Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Detailed introduction to Python decorators
The function of decorator is available in many languages, and the names are also different. In fact, it embodies a design pattern that emphasizes the open and closed principle. It is more used for later function upgrades rather than writing new ones. code. Decorators can not only decorate functions, but also decorate other objects, such as classes. But usually, we use decorated functions as an example to introduce its usage. To understand how decorators work in Python, you need to go step by step. This article tries to be as simple and easy to understand as possible, starting from the most basic content.
(Note: The following uses the Python3.5.1 environment)
1. Function-related basics of Python
First, it must be emphasized that python is executed sequentially from top to bottom, and When the function's definition code block is encountered, it will not be executed immediately. Only when the function is called will the internal code block be executed.
def foo(): print("foo函数被运行了!") 如果就这么样,foo里的语句是不会被执行的。 程序只是简单的将定义代码块读入内存中。
Look again, the example of sequential execution:
def foo(): print("我是上面的函数定义!") def foo(): print("我是下面的函数定义!") foo() 运行结果: 我是下面的函数定义
It can be seen that due to the sequential execution, the following foo overwrites the above foo. Therefore, there are requirements for the placement of code in Python and cannot be placed arbitrarily. The function body must be placed before the called statement.
Secondly, we need to figure out a few things first: function name, function body, return value, memory address of the function, function name plus parentheses, function name plus parentheses are treated as parameters, function name plus parentheses are treated as parameters, Return the function name, return the function name plus parentheses. For the following function:
def foo(): print("让我们干点啥!") return "ok" foo()
Function name: foo
Function body: Lines 1-3
Return value: String "ok" If the return object is not explicitly given , then None is returned by default save location.
Add parentheses to the function name: For example, foo(), the calling method of the function. As long as this parentheses are seen, the program will find the function body from the memory based on the function name, and then execute it.
Look at the following example :
def outer(func): def inner(): print("我是内层函数!") return inner def foo(): print("我是原始函数!") outer(foo) outer(foo())
Please remember that the function name, function plus parentheses can be passed as parameters, or can be returned as the return value. The presence or absence of parentheses has two completely different meanings!
2. Usage scenarios of decorators
Decorators are usually used to add additional functions to the original function code and functionality without changing it. For example, execute something before the original function is executed, and execute something after execution. Let us take an example to see the usage scenarios of decorators and the design patterns they embody. (I'm sorry that I can't design a better scenario, so I can only cite Wu Dashen's case to illustrate) There is a large company, and its basic platform department is responsible for the development of internal applications and APIs, with hundreds of businesses. Departments are responsible for different businesses, and they each call different functions provided by the basic platform department to handle their own businesses. The situation is as follows:
# 基础平台部门开发了上百个函数 def f1(): print("业务部门1数据接口......") def f2(): print("业务部门2数据接口......") def f3(): print("业务部门3数据接口......") def f100(): print("业务部门100数据接口......") #各部门分别调用 f1() f2() f3() f100()
def f1(): #加入认证程序代码 print("业务部门1数据接口......") def f2(): # 加入认证程序代码 print("业务部门2数据接口......") def f3(): # 加入认证程序代码 print("业务部门3数据接口......") def f100(): #加入认证程序代码 print("业务部门100数据接口......") #各部门分别调用 f1() f2() f3() f100()
第四回:主管又换了个 工程师,他是这么干的:定义个认证函数,原来其他的函数调用它,代码如下框。但是,主管依然不满意,不过这一次他解释了为什么。主管说:写代码要遵循开放封闭原则,虽然在这个原则主要是针对面向对象开发,但是也适用于函数式编程,简单来说,它规定已经实现的功能代码内部不允许被修改,但外部可以被扩展,即:封闭:已实现的功能代码块;开放:对扩展开放。如果将开放封闭原则应用在上述需求中,那么就不允许在函数 f1 、f2、f3......f100的内部进行代码修改。遗憾的是,工程师没有漂亮的女朋友,所以很快也被开除了。
def login(): print("认证成功!") def f1(): login() print("业务部门1数据接口......") def f2(): login() print("业务部门2数据接口......") def f3(): login() print("业务部门3数据接口......") def f100(): login() print("业务部门100数据接口......") #各部门分别调用 f1() f2() f3() f100()
#/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 def outer(func): def inner(): print("认证成功!") result = func() print("日志添加成功") return result return inner @outer def f1(): print("业务部门1数据接口......") @outer def f2(): print("业务部门2数据接口......") @outer def f3(): print("业务部门3数据接口......") @outer def f100(): print("业务部门100数据接口......") #各部门分别调用 f1() f2() f3() f100()
对于上述代码,也是仅需对基础平台的代码进行拓展,就可以实现在其他部门调用函数 f1 f2 f3 f100 之前都进行认证操作,在操作结束后保存日志,并且其他业务部门无需他们自己的代码做任何修改,调用方式也不用变。“主管”写完代码后,觉得独乐了不如众乐乐,打算显摆一下,于是写了篇博客将过程进行了详细的说明。
def outer(func): def inner(): print("认证成功!") result = func() print("日志添加成功") return result return inner @outer def f1(): print("业务部门1数据接口......")
