Home >WeChat Applet >WeChat Development >java WeChat development API WeChat custom personalized menu implementation example code
This article mainly introduces in detail the fourth step of java WeChat development API, custom menu and personalized menu implementation. Interested friends can refer to
How to implement custom personality in WeChat The following is an introduction to the menu.
1. Global description
Please refer to the first two articles for detailed description.
2. Description of this article
This article is divided into five parts:
* Encapsulation of tool class AccessTokenUtils
* Reading and analysis of custom menu and personalized menu documents
* Analysis of menu JSON and construction of corresponding beans
* Implementation of custom menu
* Implementation of personalized menu
All types of menus in WeChat custom menu will be demonstrated
At the end of this article Output all the demo source codes including the first four articles of this article
Encapsulation of tool class AccessTokenUtils
The acquisition and scheduled saving of AccessToken have been introduced in detail above However, the encapsulated AccessTokenUtils after processing is directly given here, and the implementation principle and document reading are no longer given.
package com.gist.utils; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.URL; import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection; import com.gist.bean.Access_token; import com.google.gson.Gson; /** * @author 高远</n> 邮箱:wgyscsf@163.com</n> 博客 http://blog.csdn.net/wgyscsf</n> * 编写时期 2016-4-7 下午5:44:33 */ public class AccessTokenUtils { private static final long MAX_TIME = 7200 * 1000;// 微信允许最长Access_token有效时间(ms) private static final String TAG = "WeixinApiTest";// TAG private static final String APPID = "wx889b020b3666b0b8";// APPID private static final String SECERT = "6da7676bf394f0a9f15fbf06027856bb";// 秘钥 /* * 该方法实现获取Access_token、保存并且只保存2小时Access_token。如果超过两个小时重新获取;如果没有超过两个小时,直接获取。该方法依赖 * :public static String getAccessToken(); * * 思路:将获取到的Access_token和当前时间存储到file里, * 取出时判断当前时间和存储里面的记录的时间的时间差,如果大于MAX_TIME,重新获取,并且将获取到的存储到file替换原来的内容 * ,如果小于MAX_TIME,直接获取。 */ // 为了调用不抛异常,这里全部捕捉异常,代码有点长 public static String getSavedAccess_token() { Gson gson = new Gson();// 第三方jar,处理json和bean的转换 String mAccess_token = null;// 需要获取的Access_token; FileOutputStream fos = null;// 输出流 FileInputStream fis = null;// 输入流 File file = new File("temp_access_token.temp");// Access_token保存的位置 try { // 如果文件不存在,创建 if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // 如果文件大小等于0,说明第一次使用,存入Access_token if (file.length() == 0) { try { mAccess_token = getAccessToken();// 获取AccessToken Access_token at = new Access_token(); at.setAccess_token(mAccess_token); at.setExpires_in(System.currentTimeMillis() + "");// 设置存入时间 String json = gson.toJson(at); fos = new FileOutputStream(file, false);// 不允许追加 fos.write((json).getBytes());// 将AccessToken和当前时间存入文件 fos.close(); return mAccess_token; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // 读取文件内容 byte[] b = new byte[2048]; int len = 0; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); len = fis.read(b); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } String mJsonAccess_token = new String(b, 0, len);// 读取到的文件内容 Access_token access_token = gson.fromJson(mJsonAccess_token, new Access_token().getClass()); if (access_token.getExpires_in() != null) { long saveTime = Long.parseLong(access_token.getExpires_in()); long nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long remianTime = nowTime - saveTime; // System.out.println(TAG + "时间差:" + remianTime + "ms"); if (remianTime < MAX_TIME) { Access_token at = gson.fromJson(mJsonAccess_token, new Access_token().getClass()); mAccess_token = at.getAccess_token(); return mAccess_token; } else { mAccess_token = getAccessToken(); Access_token at = new Access_token(); at.setAccess_token(mAccess_token); at.setExpires_in(System.currentTimeMillis() + ""); String json = gson.toJson(at); try { fos = new FileOutputStream(file, false);// 不允许追加 fos.write((json).getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return mAccess_token; } } else { return null; } } return mAccess_token; } /* * 获取微信服务器AccessToken。该部分和getAccess_token() 一致,不再加注释 */ public static String getAccessToken() { String urlString = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=" + APPID + "&secret=" + SECERT; String reslut = null; try { URL reqURL = new URL(urlString); HttpsURLConnection httpsConn = (HttpsURLConnection) reqURL .openConnection(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( httpsConn.getInputStream()); char[] chars = new char[1024]; reslut = ""; int len; while ((len = isr.read(chars)) != -1) { reslut += new String(chars, 0, len); } isr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Gson gson = new Gson(); Access_token access_token = gson.fromJson(reslut, new Access_token().getClass()); if (access_token.getAccess_token() != null) { return access_token.getAccess_token(); } else { return null; } } }
