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A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)

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This article mainly introduces www.php.cn/wiki/1498.html" target="_blank">A simple introduction to Node.js and Express, and details how to build a web server with Node.js and Express , if you are interested, you can learn about it

It’s just an introduction to how to build a web server with Node.js and Express, it doesn’t explain too many conceptual things. , Introduction to Nodejs

==Node is the server running environment for the Javascript

language ==

The so-called "running environment." "It has two meanings: first, the Javascript language runs on the server through Node. In this sense, Node is a bit like a Javascript virtual machine; second, Node provides a large number of tool libraries that enable the Javascript language to interact with the operating system (such as reading and writing files, creating new Subprocess), in this sense, Node is also a tool library for Javascript. Node uses Google's V8 engine internally as the Javascript language interpreter; it calls operating system resources through the self-developed libuv library.

2. Node.js download and installation

2.1 Node.js downloadThe official website will download and install Node.js according to your current Operating system, provide you with the most suitable version to download

##2.2 Installation

After successful download, there will be an msi file, double-click it to install. Yes. After the installation is successful, the corresponding environment variables A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text) will be automatically configured, and we do not need to manually configure

## to install successfully. 2.3 Test whether Node.js is installed successfully

After the installation is successful, you can check whether the installation is successful in the window console. A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)

Enter the following command to check the node version.

node -v

Enter node directly and press Enter to let node execute our js code


##2.4 Use Node.js to run Javascript code#.

##Create a nodeproject directory and create a js file. 01_hello.js

var num1 = 10;
var num2 = 20;
console.log(num1 + num2);

In the windows console, switch to the directory where the js file is located and enter

A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)node. 01_hello.js

3. Clarification of some basic concepts in Node.js

3.1 Node.js is not a JS application, but a JS running platformA brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)

Seeing the name Node.js, beginners may mistakenly think that it is a Javascript application. In fact, Node.js is written in C++ language. Cheng is a Javascript running environment.

Since it is not a Javascript application, why is it called .js? Because Node.js is a Javascript running environment. When it comes to Javascript, the first thing that comes to mind is the browser you use every day. Modern browsers include various components, including rendering engines, Javascript engines, etc. The Javascript engine is responsible for interpreting and executing the Javascript code in web pages. As one of the most important languages ​​for the Web front-end, Javascript has always been the patent of front-end engineers. However, Node.js is a back-end Javascript running environment (supported systems include Linux, Windows), which means you can write system-level or server-side Javascript code and leave it to Node.js for interpretation and execution ,

3.2 The relationship between Node.js and Javascript

Javascript includes 3 parts: ECMAscript-262, BOM, and DOM. The BOM is related to the browser, and the DOM is related to the HTML page. Node.js just includes ECMAscript-262. Therefore, some of our previous operations on BOM and DOM were run on the browser side and cannot be used in Node.js.

3.3 Several global variables in Node.js


represents the global environment where Node is located , similar to the browser's A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)window object

. It should be noted that if you declare a global variable in the browser, you are actually declaring the


of a global object. For example, var x = 1 is equivalent to setting window.x = 1, but this is not the case with Node. , at least not in modules (the REPL environment
  1. consistent with the browser). In the module file, declare var x = 1. This variable is not a property of the global object, and global.x is equal to undefined. This is because the global variables of the module are private to the module and cannot be accessed by other modules.

    process: This object represents the current process in which Node is located, allowing developers to interact with the process.

  2. console:指向Node内置的console模块,提供命令行环境中的标准输入、标准输出功能。

3.4 Node.js中的几个全局函数

  1. setTimeout():用于在指定毫秒之后,运行回调函数。实际的调用间隔,还取决于系统因素。间隔的毫秒数在1毫秒到2,147,483,647毫秒(约24.8天)之间。如果超过这个范围,会被自动改为1毫秒。该方法返回一个整数,代表这个新建定时器的编号。

  2. clearTimeout():用于终止一个setTimeout方法新建的定时器。

  3. setInterval():用于每隔一定毫秒调用回调函数。由于系统因素,可能无法保证每次调用之间正好间隔指定的毫秒数,但只会多于这个间隔,而不会少于它。指定的毫秒数必须是1到2,147,483,647(大约24.8天)之间的整数,如果超过这个范围,会被自动改为1毫秒。该方法返回一个整数,代表这个新建定时器的编号。

