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Teach you how to write small and clear JavaScript functions

2017-04-05 14:57:361112browse

This article takes JavaScript as an example to introduce how to optimize functions to make them clear, easy to read, and more efficient and stable.

The complexity of software continues to grow. Code quality is very important to ensure the reliability and scalability of the application.

However, almost every developer, myself included, has seen low-quality code at some point in their career. This thing is a trap. Low-quality code has the following extremely damaging characteristics:

  • The functions are super long and filled with all kinds of messy functions.

  • Functions often have side effects that are not only difficult to understand, but even impossible to debug.

  • Ambiguous function and variable naming.

  • Fragile code: A small change may unexpectedly break other application components.

  • Code coverage is missing.

They basically sound like: "I have no idea how this code works", "This code is just a mess", "It needs to be modified" This piece of code is really difficult" and so on.

I once encountered such a situation. One of my colleagues resigned because he could not continue to build a Ruby-based REST API. This project he took over from the previous development team.

Fix existing bugs, then introduce new bugs, add new features, adding a series of new bugs, and so on (so-called fragile code). Customers did not want to refactor the entire application with a better design, and developers made the wise choice to maintain the status quo.

Teach you how to write small and clear JavaScript functions

Okay, this happens all the time, and it's pretty bad. So what can we do?

First of all, you need to keep in mind: just making the application run and ensuring the quality of the code are two completely different things. On the one hand, you need to implement product requirements. But on the other hand, you should take the time to make sure your functions are simple, use readable variable and function names, avoid function side effects, etc.

Functions (including object methods) are the gears that make applications run. First you should focus on their structure and overall layout. This article includes some great examples showing how to write functions that are clear, easy to understand and test.

1. Functions should be small, very small

Avoid using large functions that contain a large number of functions, and divide their functions into several smaller functions. Large black box functions are difficult to understand, modify, and especially difficult to test.

Assume such a scenario, you need to implement a function to calculate the weight of an array, map, or ordinary JavaScript object. The total weight can be obtained by calculating the weight of each member:

  • null or 1 point for undefined variables.

  • Basic type counts 2 points.

  • Object or function counts 4 points.

For example, the weight of the array [null, 'Hello World', {}] is calculated as follows: 1 (null) + 2 (string is the basic type) + 4 (object) = 7 .

Step 0: The initial big function

We start with the worst example. All logic is encoded in the function getCollectionWeight():

function getCollectionWeight(collection) {  
  if (collectioninstanceof Array) {
    collectionValues = collection;
  } else if (collectioninstanceof Map) {
    collectionValues = [...collection.values()];
  } else {
    collectionValues = Object.keys(collection).map(function (key) {
      return collection[key];
  return collectionValues.reduce(function(sum, item) {
    if (item == null) {
      return sum + 1;
    if (typeof item === 'object' || typeof item === 'function') {
      return sum + 4;
    return sum + 2;
  }, 0);
letmyArray = [null, { }, 15];  
letmyMap = new Map([ ['functionKey', function() {}] ]);  
letmyObject = { 'stringKey': 'Hello world' };  
getCollectionWeight(myArray);  // => 7 (1 + 4 + 2)   getCollectionWeight(myMap);    // => 4   getCollectionWeight(myObject); // => 2

The problem is obvious, the getCollectionWeight() function is super long and looks like a black box full of "accidents". Maybe you've also discovered that you can't figure out what it does at first glance. Imagine again that there are a lot of such functions in the application.

Encountering such code at work is a waste of your time and energy. On the other hand, high-quality code does not cause discomfort. In high-quality code, well-written, self-documented functions are easy to read and understand.

Teach you how to write small and clear JavaScript functions

Step 1: Calculate the weight according to the type and abandon those "mysterious numbers".

Now, our goal is to split this giant function into a smaller, independent, and reusable set of functions. The first step is to extract the code that calculates the weight according to the type. This new function is named getWeight().

