Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Detailed introduction of Yii2.0 rules verification rule set
This article mainly introduces the detailed explanation of Yii2.0 rulesVerification rulesset, which has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it.
I am also on the way to learn Yii2 recently, so today can be considered as a study note!
required: Must value verification attribute
The code is as follows:
[['字段名'],required,'requiredValue'=>'必填值','message'=>'提示信息']; #说明:CRequiredValidator 的别名, 确保了特性不为空.
The code is as follows:
['email', 'email']; #说明:CEmailValidator的别名,确保了特性的值是一个有效的电邮地址.
match: regular verification
[['字段名'],match,'pattern'=>'正则表达式','message'=>'提示信息']; [['字段名'],match,'not'=>ture,'pattern'=>'正则表达式','message'=>'提示信息']; /*正则取反*/ #说明:CRegularExpressionValidator 的别名, 确保了特性匹配一个正则表达式.
url: URL
The code is as follows:
['website', 'url', 'defaultScheme' => 'http']; #说明:CUrlValidator 的别名, 确保了特性是一个有效的路径.
captcha: Verification code
The code is as follows:
['verificationCode', 'captcha']; #说明:CCaptchaValidator 的别名,确保了特性的值等于 CAPTCHA 显示出来的验证码.
safe : Safe
['description', 'safe'];
compare : Compare the
code as follows:
['age', 'compare', 'compareValue' => 30, 'operator' => '>=']; #说明:compareValue(比较常量值) - operator(比较操作符) #说明:CCompareValidator 的别名,确保了特性的值等于另一个特性或常量.
default : Default value
The code is as follows:
['age', 'default', 'value' => null]; #说明:CDefaultValueValidator 的别名, 为特性指派了一个默认值.
exist: Existence
The code is as follows:
['username', 'exist']; #说明:CExistValidator 的别名,确保属性值存在于指定的数据表字段中.
file: File
The code is as follows:
['primaryImage', 'file', 'extensions' => ['png', 'jpg', 'gif'], 'maxSize' => 1024*1024*1024]; #说明:CFileValidator 的别名, 确保了特性包含了一个上传文件的名称.
filter: filter
The code is as follows:
[['username', 'email'], 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim', 'skipOnArray' => true]; #说明:CFilterValidator 的别名, 使用一个filter转换属性.
in: Range
The code is as follows:
['level', 'in', 'range' => [1, 2, 3]]; #说明:CRangeValidator 的别名,确保了特性出现在一个预订的值列表里.
unique: Uniqueness
The code is as follows:
['username', 'unique'] #说明:CUniqueValidator 的别名,确保了特性在数据表字段中是唯一的.
integer : Integer
['age', 'integer'];
number : Number
['salary', 'number'];
double : Double precisionFloating point
['salary', 'double'];
date : Date
[['from', 'to'], 'date'];
['username', 'string', 'length' => [4, 24]];
boolean: Whether it is a Boolean value
The code is as follows:
['字段名', 'boolean', 'trueValue' => true, 'falseValue' => false, 'strict' => true]; #说明:CBooleanValidator 的别名
image: Whether it is a valid image file
The code is as follows:
['primaryImage','image', 'extensions' => 'png, jpg,jpeg','minWidth' => 100,'maxWidth' => 1000,'minHeight' => 100,'maxHeight' => 1000,]
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction of Yii2.0 rules verification rule set. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!