogHelper.Info(string.Format("用户登陆不成功,{0}", loginResult.ErrorMessage));
                    }                    //登陆成功后的重定向地址
                    var url = appInfo.HomeUrl;  //例如:http://www.iqidi.com/Home
                    return Redirect(url);


            ViewBag.Error = "获取信息失败,登陆错误";            return View("LoginError");




JS微信登录主要用途:网站希望用户在网站内就能完成登录,无需跳转到微信域下登录后再返回,提升微信登录的流畅性与成功率。 网站内嵌二维码微信登录JS实现办法:


<script src="http://res.wx.qq.com/connect/zh_CN/htmledition/js/wxLogin.js"></script>


                          var obj = new WxLogin({
                              appid: "", 
                              scope: "", 
                              redirect_uri: "",
                              state: "",
                              style: "",
                              href: ""

2) 第二步:通过code获取access_token






##/sns/oauth2/refresh_tokenRefresh or renew access_token using /sns/authCheck access_token validitysnsapi_userinfo/sns/userinfoGet user personal information
Authorization scope (scope) Interface Interface description
snsapi_base /sns/oauth2/access_token Exchange code for access_token, refresh_token and authorized scope
snsapi_base belongs to the basic interface. If the application already has other scope permissions, it will default Have permissions to snsapi_base. Using snsapi_base can allow mobile web page authorization to bypass the action of jumping to the authorization login page to request user authorization, and directly jump to the third-party web page with the authorization temporary ticket (code), but this will make the user's authorized scope (scope) only snsapi_base , resulting in the inability to obtain data and basic functions that require user authorization.

4) Obtain information and perform pre-login processing in the callback interface

Through the above interface, we can obtain the corresponding user identity information, so it can be combined with our user database. Identification and processing of user identity, setting necessary Session or Cookie information, etc., and finally locating to the main interface of our application.

The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of the steps for scanning code login processing developed by WeChat. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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