Let’s take a look at these “mysterious numbers”: 1, 2, 4. Without knowing the context of the entire story, these numbers alone provide no useful information. Fortunately, ES2015 allows you to define static read-only references, so you can simply create a few constants and replace those "mysterious numbers" with meaningful names. (I particularly like the term "mysterious number": D)

Let's create a new smaller function getWeightByType() and use it to improve getCollectionWeight():

// Code extracted into getWeightByType() function getWeightByType(value) {  
  const WEIGHT_PRIMITIVE      = 2;
  if (value == null) {
  if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {
} function getCollectionWeight(collection) {  
  if (collectioninstanceof Array) {
    collectionValues = collection;
  } else if (collectioninstanceof Map) {
    collectionValues = [...collection.values()];
  } else {
    collectionValues = Object.keys(collection).map(function (key) {
      return collection[key];
  return collectionValues.reduce(function(sum, item) {
    return sum + getWeightByType(item);
  }, 0);
letmyArray = [null, { }, 15];  
letmyMap = new Map([ ['functionKey', function() {}] ]);  
letmyObject = { 'stringKey': 'Hello world' };  
getCollectionWeight(myArray);  // => 7 (1 + 4 + 2)   getCollectionWeight(myMap);    // => 4   getCollectionWeight(myObject); // => 2

Looks better, right? The getWeightByType() function is an independent component and is only used to determine the weight value of each type. And it's reusable, you can use it in any other function.

getCollectionWeight() Slightly slimmer.

WEIGHT_NULL_UNDEFINED, WEIGHT_PRIMITIVE and WEIGHT_OBJECT_FUNCTION are all constants with self-documentation capabilities. The weights of each type can be seen through their names. You don't need to guess what the numbers 1, 2, and 4 mean.

Step 2: Continue to segment and make it scalable

However, this upgraded version still has shortcomings. Suppose you plan to implement weight calculation on a Set or even other user-defined sets. getCollectionWeight() can bloat quickly because it contains a set of specific logic for obtaining weights.

Let's extract the code to get the weights of the maps into getMapValues(), and put the code to get the weights of the basic JavaScript objects into getPlainObjectValues(). Check out the improved version.

function getWeightByType(value) {  
  if (value == null) {
  if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {
} // Code extracted into getMapValues() function getMapValues(map) {  
  return [...map.values()];
} // Code extracted into getPlainObjectValues() function getPlainObjectValues(object) {  
  return Object.keys(object).map(function (key) {
    return object[key];
} function getCollectionWeight(collection) {  
  if (collectioninstanceof Array) {
    collectionValues = collection;
  } else if (collectioninstanceof Map) {
    collectionValues = getMapValues(collection);
  } else {
    collectionValues = getPlainObjectValues(collection);
  return collectionValues.reduce(function(sum, item) {
    return sum + getWeightByType(item);
  }, 0);
letmyArray = [null, { }, 15];  
letmyMap = new Map([ ['functionKey', function() {}] ]);  
letmyObject = { 'stringKey': 'Hello world' };  
getCollectionWeight(myArray);  // => 7 (1 + 4 + 2)   getCollectionWeight(myMap);    // => 4   getCollectionWeight(myObject); // => 2

Now look at the getCollectionWeight() function, you will find that it is easier to understand its mechanism, and it looks like an interesting story.

Every function is simple and clear. You don't need to spend time digging into the code to understand how it works. This is what fresh code should look like.

Step 3: Optimization never ends

Even at this level, there is still a lot of room for optimization!

You can create a separate function getCollectionValues() and use if/else statements to distinguish the types in the collection:

function getCollectionValues(collection) {  
  if (collectioninstanceof Array) {
    return collection;
  if (collectioninstanceof Map) {
    return getMapValues(collection);
  return getPlainObjectValues(collection);

Then, getCollectionWeight() should become extremely pure because it is unique What it does: Use getCollectionValues() to get the values ​​in the collection, and then call the summing accumulator in turn.


function reduceWeightSum(sum, item) {  
  return sum + getWeightByType(item);

理想情况下 getCollectionWeight() 函数中不应该定义函数。



function getWeightByType(value) {  
  if (value == null) {
  if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {
} function getMapValues(map) {  
  return [...map.values()];
} function getPlainObjectValues(object) {  
  return Object.keys(object).map(function (key) {
    return object[key];
} function getCollectionValues(collection) {  
  if (collectioninstanceof Array) {
    return collection;
  if (collectioninstanceof Map) {
    return getMapValues(collection);
  return getPlainObjectValues(collection);
} function reduceWeightSum(sum, item) {  
  return sum + getWeightByType(item);
} function getCollectionWeight(collection) {  
  return getCollectionValues(collection).reduce(reduceWeightSum, 0);
letmyArray = [null, { }, 15];  
letmyMap = new Map([ ['functionKey', function() {}] ]);  
letmyObject = { 'stringKey': 'Hello world' };  
getCollectionWeight(myArray);  // => 7 (1 + 4 + 2)   getCollectionWeight(myMap);    // => 4   getCollectionWeight(myObject); // => 2