Reading and parsing of custom menu and personalized menu documents
•Auto Define menu
◦Custom menu creation interface
◦Custom menu query interface
◦Custom menu deletion interface
◦Custom menu event push
◦Personalized menu interface
◦ Get the menu configuration of the public account
•Document address: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki/10/0234e39a2025342c17a7d23595c6b40a.html
•The official website document gives this Explanation:
* The custom menu interface can implement multiple types of buttons, as follows: 1. click: click event...; 2. view: jump event...; 3.... (About custom menu )
* Interface call request description http request method: POST (please use https protocol) https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/create?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN( About custom menu)
* Click and view request example {"button":[...]} (About custom menu)
* Parameter description...(About custom menu)
* Create personalized menu http request method: POST (please use https protocol) https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/addconditional?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN(About personalized menu )
* Request example: {"button":[...],"matchrule":{...}}(About personalized menu)
* Parameter description...(About personalized menu)
* Developers can set the menu that users see (about personalized menus) through the following conditions:
1. User grouping (the developer's business needs can be completed with the help of user grouping)
2. Gender
3. Mobile operating system
4. Region (the region set by the user on the WeChat client)
5. Language (the language set by the user on the WeChat client)
◦It is the familiar POST request again, but the call seems to be vague and I don’t quite understand it. We just know that we need to use the "?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" parameter, which we have already obtained in the previous article. If we replace the "ACCESS_TOKEN" in the request address given by the WeChat document with our own ACCESS_TOKEN we obtained, and visit the URL, we will see "{"errcode":44002,"errmsg":"empty post data hint: [ Gdveda0984vr23]”}”. It probably means empty post request data. Therefore, we need to pass the parameters to the WeChat server in the form of a POST request. The parameter format is also given below the document: {"button":[...]}, so we need to pass the parameters to the WeChat server according to this format.
◦ Regarding parameter description, we can see that there are seven parameters in custom menu creation. In addition to these seven parameters, there are eight more parameters in the personalized menu interface. Simply looking at this part of the document, we can understand that these eight parameters are used for matching and screening of personalized menus.
◦Now, we need to construct json according to the requirements of WeChat documents and send this string of json data to the WeChat server through post requests. The json includes various types of button events we created.
Menu JSON analysis and construction of corresponding beans
Custom menu json analysis (excluding personalized menus). The following code is an example given by WeChat documentation.
Click and view request examples
{ "button":[ { "type":"click", "name":"今日歌曲", "key":"V1001_TODAY_MUSIC" }, { "name":"菜单", "sub_button":[ { "type":"view", "name":"搜索", "url":"http://www.soso.com/" }, { "type":"view", "name":"视频", "url":"http://v.qq.com/" }, { "type":"click", "name":"赞一下我们", "key":"V1001_GOOD" }] }] }
同时,因为一级菜单下会有多个父按钮,所以是一个Listd2905179da6d93a5bd31b4e0b355d3e3的形式。父按钮下可能有多个子菜单,也是一个 Listed4e838aa2d3dca629a3ac82fa5b59ba;但是,父按钮也有可能也是一个单独的可以响应的按钮。是一个单独的父按钮对象。子按钮就是一个单独的子按钮对象。
//按钮基类 public class BaseButton { private String type; private String name; private String key; private String url; private String media_id; } //子按钮 public class SonButton extends BaseButton { private String sub_button; } //父按钮 public class FatherButton extends BaseButton { private String button;//可能直接一个父按钮做响应 @SerializedName("sub_button")//为了保证Gson解析后子按钮的名字是“sub_button”,具体用法请搜索 private List<SonButton> sonButtons;//可能有多个子按钮 } public class Menu { @SerializedName("button") private List<FatherButton> fatherButtons; }
