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How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

2017-03-22 11:41:572147browse

PythonPersonalized settings for the development tool PyCharm, including setting the default PyCharm parser, setting the indent character to tab, setting the IDE skin theme, etc. Please refer to it for reference

1 .Set the default PyCharm parser:

The operation is as follows:

Python–>Preferences–>Project Interpreter–>Python Interpreter Click the “+” sign to select the systemInstallationPython.

Then return to Project Interpreter and select the interpreter you just added.

2. Set the indentation character to the tab character "Tab"

File -> Default Settings -> Code Style

-> General -> Check "Use tab character"
-> Python -> Check "Use tab character"
-> Similar settings for other language codes

3. Set IDE skin theme

File -> Settings -> Appearance -> Theme -> Select "Alloy.IDEA Theme"

4. Show "line numbers" and "whitespace characters"

File -> Settings -> Editor ->General -> Appearance
-> Check "Show line numbers" and "Show whitespaces" "、"Show method separators"

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

##5. Settings

Editor"Color and Font" theme

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Scheme name -> Select "Darcula"

Note: First select "Darcula", then "Save As" and name it "qianyunlai.com", because The default theme is "read-only", and some font sizes and colors cannot be modified. You can only modify it after making a copy!

Modify the font size

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Font -> Size -> Set to "14"

Supplement : Modify the interface of the entire theme

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

Change Darcula in the picture above to Intellij

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

The final interface is as follows:

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

6. Remove the default folding

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Folding -> Collapse by default -> Uncheck all

7. "Code Automatic Completion" time delay setting

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Completion

- > Auto code completion in (ms):0
-> Autopopup in (ms):500

8. Modify the IDE shortcut key scheme

File -> Settings -> Keymap
The system comes with several shortcut key schemes, such as "defaul", "Visual Studio" in the drop-down box ", very useful when finding bugs, "NetBeans 6.5", "Default for GNOME" and other options,
Because the "Eclipse" solution is more popular and is used more personally, I finally chose it. "Eclipse".

There are still several commonly used shortcut keys that are different from those in Eclipse. In order to modify them, you must first make a copy of the Eclipse solution:

(1). Code prompt function, the default is [ Ctrl+Space], now changed to the same as Eclipse, that is, [Alt+/]

Main menu -> code -> Completion -> Basic -> is set to "Alt+/ "
Main menu -> code -> Completion -> SmartType -> is set to "Alt+Shift+/"
However, "Alt+/" is
Main menu -> code - by default > Completion -> Basic -> Cyclic Expand Word is occupied, delete it first (right-click to delete)!

(2). Close the current document. The default is [Ctrl+F4]. Now it is changed to the same as Eclipse, that is, [Ctrl+W]

Main menu -> Window -> Active Tool Window -> Close Active Tab -> Set to "Ctrl+F4";
Main menu -> Window -> Editor -> Close -> Set to "Ctrl+W";

Supplement: Show line numbers (in editor--general--show line numbers)

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

## Mouse wheel controls font size

How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings

PyCharm3.0 default shortcut key (translated)

PyCharm Default Keymap

1. Editing

Ctrl + Space Basic code Completion (class, method, attribute)

Ctrl + Alt + Space Quickly import any class
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Statement completion
Ctrl + P Parameter information (call parameters in the method)