  • 通过代码自文档,getCollectionWeight() 函数的可读性得到很大提升。

  • getCollectionWeight() 函数的长度大幅减少。

  • 如果你打算计算其他类型的权重值,getCollectionWeight() 的代码不会再剧烈膨胀了。

  • 这些拆分出来的函数都是低耦合、高可复用的组件,你的同事可能希望将他们导入其他项目中,而你可以轻而易举的实现这个要求。

  • 当函数偶发错误的时候,调用栈会更加详细,因为栈中包含函数的名称,甚至你可以立马发现出错的函数。

  • 这些小函数更简单、易测试,可以达到很高的代码覆盖率。与其穷尽各种场景来测试一个大函数,你可以进行结构化测试,分别测试每一个小函数。

  • 你可以参照 CommonJS 或 ES2015 模块格式,将拆分出的函数创建为独立的模块。这将使得你的项目文件更轻、更结构化。


Teach you how to write small and clear JavaScript functions

原则上,你的函数不应当超过 20 行——越小越好。


2. 函数应当是简单的






我们来举个例子。假设你需要实现一个函数,使数组仅保留 素数 (2, 3, 5, 7, 11 等等),移除非素数(1, 4, 6, 8 等等)。函数的调用方式如下:

getOnlyPrime([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11]); // => [2, 3, 5, 11]

如何用低一级抽象的若干步骤实现 getOnlyPrime() 函数呢?我们这样做:

为了实现 getOnlyPrime() 函数, 我们用 isPrime() 函数来过滤数组中的数字。

非常简单,只需要对数字数组执行一个过滤函数 isPrime() 即可。

你需要在当前抽象层实现 isPrime() 的细节吗?不,因为 getOnlyPrime() 函数会在不同的抽象层实现一些列步骤。否则,getOnlyPrime() 会包含过多的功能。

在头脑中谨记简单函数的理念,我们来实现 getOnlyPrime() 函数的函数体:

function getOnlyPrime(numbers) {  
  return numbers.filter(isPrime);
getOnlyPrime([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11]); // => [2, 3, 5, 11]

如你所见, getOnlyPrime() 非常简单,它仅仅包含低一级抽象层的步骤:数组的 .filter() 方法和 isPrime() 函数。


数组的 .filter() 方法由 JavaScript 引擎提供,我们直接使用即可。当然,标准已经 准确描述 了它的行为。

现在你可以深入如何实现 isPrime() 的细节中了:

为了实现 isPrime() 函数检查一个数字 n 是否为素数,只需要检查 2 到 Math.sqrt(n) 之间的所有整数是否均不能整除n。

有了这个算法(不算高效,但是为了简单起见,就用这个吧),我们来为 isPrime() 函数编码:


function isPrime(number) {  
  if (number === 3 || number === 2) {
    return true;
  if (number === 1) {
    return false;
  for (letpisor = 2; pisor <= Math.sqrt(number); pisor++) {
    if (number % pisor === 0) {
      return false;
  return true;
} function getOnlyPrime(numbers) {  
  return numbers.filter(isPrime);
getOnlyPrime([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11]); // => [2, 3, 5, 11]

getOnlyPrime() 很小也很清晰。它只从更低一级抽象中获得必要的一组步骤。


3. 使用简练的函数名称


对于使用 骆驼风格 的函数名称,以小写字母开始:  addItem(), saveToStore() 或者  getFirstName() 之类。

由于函数都是某种操作,因此名称中至少应当包含一个动词。例如 deletePage(), verifyCredentials() 。需要 get 或 set 属性的时候,请使用 标准的  set 和 get 前缀: getLastName() 或  setLastName() 。

避免在生产代码中出现有误导性的名称,例如 foo(), bar(), a(), fun() 等等。这样的名称没有任何意义。


4. 总结



Of course, the most correct solution should be to implement the application in the right way from the beginning of the project. In addition to spending some time on implementation, you should also spend some time on structuring your functions properly: as we recommend - keep them short and clear.

Teach you how to write small and clear JavaScript functions

ES2015 implements a great module system that clearly recommends that small functions are good engineering practice.

Remember, clean, well-organized code usually requires a significant investment of time. You may find this difficult to do. It may take a lot of trying, and you may iterate and modify a function many times.

However, there is nothing more painful than messy code, so it is all worth it!

The above is the detailed content of Teach you how to write small and clear JavaScript functions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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