  4. clearInterval():终止一个用setInterval方法新建的定时器。

  5. require():用于加载模块。

  6. Buffer():用于操作二进制数据。

3.5 Node.js的核心模块


  1. http:提供HTTP服务器功能。

  2. url:解析URL。

  3. fs:与文件系统交互。

  4. querystring:解析URL的查询字符串。

  5. child_process:新建子进程。

  6. util:提供一系列实用小工具。

  7. path:处理文件路径。

  8. crypto:提供加密和解密功能,基本上是对OpenSSL的包装。



express 是一个开源的node.js项目框架,初学者使用express可以快速的搭建一个Web项目,express中已经集成了Web的http服务器创建、请求和文件管理以及Session的处理等功能,所以express是非常适合初学者的入门学习。

3.1 安装Express框架



 "name": "Node_Hello",
 "description": "nodejs hello world app",
 "version": "0.0.1",
 "private": true,
 "dependencies": {
  "express": "4.x"



npm install

A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)


A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)

A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)

3.2 创建启动文件

在上面的项目目录下,新建一个启动文件,名字暂叫 ==index.js== 。书写如下代码:

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {

 3.3 运行index.js文件

node index.js

3.4 使用浏览器访问


四、使用Webstorm搭建Node.js web应用


4.1 下载WebStorm,并安装


4.2 创建Node + Express应用

A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)

4.3 Project目录结构

A brief introduction to getting started with Node.js and Express (pictures and text)


package.json:存储着工程的信息及模块依赖,当在 dependencies 中添加依赖的模块时,运行 npm install ,npm 会检查当前目录下的 package.json,并自动安装所有指定的模块

node_modules:存放 package.json 中安装的模块,当你在 package.json 添加依赖的模块并安装后,存放在这个文件夹下

public:存放 image、css、js 等文件




 4.4 各个主要文件的说明

4.4.1 app.js

var express = require(&#39;express&#39;);
var path = require(&#39;path&#39;);
var favicon = require(&#39;serve-favicon&#39;);
var logger = require(&#39;morgan&#39;);
var cookieParser = require(&#39;cookie-parser&#39;);
var bodyParser = require(&#39;body-parser&#39;);
var index = require(&#39;./routes/index&#39;);
var users = require(&#39;./routes/users&#39;);

// 生产一个express的实例
var app = express();

// view engine setup
设置 views 文件夹为存放视图文件的目录,
即存放模板文件的地方,dirname 为全局变量,
app.set(&#39;views&#39;, path.join(dirname, &#39;views&#39;));
app.set(&#39;view engine&#39;, &#39;ejs&#39;);

// uncomment after placing your favicon in /public
//app.use(favicon(path.join(dirname, &#39;public&#39;, &#39;favicon.ico&#39;)));
//加载解析urlencoded请求体的中间件。 post请求
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));
app.use(express.static(path.join(dirname, &#39;public&#39;)));

// 路由控制器。
app.use(&#39;/&#39;, index); // http://localhost:3000
app.use(&#39;/users&#39;, users);  //http://localhost:3000/users

// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  var err = new Error(&#39;Not Found&#39;);
  err.status = 404;

// error handler
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  // set locals, only providing error in development
  res.locals.message = err.message;
  res.locals.error = req.app.get(&#39;env&#39;) === &#39;development&#39; ? err : {};

  // render the error page
  res.status(err.status || 500);

//把app导出。 别的地方就可以通过 require("app") 获取到这个对象
module.exports = app;

 4.4.2 bin/www

#!/usr/bin/env node //表明是node可执行文件

 * Module dependencies.
var app = require(&#39;../app&#39;);
var debug = require(&#39;debug&#39;)(&#39;hello:server&#39;);
var http = require(&#39;http&#39;);

 * Get port from environment and store in Express.

var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || &#39;3000&#39;);
app.set(&#39;port&#39;, port); //设置端口号

 * Create HTTP server.
var server = http.createServer(app);

 * Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
//监听error事件。 onError是发生错误的时候的回调函数
server.on(&#39;error&#39;, onError);
server.on(&#39;listening&#39;, onListening);

 * Normalize a port into a number, string, or false.

function normalizePort(val) {
 var port = parseInt(val, 10);

 if (isNaN(port)) {
  // named pipe
  return val;

 if (port >= 0) {
  // port number
  return port;

 return false;

 * Event listener for HTTP server "error" event.

function onError(error) {
 if (error.syscall !== &#39;listen&#39;) {
  throw error;

 var bind = typeof port === &#39;string&#39;
  ? &#39;Pipe &#39; + port
  : &#39;Port &#39; + port;