程序开始运行,从上往下编译,读到def outer(func):的时候,发现这是个“一等公民”->函数,于是把函数体加载到内存里,然后过。
是f1这个函数名(而不是f1()这样被调用后)当做参数传递给装饰函数outer,也就是:func = f1,@outer等于outer(f1),实际上传递了f1的函数体,而不是执行f1后的返回值。
4. 程序开始执行outer函数内部的内容,一开始它又碰到了一个函数,很绕是吧?当然,你可以在 inner函数前后安排点别的代码,但它们不是重点,而且有点小麻烦,下面会解释。inner函数定义块被程序观察到后不会立刻执行,而是读入内存中(这是潜规则)。
5. 再往下,碰到return inner,返回值是个函数名,并且这个函数名会被赋值给f1这个被装饰的函数,也就是f1 = inner。根据前面的知识,我们知道,此时f1函数被新的函数inner覆盖了(实际上是f1这个函数名更改成指向inner这个函数名指向的函数体内存地址,f1不再指向它原来的函数体的内存地址),再往后调用f1的时候将执行inner函数内的代码,而不是先前的函数体。那么先前的函数体去哪了?还记得我们将f1当做参数传递给func这个形参么?func这个变量保存了老的函数在内存中的地址,通过它就可以执行 老的函数体,你能在inner函数里看到result = func()这句代码,它就是这么干的!
6.接下来,还没有结束。当业务部门,依然通过f1()的方式调用f1函数时,执行的就不再是老的f1函数的代码,而是inner函数的代码。在本例中,它首先会打印个“认证成功”的提示,很显然你可以换成任意的代码,这只是个示例;然后,它会执行func函数并将返回值赋值个变量result,这个func函数就是老的f1函数;接着,它又打印了“日志保存”的提示,这也只是个示例,可以换成任何你想要的;最后返回result这个变量。我们在业务部门的代码上可以用 r = f1()的方式接受result的值。
def outer(func): print("认证成功!") result = func() print("日志添加成功") return result @outer def f1(): print("业务部门1数据接口......") # 业务部门并没有开始执行f1函数 执行结果: 认证成功! 业务部门1数据接口...... 日志添加成功
def outer(func): def inner(username): print("认证成功!") result = func(username) print("日志添加成功") return result return inner @outer def f1(name): print("%s 正在连接业务部门1数据接口......"%name) # 调用方法 f1("jack")
def outer(func): def inner(*args,**kwargs): print("认证成功!") result = func(*args,**kwargs) print("日志添加成功") return result return inner @outer def f1(name,age): print("%s 正在连接业务部门1数据接口......"%name) # 调用方法 f1("jack",18)
def outer1(func): def inner(*args,**kwargs): print("认证成功!") result = func(*args,**kwargs) print("日志添加成功") return result return inner def outer2(func): def inner(*args,**kwargs): print("一条欢迎信息。。。") result = func(*args,**kwargs) print("一条欢送信息。。。") return result return inner @outer1 @outer2 def f1(name,age): print("%s 正在连接业务部门1数据接口......"%name) # 调用方法 f1("jack",18) 执行结果: 认证成功! 一条欢迎信息。。。 jack 正在连接业务部门1数据接口...... 一条欢送信息。。。 日志添加成功
# 认证函数 def auth(request,kargs): print("认证成功!") # 日志函数 def log(request,kargs): print("日志添加成功") # 装饰器函数。接收两个参数,这两个参数应该是某个函数的名字。 def Filter(auth_func,log_func): # 第一层封装,f1函数实际上被传递给了main_fuc这个参数 def outer(main_func): # 第二层封装,auth和log函数的参数值被传递到了这里 def wrapper(request,kargs): # 下面代码的判断逻辑不重要,重要的是参数的引用和返回值 before_result = auth(request,kargs) if(before_result != None): return before_result; main_result = main_func(request,kargs) if(main_result != None): return main_result; after_result = log(request,kargs) if(after_result != None): return after_result; return wrapper return outer # 注意了,这里的装饰器函数有参数哦,它的意思是先执行filter函数 # 然后将filter函数的返回值作为装饰器函数的名字返回到这里,所以, # 其实这里,Filter(auth,log) = outer , @Filter(auth,log) = @outer @Filter(auth,log) def f1(name,age): print("%s 正在连接业务部门1数据接口......"%name) # 调用方法 f1("jack",18) 运行结果: 认证成功! jack 正在连接业务部门1数据接口...... 日志添加成功
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to Python decorators. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!