Ctrl + Q Quickly view documents

F1 External documents

Shift + F1 External documents, enter the web document homepage

Ctrl + Shift + Z --> Redo Redo

Ctrl + Hover/Click the left mouse button Introduction/Enter code definition
Ctrl + F1 Display error description or warning message
Alt + Insert Automatically generate code
Ctrl + O Re-method
Ctrl + Alt + T Select
Ctrl + / Line Comment /Cancel line comment
Ctrl + Shift + / Block comment
Ctrl + W Select the added code block
Ctrl + Shift + W Return to the previous state
Ctrl + Shift + ]/[ End and start the selected code block
Alt + Enter Quick correction
Ctrl + Alt + L Code formatting
Ctrl + Alt + O Optimize import
Ctrl + Alt + I Automatic indent
Tab / Shift + Tab Indent or not indent the current line
Ctrl+X/Shift+Delete Cut the current line or selected code block to the clipboard
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Insert Copy the current line or selected code block to the clipboard
Ctrl+V/Shift+Insert Paste from the clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from the nearest buffer
Ctrl + D Copy selected range or line
Ctrl + Y Delete selected line
Ctrl + Shift + J Add smart line
Ctrl + Enter Intelligent line cutting
Shift + Enter Start a new line
Ctrl + Shift + U Switch between selected areas or code blocks
Ctrl + Delete Delete to the end of the character
Ctrl + Backspace Delete to the beginning of the character
Ctrl + Numpad+/- Expand/collapse code blocks (current position: function, comments, etc.)
Ctrl + shift + Numpad+/- Expand/collapse all code blocks
Ctrl + F4 Close the running tab
2. Search/Replace(Search/Replace)
F3 Next
Shift + F3 Previous
Ctrl + R Replace
Ctrl + Shift + F or hit shift twice in a row Global search {You can search for a certain string or something in the entire project, such as searching for a function name string to see how this function was used before}
Ctrl + Shift + R Global replacement
3. Running
Alt + Shift + F10 Running mode configuration
Alt + Shift + F9 Debug modeConfiguration
Shift + F10 Run
Shift + F9 Debugging
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Run editor configuration
Ctrl + Alt + R Run manage.py task
4. Debugging(Debugging)
F8 Skip
F7 Enter
Shift + F8 Exit
Alt + F9 Run cursor
Alt + F8 Verifyexpression
Ctrl + Alt + F8 Quickly verify expression
F9 Restore program
Ctrl + F8 Breakpoint switch
Ctrl + Shift + F8 View breakpoint
5. Navigation(Navigation)
Ctrl + N Jump to class
Ctrl + Shift + N Jump to the symbol

Alt + Right/Left Jump to the next or previous edited tab (code file)

Alt + Up/Down Jump to the previous or next method

F12 Return to the previous tool window
Esc Return to the editing window from the tool window
Shift + Esc Hide the running and recently running windows
Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close the actively running tab
Ctrl + G View the current line number and character symbol
Ctrl + E The current file pops up and opens the recently used file list
Ctrl+Alt+ Left/Right Back, forward

Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Navigate to the recent editing area {almost return to the last edited position}

Alt + F1 Find the current file or logo
Ctrl +B / Ctrl+Click Jump to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + B Jump to implementation
Ctrl + Shift + IView quick definition
Ctrl + Shift + BJump to type declaration

Ctrl + U jump to the parent method and parent class

Ctrl + ]/[jump to the end and start of the code block

Ctrl + F12 popup file structure
Ctrl + H type hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + H method hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + H call hierarchy
F2 / Shift + F2 Next , the previous highlighted error
F4 / Ctrl + EnterEdit resources, view resources
Alt + HomeDisplay navigation barF11 bookmark switch
Ctrl + Shift + F11 bookmark mnemonic switch
Ctrl + # [0-9] Jump to the identified bookmark
Shift + F11 to display the bookmark
6. SearchRelated (Usage Search)
Alt + F7/Ctrl + F7FileQueryUsage
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight usage in the file
Ctrl + Alt + F7 Display usage
7. Refactoring
F5 Copy F6 Cut
Alt + Delete Safe Delete
Shift + F6 Rename
Ctrl + F6 Change Signature
Ctrl + Alt + N Inline
Ctrl + Alt + M Extraction Method
Ctrl + Alt + V Extract attributes
Ctrl + Alt + FExtract fields
Ctrl + Alt + CExtract constants
Ctrl + Alt + PExtract parameters
8. Control VCS/Local History
Ctrl + KSubmit project
Ctrl + TUpdate project
Alt + Shift + CView recent changes
Alt + BackQuote(')VCS quick popup
9. Templates (Live Templates)
Ctrl + Alt + J Use the template in the current line
Ctrl +J to insert the template
10. Basic (General)
Alt + #[0-9]Open the corresponding tool window
Ctrl + Alt + Y Synchronization
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Maximize editing switch
Alt + Shift + F Add to favorites
Alt + Shift + I Check the current file according to the configuration
Ctrl + BackQuote(') Quickly switch the current plan
Ctrl + Alt + S Open the settings page
Ctrl + Shift + AFind all actions in the editor

Ctrl + Tab to switch between windows

The above is the detailed content of How to use Python development tool PyCharm to personalize settings. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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