 // handle specific listen errors with friendly messages
 switch (error.code) {
  case &#39;EACCES&#39;:
   console.error(bind + &#39; requires elevated privileges&#39;);
  case &#39;EADDRINUSE&#39;:
   console.error(bind + &#39; is already in use&#39;);
   throw error;
 * Event listener for HTTP server "listening" event.

function onListening() {
 var addr = server.address();
 var bind = typeof addr === &#39;string&#39;
  ? &#39;pipe &#39; + addr
  : &#39;port &#39; + addr.port;
 debug(&#39;Listening on &#39; + bind);

4.4.3 routes/index.js

var express = require(&#39;express&#39;);
var router = express.Router();

/* GET home page. */
router.get(&#39;/&#39;, function(req, res, next) {
 res.render(&#39;index&#39;, { title: &#39;育知同创&#39; });

module.exports = router;
 导出这个路由并在app.js中通过app.use(&#39;/&#39;, routes);
 加载。这样,当访问主页时,就会调用res.render(&#39;index&#39;, { title: &#39;育知同创&#39; });

 4.4.4 对路由写法的优化


var index = require(&#39;./routes/index&#39;); //去掉
var users = require(&#39;./routes/users&#39;); //去掉
// 路由控制器。
app.use(&#39;/&#39;, index); // http://localhost:3000 //去掉
app.use(&#39;/users&#39;, users);  //http://localhost:3000/users  //去掉


var routes = require(&#39;./routes/index&#39;);

==index.js==文件优化成: 这样管理起来就方便很多

module.exports = function (app) {
 //一个get请求的路由 http://localhost:3000
 app.get("/", function (req, res) {
   res.render("index", {title:"育知同创abc"})
 app.get("/abc", function (req, res) {
   res.render("index", {title:"育知同创" + req.path})

4.4.5 ejs模板

模板引擎(Template Engine)是一个将页面模板和要显示的数据结合起来生成 HTML 页面的工具。如果说上面讲到的 express 中的路由控制方法相当于 MVC 中的控制器的话,那模板引擎就相当于 MVC 中的视图。

模板引擎的功能是将页面模板和要显示的数据结合起来生成 HTML 页面。它既可以运 行在服务器端又可以运行在客户端,大多数时候它都在服务器端直接被解析为 HTML,解析完成后再传输给客户端,因此客户端甚至无法判断页面是否是模板引擎生成的。有时候模板引擎也可以运行在客户端,即浏览器中,典型的代表就是 XSLT,它以 XML 为输入,在客户端生成 HTML 页面。但是由于浏览器兼容性问题,XSLT 并不是很流行。目前的主流还是由服务器运行模板引擎。

在 MVC 架构中,模板引擎包含在服务器端。控制器得到用户请求后,从模型获取数据,调用模板引擎。模板引擎以数据和页面模板为输入,生成 HTML 页面,然后返回给控制器,由控制器交回客户端。

==ejs 是模板引擎的一种,它使用起来十分简单,而且与 express 集成良好。==


app.set(&#39;views&#39;, dirname + &#39;/views&#39;);
app.set(&#39;view engine&#39;, &#39;ejs&#39;);
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title><%= title %></title>
  <link rel=&#39;stylesheet&#39; href=&#39;/stylesheets/style.css&#39; />
  <h1><%= title %></h1>
  <p>Welcome to <%- title %></p>


ejs 的标签系统非常简单,它只有以下三种标签:

  1. 09ec39c8cf80993cee8f36d507abec3c:Javascript 代码。

  2. b87f5fe9deb6bc8214cf0c7085055a22:显示替换过 HTML 特殊字符的内容。(也就是说如果code中有标签,则会原样输出,不会让浏览器解析)

  3. 8c0f8149cd2243ceacec364b0951d5dd:显示原始 HTML 内容。(如果有a标签,在浏览器端这则会看到一个超链接)


router.get(&#39;/&#39;, function(req, res, next) {
 res.render(&#39;index&#39;, { title: "<a href=&#39;http://www.baidu.com&#39;>百度 </a>"});

// 则会用title的值去替换ejs中的相应的代码。


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title><a href=&#39;http://www.baidu.com&#39;>百度 </a></title>
  <link rel=&#39;stylesheet&#39; href=&#39;/stylesheets/style.css&#39; />
  <h1><a href=&#39;http://www.baidu.com&#39;>百度 </a></h1>
  <p>Welcome to <a href=&#39;http://www.baidu.com&#39;>百度 </a></p>

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