//匹配的json对应的json public class MatchRule { private String group_id; private String sex; private String client_platform_type; private String country; private String province; private String city; private String language; } //修改Menu.java public class Menu { @SerializedName("button") private List<FatherButton> fatherButtons; private MatchRule matchrule; }
任务(注释:“m-0”表示父按钮;“m-n”表示第m个父按钮,第n个子按钮(m,n≠0)):1-0:名字:click,响应点击事件:点击推事件 。2-0:名字:父按钮2。2-1:名字:view,响应事件:跳转网页;2-2:名字:scancode_push,响应事件:扫码推事件;2-3:名字:scancode_waitmsg,响应事件:扫码推事件且弹出“消息接收中”提示框;2-4:名字:pic_sysphoto,响应事件
/* * 创建自定义菜单。 */ @Test public void createCommMenu() { String ACCESS_TOKEN = AccessTokenUtils.getAccessToken();// 获取AccessToken,AccessTokenUtils是封装好的类 // 拼接api要求的httpsurl链接 String urlString = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/create?access_token=" + ACCESS_TOKEN; try { // 创建一个url URL reqURL = new URL(urlString); // 拿取链接 HttpsURLConnection httpsConn = (HttpsURLConnection) reqURL .openConnection(); httpsConn.setDoOutput(true); // 取得该连接的输出流,以读取响应内容 OutputStreamWriter osr = new OutputStreamWriter( httpsConn.getOutputStream()); osr.write(getMenuJson());// 使用本类外部方法getMenuJson() osr.close(); // 返回结果 InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( httpsConn.getInputStream()); // 读取服务器的响应内容并显示 char[] chars = new char[1024]; String reslut = ""; int len; while ((len = isr.read(chars)) != -1) { reslut += new String(chars, 0, len); } System.out.println("返回结果:" + reslut); isr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getMenuJson() { Gson gson = new Gson();// json处理工具 Menu menu = new Menu();// 菜单类 List<FatherButton> fatherButtons = new ArrayList<FatherButton>();// 菜单中的父按钮集合 // ----------- // 父按钮1 FatherButton fb1 = new FatherButton(); fb1.setName("click"); fb1.setType("click"); fb1.setKey("10"); // ------------- // 父按钮2 FatherButton fb2 = new FatherButton(); fb2.setName("父按钮2"); List<SonButton> sonButtons2 = new ArrayList<SonButton>();// 子按钮的集合 // 子按钮2-1 SonButton sb21 = new SonButton(); sb21.setName("view"); sb21.setUrl("http://www.baidu.com"); sb21.setType("view"); // 子按钮2-2 SonButton sb22 = new SonButton(); sb22.setName("scancode_push"); sb22.setType("scancode_push"); sb22.setKey("22"); // 子按钮2-3 SonButton sb23 = new SonButton(); sb23.setName("scancode_waitmsg"); sb23.setType("scancode_waitmsg"); sb23.setKey("23"); // 子按钮2-4 SonButton sb24 = new SonButton(); sb24.setName("pic_sysphoto"); sb24.setType("pic_sysphoto"); sb24.setKey("24"); // 子按钮2-5 SonButton sb25 = new SonButton(); sb25.setName("pic_photo_or_album"); sb25.setType("pic_photo_or_album"); sb25.setKey("25"); // 添加子按钮到子按钮集合 sonButtons2.add(sb21); sonButtons2.add(sb22); sonButtons2.add(sb23); sonButtons2.add(sb24); sonButtons2.add(sb25); // 将子按钮放到2-0父按钮集合 fb2.setSonButtons(sonButtons2); // ------------------ // 父按钮3 FatherButton fb3 = new FatherButton(); fb3.setName("父按钮3"); List<SonButton> sonButtons3 = new ArrayList<SonButton>(); // 子按钮3-1 SonButton sb31 = new SonButton(); sb31.setName("pic_weixin"); sb31.setType("pic_weixin"); sb31.setKey("31"); // 子按钮3-2 SonButton sb32 = new SonButton(); sb32.setName("locatselect"); sb32.setType("location_select"); sb32.setKey("32"); // // 子按钮3-3-->测试不了,因为要media_id。这需要调用素材id. // SonButton sb33 = new SonButton(); // sb33.setName("media_id"); // sb33.setType("media_id"); // sb33.setMedia_id("???"); // // 子按钮3-4-->测试不了,因为要media_id。这需要调用素材id. // SonButton sb34 = new SonButton(); // sb34.setName("view_limited"); // sb34.setType("view_limited"); // sb34.setMedia_id("???"); // 添加子按钮到子按钮队列 sonButtons3.add(sb31); sonButtons3.add(sb32); // sonButtons3.add(sb33); // sonButtons3.add(sb34); // 将子按钮放到3-0父按钮队列 fb3.setSonButtons(sonButtons3); // --------------------- // 将父按钮加入到父按钮集合 fatherButtons.add(fb1); fatherButtons.add(fb2); fatherButtons.add(fb3); // 将父按钮队列加入到菜单栏 menu.setFatherButtons(fatherButtons); String json = gson.toJson(menu); System.out.println(json);// 测试输出 return json; }
// 拼接api要求的httpsurl链接 String urlString = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/addconditional?access_token=" + ACCESS_TOKEN;
// ----- // 从此处开始设置个性菜单 MatchRule matchrule = new MatchRule(); matchrule.setSex("2");// 男生 menu.setMatchrule(matchrule); // ----
The above is the detailed content of java WeChat development API WeChat custom personalized menu implementation example code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!