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Python's object-oriented and basic I/O operations (1)

2017-04-01 13:33:391443browse

1. I/O operation:

open(name[,mode]) is equivalent to file(name[,mode])

Mode description:
r opens a read-only file, which must exist.
r+ opens a readable and writable file, which must exist.
w Open a write-only file. If the file exists, the file length will be cleared to 0, that is, the file content will disappear. If the file does not exist, create the file.
w+ opens a readable and writable file. If the file exists, the file length will be cleared to zero, that is, the file content will disappear. If the file does not exist, create the file.
a Open a write-only file in append mode. If the file does not exist, the file will be created. If the file exists, the written data will be added to the end of the file, that is, the original content of the file will be retained.
a+ Open a read-write file in append mode. If the file does not exist, the file will be created. If the file exists, the written data will be added to the end of the file, that is, the original content of the file will be retained.
The above-mentioned form strings can be added with a b character, such as rb, w+b or ab+ and other combinations. The b character is added to tell the function library that the file opened is a binary file, not a plain text file. However, in POSIX systems, including Linux, this character will be ignored.

In [1]: f = open('/tmp/test','w')
In [2]: f.write('okokokok')
In [3]: f.close()

View in Linux as follows:

#cat /tmp/test

It can also be found in the python interactive interpreter View, as shown below:

In [4]: f = open('/tmp/test','r')
In [5]: f.read()
Out[5]: 'okokokok'
In [6]: f.close()

Append mode operation:

In [7]: f = open('/tmp/test','a')
In [8]: f.write('hello')
In [9]: f.close()
In [10]: f = open('/tmp/test','r')
In [11]: f.read()
Out[11]: 'okokokokhello'
In [12]: f.close()

Combined usage mode:

In [13]: f = open('/tmp/test','r+')
In [14]: f = open('/tmp/test','w+')
In [15]: f = open('/tmp/test','a+')

After opening the file (you can select the mode), you can then operate the file. Here are some commonly used methods:

In [21]: f = open('/tmp/test','a+')
In [20]: f.
f.close       f.fileno      f.name        f.readinto    f.softspace   f.writelines
f.closed      f.flush       f.newlines    f.readline    f.tell        f.xreadlines
f.encoding    f.isatty      f.next        f.readlines   f.truncate   
f.errors      f.mode        f.read        f.seek        f.write

You can use tab completion to view in ipython:
read() is to read the content of the file

In [22]: f.read()                  
Out[22]: 'okokokok\n'

write() is to write the file If you open it in append mode and append it later, if you open it in write-only mode, the previous file content will be cleared and only the current written content will be retained.

In [22]: f.write('hello')

readline() is Read lines by line

In [29]: f.readline()
Out[29]: 'okokokok\n'
In [30]: f.readline()
Out[30]: 'hello'

readlines() reads all and outputs it as a list, each line is an element of the list

In [32]: f.readlines()
Out[32]: ['okokokok\n', 'hello']

tell() and seek():
tell() is to indicate where the pointer is currently pointing
seek() is to set where the pointer is pointing

In [35]: f.tell()
Out[35]: 9
In [36]: f.seek(0)
In [37]: f.tell()
Out[37]: 0

flush() is to refresh the content of the operation

In [39]: f.flush()

next() is to read one line in order, and only read one line at a time

In [41]: f.next()
Out[41]: 'okokokok\n'
In [42]: f.next()
Out[42]: 'hello'

close() is to close the open file

In [44]: f.close()

Some simple basic operations:

In [1]: a = 'hello to everyone'
In [2]: a
Out[2]: 'hello to everyone'
In [3]: a.split()
Out[3]: ['hello', 'to', 'everyone']
In [4]: a
Out[4]: 'hello to everyone'
In [5]: a.spli
a.split       a.splitlines 
In [5]: a.split('t')
Out[5]: ['hello ', 'o everyone']
In [6]: a.split('o')
Out[6]: ['hell', ' t', ' every', 'ne']
In [7]: a.split('o',1)
Out[7]: ['hell', ' to everyone']
In [8]: list(a)
 ' ',
 ' ',
In [14]: li = ['hello','everyone','ok']
In [15]: ';'.join(li)
Out[15]: 'hello;everyone;ok'
In [16]: 'hello {}'.format('everyone')
Out[16]: 'hello everyone'
In [17]: 'hello{}{}'.format('everyone',1314)
Out[17]: 'hello everyone1314'
In [18]: 'it is {}'.format('ok')
Out[18]: 'it is ok'

2. Object-oriented programming:
Three major features: inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation

Instance methods, instance variables , class method, class variable, attribute, initialization method, private variable, private method

Definition method of class class:
Classic class (try not to use):

class Name():

object is the base class of all classes in python

Definition method of new-style class:

class Name(object):

Initialization method:

def __init__(self,name):
self.nane = name

Instance method:

def print_info(self):
self.b = 200
print  ‘test’,self.b


test = Name(tom)
print test.name

Define private method, format: start with two underscores, not end with an underscore

def __test2(self):

The following are some examples about object-oriented programming. Some content and distribution about python programming will be explained in the practice examples:

#!/usr/bin/env python
class Cat():                   #定义一个类,名字为Cat,一般类名第一个字要大写
       def __init__(self,name,age,color):        #初始化方法,self传递的是实例本身
                self.name = name                 #绑定示例变量self.name
                self.age = age                       #绑定示例变量self.age
                self.color = color                  #绑定示例变量self.color
       def eat(self):                
                print self.name,"iseating......"
       def sleep(self):
                print "sleeping,pleasedon't call me"
       def push(self):
                print self.name,'is push threelaoshu'
mery = Cat('mery',2,'white')          #实例化,将类示例化,此时类中的self为mery
tom = Cat('tom',4,'black')              #实例化,将类示例化,此时类中的self为tom
print tom.name             #打印实例变量
tom.eat()                      #调用实例方法
def test():                     #在外部定义一个test函数
       print 'okok'
tom.test = test

In the above program, a Cat class is defined, in which the __init__() method is first executed. This is the initialization method. When instantiating the class, the interpreter will automatically execute this method first. This method is generally used to receive externally passed parameters. , and define instance variables; several function methods are also defined. After the class is instantiated, they are used as instance methods to make calls.
When instantiating, first instantiate the class to an object, and then you can call the class The method in is the so-called instance method. Pay attention to the return value of the method, which can be used later. For visual display, only the print statement is used for printing.

The results are as follows:

tom is eating......

In the following example, private methods and private variables are introduced in the class, and their usage is slightly the same as in the class. The function methods are slightly different:

#!/usr/bin/env python
class Tom(object):                       #定义一个新式类,object为python中所有类的基类
       def __init__(self,name):
                self.name = name
                self.a = 100
                self.b = None
                self.__c = 300               #这是一个类的私有实例变量,在外面不能被调用,可以在类内进行调用处理
       def test1(self):
                print self.name
                self.b = 200
                print 'test1',self.b
        def test2(self,age):
                self.age = age
                print 'test2',self.age
                self.__test3()                 #在这里调用类的私有方法
       def __test3(self):                  #这是一个私有方法,也是不能被外界调用,可以在类中被别的方法调用,也可以传递出去
                print self.a
       def print_c(self):
                print self.__c                #调用类的私有变量
t = Tom('jerry')              #实例化
t.test1()                 #调用实例方法
def test4(num):
       print 'test4',num
t.exam = test4

In the above program, we defined private variables and private methods. Their naming format starts with a double underscore, so that they will not appear outside the class. Being called is private to the class. We can see that in the program, private variables and private methods can be called by other methods in the class, so that useful information can be passed out through the operations of other methods

The results are as follows:

test1 200
test2 21
test4 225

In the following example, it mainly shows the definition and use of class variables and class parameters, in order to allow understanding of instance methods and instance variables The difference:

#!/usr/bin/env python
class Dog(object):
       a = 100
       def test(self):
                self.b = 200
                print 'test'
       @classmethod               #装饰器,在类中用classmethod来装饰的方法,将直接成为类方法,所传递的参数也将是类本身,一般都要有cls作为类参数
        def test2(cls,name):
                print name
                cls.b = 300                   #类变量值,下面调用时可以看出有何不同
                print cls.a
                print 'test2'
print Dog.b
d = Dog()
print d.b





#!/usr/bin/env python
class Dog(object):
       a = 100
       def __init__(self,name):        #初始化方法
                self.n = name
       def cls_m(cls):                            #类方法
                print 'cls_m'
       def static_m(a,b):                 #静态方法
                print a,b
d = Dog(200)



3 4
1 2



#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
class Dog(object):          #新式类的定义
       def __init__(self,n):              #初始化方法
                self.n = n
                self.__a = None             #私有变量
       @property                           #装饰器,将方法作为属性使用
       def open_f(self):                  #调用这个open_f属性将返回self_a和None比较的布尔值
                return self.__a == None
       @open_f.setter                     #setter是重新定义属性,在这里定义的属性名字要和上面的保持一致
       def open_f(self,value):
                self.__a = value
d = Dog(22)
print d.open_f
d.open_f = 'ok'              #重新定义属性
print d.open_f
print "#######################"
class Timef(object):
       def __init__(self):
                self.__time =datetime.datetime.now()         #获取当前时间
       def time(self):
                returnself.__time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')      #打印事件,格式是%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
       def time(self,value):            
                self.__time =datetime.datetime.strptime(value,'%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S')        #重新获取自定义的事件
t = Timef()
print t.time    #<当有@property装饰器时,作为属性直接使用> 区别于printt.time()

t.time = &#39;2016-06-17 00:00:00&#39;
print t.time
print "######################"
class Hello(object):
       def __init__(self,num):
                self.mon = num
                self.rmb = 111
       def money(self):
                print self.rmb
                return self.mon
       def money(self,value):
                self.mon = value
m = Hello(50)
print m.money
m.money = 25
print m.money



2016-06-27 20:39:38
2016-06-17 00:00:00


#!/usr/bin/env python
class World(object):
       def __init__(self,name,nation):
                self.name = name
                self.nation = nation
                self.__money = 10000000000
       def flag(self):
                print self.__money
                return self.name
       def action(self):
                return self.nation
       def action(self,num):
                self.nation = num
f = World(&#39;Asia&#39;,&#39;China&#39;)
print f.flag()
print f.action
f.action = &#39;India&#39;
print f.action



本文出自 “ptallrights” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://ptallrights.blog.51cto.com/11151122/1793483

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