Home > Article > Backend Development > C# collection of commonly used functions
CCommonly used functions
1. DateTime Numeric type
System.DateTime currentTime=new System.DateTime();
1.1 Get the current year, month, day, hour, minute and second
1.2 Get the current year
int year=currentTime.Year;
1.3 Get the current month
int month=currentTime.Month;
1.4 Get the current Day
int day=currentTime.Day;
1.5 Get the current hour
int hour=currentTime.Hour;
1.6 Get the current minute
int minute=currentTime.Minute;
1.7 Get Current second
int second=currentTime.Second;
1.8 Get the current millisecond
int millisecond=currentTime.Millisecond;
(Variable is available in Chinese)
1.9 Get the Chinese date display - year, month, day, hour and minute
string strY=currentTime.ToString("f"); //Do not display seconds
1.10 Get the Chinese date display_year and month
string strYM=currentTime.ToString("y");
1.11 Get Chinese date display_month and day
string strMD=currentTime.ToString("m");
1.12 Get the Chinese year, month and day
string strYMD=currentTime.ToString("D");
1.13 Get the current hour and minute, the format is: 14:24
string strT=currentTime.ToString("t ");
1.14 Get the current time, the format is: 2003-09-23T14:46:48
string strT=currentTime.ToString("s");
1.15 Get the current time Time, the format is: 2003-09-23 14:48:30Z
string strT=currentTime.ToString("u");
1.16 Get the current time, the format is: 2003-09-23 14 :48
string strT=currentTime.ToString("g");
1.17 Get the current time, the format is: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 14:52:40 GMT
string strT=currentTime. ToString("r");
1.18 Get the date and time n days after the current time
DateTime newDay = DateTime.Now.AddDays(100);
1.19 Get the date and time of the current time Week
using System.Globalization;
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
1.20 Calculate the difference between two dates
DateTime time1 =new DateTime(1982,4,24,14,23,06);
DateTime time2 =new DateTime(1982,1,21,8,16 ,32);
TimeSpan ts= time2.Subtract(time1);
string timespan = "Difference:"
+ts .Hours.ToString()+"hour"
2. Int32 .Parse(variable) Int32.Parse("constant")
Convert character type to 32-bit digital type
3. Variable .ToString()
Convert character type Convert to string
12345.ToString("n"); //Generate 12,345.00
12345.ToString("C"); //Generate ¥12,345.00
12345.ToString( "e"); //Generate 1.234500e+004
12345.ToString("f4"); //Generate 12345.0000
12345.ToString("x"); //Generate 3039 (hexadecimal)
12345.ToString("p"); //Generate 1,234,500.00%
4. Variable.Length numeric type
Get the string length:
For example: string str="China";
int Len = str.Length; //Len is a self-defined variable, str is the variable name of the string to be tested
5. System.Text .Encoding.Default.GetBytes(variable)
Convert word code to bit code
For example: byte[] bytStr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
Then you can get the bits Length:
len = bytStr.Length;
6. System.Text.StringBuilder("")
String addition, (is the same with the + sign? )
Such as: System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");
7. Variable.Substring(parameter 1, parameter 2);
Intercept part of the string, parameter 1 is from the left The starting digit, parameter 2 is the number of digits to intercept.
For example: string s1 = str.Substring(0,2);
8. String user_IP=Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
Get the remote user IP address
9. Get the real IP address of the remote user through the proxy server:
string user_IP=Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] .ToString();
string user_IP=Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
10. Session["variable"];
Access Session value;
For example, assignment: Session["username"]="Bush";
Value: Object objName=Session[ "username"];
String strName=objName.ToString();
Clear: Session.RemoveAll();
11. String str=Request.QueryString["Variable"];
Use hyperlink to transfer variables.
If you create a hyperlink in any page: Click
Get the value in the Edit.aspx page: String str=Request.QueryString[ "fdid"];
12. DOC object.createElement_x("New node name");
Create a new XML document node
13. Parent node.AppendChild(child node);
Add the newly created child node to the parent node of the XML document
14. Parent node.RemoveChild(node);
Delete node
15. Response
Response. Write("string");
Output to the page.
Response.Redirect("URL address");
Jump to the page specified by the URL
16, char.IsWhiteSpce(string variable, number of digits)—— Logical type
Check whether the specified position is a null character;
For example:
string str="Chinese people";
Response.Write(char.IsWhiteSpace(str,2)); //The result is: True, the first character is the 0 bit and 2 is the third character.
17. char.IsPunctuation('Character') --logical type
Check whether the character is a punctuation mark
For example: Response.Write(char.IsPunctuation('A')); // Return: False
18. (int)'Character'
Convert the character to a number and check the code point. Pay attention to the single quotes.
Such as:
Response.Write((int)'中'); //The result is the Chinese character code: 20013
19. (char) code
Convert numbers to characters. Check the characters represented by the code.
Such as:
Response.Write((char)22269); //Return the character "国".
20. Trim()
Clear the spaces before and after the string
21. String variable.Replace("substring", "replace with")
String replacement
For example:
string str="China";
str=str.Replace("国","central"); //Replace the national character with the central character
Response.Write(str) ; //The output result is "Central"
Another example: (This is very practical)
string str="This is a